Any juices that taste like Orion Banana Cake?


Senior Member
Mar 14, 2024
I just ordered some banana flavour concentrate along with some others. There was a juice, years back, made exclusively in Birmingham, called Yellow Zombie. It was a secret recipe, that was never fully revealed. It used a touch of banana (among other things). People loved it so much it used to sell out and the maker couldn't keep up with it. Now it's impossible to get hold of. It was fantastic - while it lasted. Others have tried and failed to replicate the original.

A deep caramel, biscuity sort of flavour, which had a hint of something smokey. And that slight hint of banana.

Banana, on it's own, or used to excess, can taste awful. And I'm guessing that not all concentrates are made equal. When done wrong, it can have the most artificial tang to it. When done right, and used sparingly to compliment other flavours, it is the stuff of dreams.

Hopefully the concentrate I've bought tastes decent.
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