Anti-Smoking Groups that Opposed Electronic Cigarettes Accepted Money to the Tune of $2.8 Million from Pfizer Alone in 2011-2012

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 8, 2011
Toronto Canada
Anti-Smoking Groups that Opposed Electronic Cigarettes Accepted Money to the Tune of $2.8 Million from Pfizer Alone in 2011-2012

The eight anti-smoking organizations that have opposed electronic cigarettes and called for their removal from the market pocketed a total of $2.8 million from Big Pharma's Pfizer during 2011 and the first half of 2012, according to figures being released today by The Rest of the Story.

Based on financial contribution reports published by Pfizer, the anti-smoking groups that have called for a ban on electronic cigarettes have received millions from the pharmaceutical manufacturer of Chantix, a smoking cessation product that stands to lose enormously if electronic cigarettes become increasingly popular. These organizations have repeatedly failed to disclose their financial interests in Big Pharma when making statements opposing electronic cigarettes.

The numbers compiled by The Rest of the Story are as follows (these represent Pfizer money received by each anti-smoking group during 2011 and the first two quarters of 2012):

American Academy of Pediatrics: $720,800
American Cancer Society: $252,750
American Heart Association: $136,000
American Lung Association: $190,250
Campaign for tobacco-Free Kids: $100,000
American Medical Association: $857,500
American Legacy Foundation: $300,000
Action on Smoking and Health: $200,000

GRAND TOTAL: $2,757,300

The Rest of the Story

These figures illustrate how strong a financial interest the major national anti-smoking groups have in Big Pharma and help explain the entrenched position of these groups against electronic cigarettes. These data also help explain why these groups continue to promote drug therapy for smoking cessation despite evidence of its dismal rates of effectiveness.

These are the primary anti-smoking groups that called for the removal of electronic cigarettes from the market. Each of these groups, for example, submitted an amicus brief urging the D.C. District Court to allow the FDA to ban electronic cigarettes by regulating them under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, even in the absence of therapeutic claims made by product manufacturers. Had the recommended action of these groups been taken, literally thousands of ex-smokers would instead be smokers today because electronic cigarettes have been their means to achieve smoke-free status.

In their amicus briefs, none of these anti-smoking groups disclosed their financial ties to Big Pharma. Nor have they disclosed these severe financial conflicts of interest in public statements or website pages opposing electronic cigarette use.

Today, we find out that each and every one of these eight anti-smoking groups has accepted funding from Big Pharma and more importantly, from a Big Pharma company that manufactures a smoking cessation drug that is a direct competitor to electronic cigarettes.

Moreover, the amount of money involved is substantial. Each of these groups received at least $100,000 in an 18-month period alone, and the total amount of money received by the eight groups during this period from Pfizer alone exceeds $2.75 million.

Now it is starting to make sense why these groups opposed a product that is helping literally thousands of ex-smokers to remain smoke-free and helping hundreds of thousands more to greatly reduce the amount of cigarettes that they smoke.

When public health groups start to oppose public health measures, you need to start suspecting that money is playing a role. Today's revelation demonstrates that in the case of anti-smoking group opposition to electronic cigarettes, the money being received from Big Pharma is working to perfection. These groups are vigorously protecting pharmaceutical profits, even at the expense of severe harm to the public health and their abrogation of ethical integrity by failing to even disclose their conflicts of interest to the public.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 29, 2012
Good info! I would like to think that this type of information would be included in the next news article covering e-cigarettes, but I doubt it. Lobby groups have too much control over our governments and media. Money talks, and the only way to counter their power is grass roots movements.... getting the information out on boards like these, talking to friends and family, writing into newspapers, letter writing campaigns to your MP etc...

Something that works well is what has been using : prepared letter forms where individuals can select their MP, fill in their name and email on the site and the letter is sent quick and easily to their member of parliament. You can change the letter if you wish as well, and the email is then saved and when new campaigns are started emails those who already took part to see if they will do it again. User friendly, and a lot more people will take the few minutes to do it vs. the longer amount of time it requires to write a full letter yourself. This could be done for newspapers as well, prepared letters to the editor.

Keep up the good work Ian!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 9, 2012
Oakville, ON
Maybe we should look at starting a world wide petition. What follows is a tool that I signed on to for a cause I can't remember but now they are opening things up. If this goes world wide we could get a ton of people put it on all the boards. Anyway take a look

Dear friends,

Think of a petition you'd like to start on any issue – it takes just a few minutes to create your own campaign! If your petition takes off, it may become an Avaaz campaign – either to members in your area, or even to the whole world.

Today is a big day for Avaaz. If you join in, we might just move from having a small team of 40 campaigners to having 40,000!!

When I started Avaaz, it was just a crazy idea. But I loved the idea, and shared it, and now it's an idea that 16,000,000 people share! I've been blown away by the passion, creativity, smarts and commitment of everyone in this community. Every day Avaaz members send in brilliant and important ideas for new campaigns to create the world we all want – more than our small staff could ever carry out alone.

So, to unlock all the incredible potential of our community to change the world, we've developed our website tools to allow any Avaazer to instantly start their *own* online petitions, tell friends, and win campaigns.

The site just went live – will you give it a try? Think of a petition you'd like to start on any issue – something impacting your local community, some bad behaviour by a distant corporation, or a global cause that you think other Avaaz members would care about. If your petition takes off, it may become an Avaaz campaign – either to members in your area, or even to the whole world! Click here to get started – it takes just a few minutes to create your own campaign!

Start a Petition

I'm so excited about this. In just five years, Avaaz has run an incredible number of hard-hitting campaigns and grown to be the largest-ever global movement for change, all with just a tiny staff – imagine what's possible with all of us starting and winning amazing campaigns! I can't wait.

With much respect and hope,


P.S. If you're not yet ready to start your own campaign, consider forwarding this email to a friend. We all know someone who's itching to change the world or some piece of it - and this new tool is a powerful way to do it: Start a Petition


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 28, 2010
Toronto, ON
It is disgusting that so-called health organizations would toss their ethics out the window for a few bucks from parties with vested interest in the thing they are denouncing. It is even more disgusting that I fail to be the least bit surprised by it.

This is why I hate politics -- or at least, the way politics is played. Lobby groups should be abolished, companies should not be legally classified as people (and thus should get no vote), and they should not be able to attach any stipulations to charitable contributions on pain of strictly enforced legal action against both the corporation and the individual(s) responsible with penalties that amount to more than a slap on the wrist.

That'll never happen, of course, but in a perfect world...

I hope this news reaches far and wide. The public needs to know that these so-called health organizations are on the take to speak out against whatever Big Pharma tells them not to like.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2009
Lindsay, ON
I refuse to be that guy who is all "I told you so" but I distinctly remember stating this long before I ever had to see the numbers, but it IS one hell of a quantifier if you ask me to see the evidence slapped down before you in such a manner.

Simple matter is, E-Cigs are exactly what anti-smoking groups don't want. "Big" tobacco has had its kneecaps beaten to a pulp by nearly every single country on this rock... But everyone needs a doctor and everyone "Needs a drug" to get them by, make them happier in some emotional or physical way, and due to this overly medicated society Big Pharma has a death-grip on us.

We have nothing but information on our side, which is valuable information but reality is in the eye of the perceiver. People choose ignorance over education every day and nearly any seasoned vaper has heard enough total BS from non smokers and even some smokers that what we are doing is somehow wrong.

I've about given up with people and mostly keep to myself. Only people who show an interest in vaping get anything more than a website address or "It's an electronic cigarette..." from me these days. My enthusiasm is long gone after hearing SO much negativity from them all that I just don't care anymore. The people who care will either ask me or research it silently themselves once they get home.

Thanks for the post Ian!
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 20, 2012
Man, I think I got into the wrong career...

When I started vaping I thought a lot of the propaganda and such was coming from BT, but a bit of reading proved me wrong. BT doesn't want them gone, they're investing in ecigs to support their (slowly) dying business. The tobacco still gets grown and sold, just the method of delivery changes. Pharma, on the other hand, is in direct competition with tobacco and its products.

Only people who show an interest in vaping get anything more than a website address or "It's an electronic cigarette..." from me these days.
I've only been vaping for 3 months and have already given up for the most part. Once folks find out what it ISN'T their interest all but disappears. The bad publicity is all over major media, and that's what they see and hear. /shrug, I'm perfectly content with my vaping and that's all I really care about, didn't start in order to change anyone else but me.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 12, 2011
Same here,back when I started,people were intrigued and some even wanted me to order kits for them...I let a few days pass doing nowt and upon further inquiring about their interest,they all declined (probably jumped on google and ran into those Big Pharma campaign stuff).

Back on topic...I dont know the 1st thing about fundings,but who would give them money to operate then?

Unless those were created by Tobacco/Pharma in the 1st place,I dont see who besides the gov itself.(which is probably lobbied hardcore by the same dudes)
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