Anthony Vapes: Envii Terra RTA Text Review

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Jan 23, 2017
Hi All, Anthony Vapes back here with a text review and video link here

for my honest review of Envii Terra rta. Disclaimer This product was sent to me for the purpose of this review from That will in no way shape or form effect my review.

The Envii Terra RTA aka The Terra Octo RTA is an 8 coil RTA made by Envii. It’s available in 3 colors SS, Rose Gold and black. It features a build deck for vertical coils and a top down gravity fed wicking system. It’s capable of 300 watts (or so they say) with all 8 coils installed and can be used with 1 to 8 coils. While it has a propriety drip tip, it also comes with a 510 adapter.

Manufacturers Specs:
  • 25mm Tank Diameter
  • 5.5ml Juice Capacity
  • 304 Stainless Steel/Pyrex/Ultem Construction
  • 1-8 Coils
  • Postless and screwless deck
Included in box
  • (1) Envii Terra RTA (prebuilt with 8 coils)

  • (1) Extra Glass (different size not direct spare)

  • (3) extra coils + Organic Cotton

  • (1) Bag of o-rings and 510 adapter and rubber plugs

  • user manual
Exploded View:

Build Deck:

Air Flow:

Tank Shots:

Initial Impressions and features
When I first got this tank I really wasn’t sure what to think about it. The 1st things I gravitated to was the unique items of it. The top fill is a quarter turn lock mechanism and works really well. Extra airflow via the ultem bottom cap is really nice and it’s build deck is different from anything else I’ve seen. An 8 coil deck for vertical coils. It was interesting to me but at the same time thought, why would anyone really need or want this RTA? It comes prebuilt so I vaped on the premade coils for about 2 weeks. They will handle up to 200 watts easily but I wouldn’t push it much more then that. Flavor and cloud production were good, but nothing impressive or stand out. Overall it was ok to use out of the box. The spare glass is larger and is used as an option to remove the ultem base.

Building and Build Deck
Now to the important stuff, the build deck and building on it. Since this is an RTA technically. And I say technically because I’ll explain that in a bit. So the build deck itself is a round “merry go like” deck. There are no screws or posts. There is just a flat top with indents to hold the coils and a bottom that has indented spots to fit your coils. The coils themselves are held in simply by the pressure of the spring in the coil. What does this mean in actual usage? Well it means a few things. First off, you are VERY limited in your coil options. They need to be springy enough to hold into place and the correct size ID and overall length to hold themselves. Basically, you can fit 1 type of coil in it. The one’s it comes with. So it doesn’t feel like an RTA. It’s more of a Premade coil tank but with coils you need to wick and install yourself. You also cannot dry burn your coils or clean them out. Once you remove a coil, you can’t reinstall it as it’ll lose it’s springy-ness and not hold into place.

Building on it is pretty simple, but can be annoying to do if you plan on using all 8 coils. If you use anything less then 4 it’s going to be pointless to buy anyway. So really you want a minimum of 4. The coils have to be wicked first and then the wick slide through the top hole of the deck and the coil itself has to be pushed into place. Then the wick is cut to size and fluff up the top. Doing all 8 is going to be an exercise in patience for most. I was building it personally 4 at a time.

Performance wise, even with the 8 coils it felt pretty run of the mill for me. 8 small coils still aren’t going to produce the flavor or clouds that 2 large coils will for me. I don’t care about clouds but the flavor on this even with 8 coils is still pretty average. As are the clouds if that’s your thing.

Overall Impressions
Overall I wasn’t very impressed with this RTA. And it’s hard to even call it an RTA as you have to buy their coil packs and can’t really use your own wire. It’s more of a RPMCA (Rebuild-able pre made coil atomizer and yeah I just made that up) It takes quite a bit of time to put in all 8 coils and the performance payout just isn’t worth it. It’s high price tag and lack of coil options make it something that I can’t understand what they were thinking when they designed it.

  • 200 watt 8 coil capable (only 8 coil RTA)
  • Pretty good flavor but nothing special
  • 5.5 ml capacity
  • Can chuck clouds if you want to use really high watts and all 8 coils
  • Unique deck (pro for trying to innovate)
  • Annoying to build on. Takes patience.

  • Limited coil options (practically not an RTA)

  • Can’t dry burn or clean off coils

  • Pointless for less then 4 coils

  • I struggled to find pros (the pros aren’t really strong pros)
So with all that said, do I recommend this tank? I don’t like to do hard yes or no, but this one leans heavily towards the no. The only reason I didn’t give it a full on hard no was because it’s the only 8 coil RTA I know of and someone somewhere may be wanting an 8 coil RTA. So they avoid the hard no for a unique deck with 8 coil capacity. Still with that said, I don’t know why anyone would really want this RTA. It’s expensive and doesn’t do anything special. It doesn’t stand out for performance. It’s a pain in the .... to build on. For an RTA you have to buy coil packs. I can’t use my fancy coils in it. It’s really just not a design that many people can benefit from. If I lost or broke mine, I wouldn’t replace nor would I really care that it was missing. This won’t be making it onto my sheet of recommendations.

I want to thank you guys for reading (or watching or both). Stay tuned later this week for more reviews on my channel. Wednesday will be the blitz Warcraft RTA, Thursday the Kaos Erebus 25 RTA, and Friday will be a flavor chasing video on how to tell if an RTA will have good flavor. Again I want to give a shotout to heavengifts for supplying this product for the review. Here is the product link >

As always I am Anthony Vapes and I’m just keeping it Honest, Hopefully you all can say you are doing the same and I’ll see you on the next review
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