ANOTHER newbie with ANOTHER problem - Its long,I warned you!

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Full Member
Feb 27, 2013
Southeast Texas
Hola! First off,just like every other new member,Id like to thank everyone that makes this forum so amazing and incomparable really - Ive been on many forums and only a cple have rivaled ECF's size,but none have come close to the all around generosity and politeness that is so prevalent here! Im actually not terrified to post as a newb on here,which is saying alot lol.Ok,onto the heart of the matter.

Im quite a researcher,so you can imagine my surprise when I found out a month ago just how badly my new ultimate kit from V2 SUCKED!:oops: I had spent hrs and hrs researching and was positive I was getting the best ecig out there :facepalm: Obviously,I had not found ECF at that point - well I had,but I was so intimidated by its sheer vastness that I kept putting off the inevitable.Its a decision I majorly regret,as I dropped quite a pretty penny getting my husband and myself two huge kits from V2 that came out to almost $300-two huge kits that we dont even USE, mind you.

We were soo excited when they came in and we tried so hard guys,we really did.We ordered their liquimax blanks,which are their lil clearomizers,and a ton of juice from not only them but from several other reputable companies.Both of us individually smoke atleast a pack of Marlboro Smooth 100's a day,and we have both smoked atleast 15 yrs each.We figured we could handle vaping easily but we were soo wrong.

The throat hit is just god awful for BOTH of us! We have used cartridges,auto batts,manual batts,liquimax blanks (clearomizers) on both types of batteries-weve tried tons of different juices from not only V2 but several other companies that are some of the most widely used on ECF.We've tried adding menthol,we've tried quite a few different mint,menthol,ice etc versions actually,not to mention tons of fruit/sweet flavors and a few different ratios from mostly PG down to 50/50.But what I find odd is that there seems to be no difference between the crappier V2 juices that are very high in PG and the much better quality juices that are 50/50 - both seem to deliver the same horrible throat hit/taste.Its hard to describe - as Marlboro Smooth smokers (we used to smoke Newports,Marlboro Menthols,even reds before then) we are extremely used to strong throat hit,and we definitely REQUIRE it with analogs - we both hate lights with a passion and always have. But the throat hit we get from the e-cigs isnt even close to the throat hit we are used to- even though our analogs throat hit is very strong,its SMOOTH.The ecigs TH is just...rocky and gag worthy at best.I guess you could KIND OF compare it to smoking menthols exclusively and then having to smoke a red - pretty big difference.

It makes us cough horribly.Yes,we have already read the beginners thread on how to correctly vape,and we have watched several youtube videos on it as well so we have that covered.We have tried taking drags with our mouths slightly open,inhaling air afterwards,holding it in our mouths anywhere from a cple sec up to 8 or 10 sec before inhaling,taking several tiny pulls and then inhaling,very shallowly inhaling-we have tried it ALL.It STILL hits us sooo harshly no matter which way we do it,and we always end up coughing, even choking 80% of the time.We know not to expect it to be just like an analog,especially a menthol analog but the throat hit so far isnt even TOLERABLE its so bad.

I realize it could be an allergy to PG but isnt it a little coincidental that BOTH of us are doing the exact same thing? We are about as similar health wise as a white crayon is to a black marker,we really do tend to be polar opposites regarding our bodies and our health.So Im having a hard time fathoming both of us being allergic to PG. I thought maybe it was a burnt cartridge or clearomizer,but we have gone through MANY of both,all with the same result.We thought maybe it was just our bodies getting used to vaping so we kept pushing on,but the harshness and coughing NEVER let up,no matter what we try or how many days we keep on keepin on.Our throats werent sore and our taste wasnt changing because we were still smoking analogs and still are as a matter of fact,bc our problem has made it impossible to vape all day.We drank plenty of water btw.So....

The point of this small novel is,what else could it be? Has anyone else went through a similar problem?? I started researching waaaay more and found that V2 is actually 4.2V (theyre quite proud of that as a matter of fact lol) and that while most speculate that their liquimax blanks are 2.8 ohm's,several ppl have tested them and found that they range in between 1.9 and 2.4 ohm's (it seems they wildly vary from one clearo to the next) Which means wattage would vary anywhere from 7.5-9.5W,depending on the clearo,correct? I know 8 is the usual sweet spot for most,but could this be too high for newbies that enjoy a strong menthol type throat hit? Does the fact that we smoke a menthol type cigarrette even have anything to do with that? Would a cooler vape at say,5.5-6.5,still give us a good throat hit,albeit just a "cooler" one?

I know its all trial and error but I promise that this last mth has been NOTHING BUT experimenting.Honestly,Im extremely hesitant to buy more product in case it just leads to more disappointment.Weve already spent quite a bit in just a mth's time..Now that Ive been schooled properly,we are planning on buying some Spinners once payday hits Friday - so that we can start at a much lower voltage.Im still undecided on what tank,atty,etc to buy as of yet,just due to the incredible and overwhelming amount of differing opinions on that matter.But Ill figure that out after MORE research. Im hoping and praying that its just the e-cigs that we have now-whether its the namebrand that we bought,or their wattage and that the Spinners will solve our drawn out mystery.

Im extremely hesitant to buy more juice such as 100% VG because we LIKE throat hit,we like it ALOT,and we cant stand feeling like we are smoking air (nor vaping it lol)! We just dont like the horribly harsh,dirty tasting TH that we've experienced so far with vaping! Is there such a thing in vaping as a strong throat hit,that is more like hitting a Marlboro Menthol than an Ultra Light, that is also cool and smooth at the same time? One that can be compared more to the strength yet coolness of a Marlboro Smooth TH and not feel and taste like a 16 yr old dried up Red??

A big thank you and pat on the back for anyone that was brave enough to read through that mini book I just wrote:thumbs:I def welcome any and all comments and suggestions on this matter!

The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Hi Bryanna. I'm sorry to hear about you having trouble. I don't read very well, so I'll try to answer what I could pick up skimming your post (your post was fine, btw, the problem is my reading, not your writing).

I don't like a lot of TH. It makes the back of my throat hurt, so I tend to vape at pretty low wattage. It changes from juice to juice, but I vape based on taste, not by using charts. I just looked now and I'm vaping about 7w, but usually it's lower. Too much vg makes my chest feel heavy, so lowering that isn't helpful. I mostly get 70pg/30vg.

Could it be the flavoring you're reacting to? I have a couple that when I vape them my eyes get puffy (not every time though, which is weird) and irritates my throat.

I used to smoke Marlboro Menthols, but too much menthol in a vape kills me. I prefer "Koolada" which is a derivative of menthol that adds "coolness" without the menthol taste. Vendors sometimes call it "Cool Hit" or "Cold Shot." I've never gotten into tobacco flavors, but for a cold vape that you can customize with Cool Hit &/or menthol I like "Cold Fusion." I think you can add tobacco flavored shots, but I haven't:

Cold Fusion - eLiquid - ECBlend

ECBlend has a standing 20% coupon "10020"
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
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Mar 4, 2013
Hi Bryanna! Im really sorry to hear that your experience has been nothing but a bad experience. I too was a heavy smoker been smoking since I was 14 (smoked for 10 years) switching from analogs to vaping is a big step and very different. In the beginning It's going to be very tough on your throat/chest but I assure yu your body learns to adapt to it. for beginners I do not suggest the V2, actually I would never suggest it. For your next purchase I would really suggest this set-up which is perfect for people who are new to vaping.

Look into the Joyetech EGO C-twist its also a "spinner" but a very reputable one. I started with a ego c-twist 900 Mah (they have 600,900,1000) and LOVED IT!! my friends also started with the same battery (600mah) i suggest the 900 cuz it lasts long (lasts me the whole day) and the size in length is just right.

and for your tank I suggest the vision mini vivi nova tanks although it is easy to use it is also a great learning platform. you can also rebuild the atomizer (but youll do research as your using the tank) but for now you can get the atomizer heads which cost nothing I think online theyre about $1-2$ a piece they come in 5 packs or 10 on most websites so itll cost anywhere from 5-10 a pack I also suggest the 2.4ohm atomizer heads because its right in the middle and you'll have a good gap of playing with the voltage on the ctwist( I liked the 2.8 ohms because i like the higher voltage vapes) but all that is personal preference. try this set up and it will cost you no more than 50 dollars to get this whole set up and I promise you it will be alot better than your V2 its the perfect setup for a newbie and you'll be able to play around to find what suits you. Hope this helps and let the forums know if you have any more questions.

Oh and hat juices have you bought? i read that you bought some juice from vendors that youve read about on here which are they?


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
Hola, Bryanna!

I'm not quite sure which batteries that you are using presently. Are these cigarette size, or the larger eGo batteries. Since you are using what you call clearomizers, I'll trust you have eGo equivalents as clearomizers are too large for cigalikes.

Having said that, I'm not at all surprised that you are getting the harsh vapor from the clearomizers. I started out with them in my early vaping days, but quickly moved on to cartotanks as a marked improvement. I've been using those exclusively for several months now, as I've found that they give me lots of flavor and a smoother vape.

A couple of weeks ago I purchased a couple of clearomizers to bring with me to a rock concert, as I didn't want to bring my more expensive cartotanks which I could possibly lose should they be confiscated by security. (Yes, I stealth vaped in an indoor nonsmoking arena :rolleyes:) I tried them out prior to the show and they were horrible. Very harsh, minimal flavor...I found some cheaper cartotanks I had long ago put away and brought them instead of the clearos.

I recommend getting some relatively inexpensive cartotanks to try. There is a slight learning curve, but once you learn the methodology and gain some experience, it will be well worth it. I personally would recommend that you stay away from the Vivi Nova tanks, as they are nothing more than larger clearomizers which you already have.


I have written several articles on cartomizers and cartotanks for beginners. They can be found in my blog. You can access them by clicking the link under my avatar. Once on the blog, just click the title of the articles. There is a wealth of information there within 6 articles.

Good luck. Both you and your husband sound extremely determined and are to be commended for sticking through your issues to this point. I think that once you find a better juice delivery device that you can find a better vaping experience.

== Baditude
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Super Member
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Mar 2, 2013
Hardwick, Ma
Hi Bryana, sorry to hear of your experiences. Mine are just the opposite...clear sailing and loving it. I don't have any suggestions except to heed Ocelot and Bad's advice. They are very knowledgeable and helpful. I realize you have spent some money so far.. but look at the long run....or if this path doesn't work and you both go back to analogs it could turn into the short run. :facepalm: I hope the best for you and your husband.....good luck.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 11, 2013
One other suggestion that was mentioned by a previous Marlboro Smooths smoker in another thread was this:

Halo offers a pretty good set of juices and has just come out with a new SubZero flavor. I can't remember the poster's name, but he mentioned mixing a few drops or so of the SubZero menthol into the mix with the Halo tobacco flavors (Prime 15, Tribeca, Torque 56) and had a result that was quite a lot like Marlboro Smooths. Worth a shot perhaps if you guys buy a few small bottles and test it out, might work for you.

IIRC the Halo juices are all PG based, not VG. PG tends to offer better throat hit, a bit less vapor. It's a thinner fluid overall and less sticky/viscous than the VG.

Trying that along with Baditude's suggestions might help you two out a lot. Hope it does!

It's late, and I was spacing out a little bit. If you're looking for LESS throat hit, then a higher VG mix helps with that. More VG = more vapor, less throat hit. It's also a thicker juice so sometimes has issues with clogging up atomizers, or wicking problems in clearomizers. Or so I read, I don't have personal experience with those devices as of yet.
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Full Member
Feb 27, 2013
Southeast Texas
Thanks so much for the quick responses guys! Ok,to answer everyones questions -

We actually ARE using KR808 cig-a-likes,Big Battery E Cig | E Cig Long Battery | V2 Cigs, and we have used both the cartridges that came with them and the tiny little clearos that V2 offers V2 LiquiMax Blanks (3-Pack) - V2 Cigs as well. Im assuming theyre clearos anyways,I think V2 calls them cartomizers but theyre empty and meant to be filled with eliquid by the user,clear,with wicks hanging down and Ive seen them referenced as clearos by other V2 users.

The juice we are using - ahh where to begin? We have several different V2 brands such as menthol,peppermint,mint tea etc that are atleast 80/20 pg/vg.Some are 12 mg,some 18 mg,one 24 mg.Several different menthol and ice flavors from Vapedudes- these are all 16 mg and 50/50. Several different sweet flavors from Vapedudes,all the most popular flavors with the most reviews-most 16 mg,couple are 24 mg,all are 50/50. Several different sweet and menthol type flavors(sample pack) from HHV,although I cant remember specific names off the top of my head but theyre 12 mg and 70/30.As well as a couple e-liquids that we have picked up at a local smoke shop-its a local brand but one that has gotten good reviews from other local vapers.

Hk47 and The Ocelot-Thank yall soo much for the recommendations,we will DEF be looking into them! The only problem is,I dont think its the juice.I may be wrong,but we have some REALLY tasty liquid here and the throat hit is still just as gross and harsh as the bad juice that we have.And it doesnt matter whether its 80% PG or 50%,12 mgs or 24,etc,they all end up vaping the same,save for the 24 mg which has an even harsher TH.This leads me to believe its more the battery,wattage,or juice delivery system than the actual juice itself,although I cant rule that completely out until we get our VV devices.Nonetheless,good juice recommendations for menthol/smooth smokers are always welcome/needed especially if its from a vet such as The Ocelot,or for a type of e-liquid that closely matches my current analog flavor,which is seriously hard to match!

Veezy,I thank you as well-I had firmly decided on getting the Ego Twists after many hrs of research,until I kept noticing members commenting about how much they love their Spinners and prefer them to their Twists.After reading hundreds of similar posts,I checked into it a lil bit more and came to the decision that a Vision Spinner was the better option BUT obviously since Im so new,I dont know this for sure.Its a matter of opinion anyways and I may end up ordering Twists after all,depending on what Ive decided by the time the money hits my account Fri lol

Baditude,thank you so much,I was so hoping you would see this and post - your blog and posts to other newbies is what actually made me start to GET vaping and made the lightbulb finally go off above my head.I was so hopelessly lost until I started reading your posts/suggestions,and you have my utmost respect.Ive been leaning HARD toward cartotanks but wanted a few good attys to try dripping since we have so much freakin flavors now lol! Plus,I dont want to waste juice if i fill up a tank with something I end up not liking.So Im guessing some drip attys and cartotanks it is,for me then!

Chimsweep-touche' sir touche'.And yes,def heeding the vets advice,theyve helped me tremendously indirectly through their previous advice to other vapers and it pleases me greatly to have them weigh in on this thread!

Yall are awesome guys,keeping fingers crossed that this will finally solve our problem!

The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Twists and Spinners are so similar, I think it ultimately comes down to appearance and the best price you can find. I've also become a snob about name brands when it comes to batteries. I like to know the vendor is consistently selling the same product and not just what was the best deal out of China that week.

No matter what you select, I always advise getting as many different delivery systems to try as you can afford; each has its own pros/cons and quirks.

Vapoor eyes er

ECF Guru
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ECF Veteran
Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
Hi Bryanna and welcome to ECF. I noticed you've changed everything in your strategy except the brand of delivery devices (V2). That seems to be the common denominator and my suggestion would be to purchase an accurate brand name quality cartomizer, try them on your V2 batteries and go from there. Cost about $7.00 per 5 pack.

and that while most speculate that their liquimax blanks are 2.8 ohm's,several ppl have tested them and found that they range in between 1.9 and 2.4 ohm's
Obviously QC is not their forte.

we are planning on buying some Spinners once payday hits Friday
I own both Spinners and Twists and the Vision Spinner resolves all the issues that were associated with the Twist- narrow hard to turn smooth dial and invisible voltage markings. Both are manufactured by large and reputable companies.

Twist Dial
View attachment 187497

Spinner Dial
View attachment 187498

As for the V2 clearomizer it's a Beta/ test release. I've used both clearomizers and Vivi Novas and LOVE my Vivis as do many others- that's the reason clearos are 1/2 the price of Vivis. I'll admit cartos are a superior vape but I find the Vivi far more convenient and cost efficient.

Best of Luck.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 11, 2013
I agree with Vapoor (and you) that it sounds like your V2 might be the source of the problem if you're experiencing the same sort of behavior with a range of juices in different mix ratios. There are several mostly inexpensive versions of platforms out there you can try out. The eGo Twist or Vision Spinner both come pretty highly recommended as a good starter unit. You can probably find a decent starter set for around 25-30 dollars. Of course there are higher end units as well. You also don't need to start out with variable voltage, though it seems that a fair majority of people wind up graduating to one sooner or later, so it might be worth looking into a bit sooner rather than later. That's my intention.

Plus sides to variable voltage: You can control how much power you're directing at the atomizer. This can make for hotter vapes with a heavier throat hit on a particular juice (which some people like, obviously you don't) or vice versa you can tone it down some so you're using less power, getting perhaps a cooler and weaker vape but also longer battery life. Bear in mind if you do use good clearos or cartotanks, you may have a significantly different change in flavor from your juices. Mostly better, or so I read.

One other thing if you're seeking less of a throat hit, is to look for bottom coil type clearomizers or tanks. Having the coil at the bottom means the vapor has to travel a smidge farther, and isn't quite as hot. This has a tie in to the Throat Hit factor. People with MUCH more experience than me can chime in on this of course, but that is what I have read and heard.

I'm a new vaper, so take anything I say with a grain of salt. Mostly I'm just parroting common sense and the wisdom I've seen from others thus far. I'll build my own toolbox of clever ideas in time, I'm sure. Happy vaping and I hope it gets a lot smoother for you soon.
Hey man !.

I read through your entire post and it seems to me that Propylene Glycol is your main problem. People will say that some people have allergies to it. The simple fact is that PG dries a persons throat out, it's coarse and makes the user cough. To me that sensation is not a throat hit. Without drinking a lot of water a user will get a sore throat eventually. I never use PG. Most people do use it though because, i guess, it's a thinner liquid than vg so it performs better in most vapour devices, plus it delivers a stronger flavour.

I never use PG. 100% vg is harder to find. Most vendors offer a mixture of both pg and vg and usually more pg than vg. But if you can find 100% vg i would suggest getting some. It is a completely different experience. It's very smooth so in contrast to PG gives the opposite experience as far as texture is concerned. Most people aren't satisfied with the throat hit it provides, but, With the right amount of nicotine and the right flavour, like menthol, (especially menthol, wow !) A nice smooth throat hit can be produced. Judging from your post this is exactly what you are looking for. Different flavours will produce different results. So it's trial and error some of the time. A high nicotine content could help with that but some might say that is bad advice. Personally i use 3.6 - 4.5 mg menthol and the throat hit is very satisfying. Check out "intellicigs" menthol. I say this because they supply up to 4.5 mg nicotine strengh e liquid.

At this moment in time i am using a "vision Spinner" 1300 mah battery with a Kanger T3 clearomizer. The clearomizer has a 2.5 ohm coil and i vape at 4.3 volts. The experience i have with this setup is good enough to stop me from smoking cigarettes by the way. 100% vg in a T3 creates a backwash which thickens the liquid even more and makes it dark and tastes rough and dull. To solve this i change the coil base before every refill and only half fill it. As a results the liquid flows well, stays clear, tastes fine and is consistent throughout. The used base goes into hot water and is left for a few hours then rinsed out under the tap and maybe placed back in hot water for a while longer. I couldn't tell you which other flavours you could try, each to their own and all that, But i alternate between menthol, for a couple of hours, and whatever other flavours i am trying. Menthol seems to cleanse my palate and so keeps other flavours fresh when normally flavours tend to fade through constant use. I guess my mouth just gets used to a flavour so the flavour fades, i don't know what that's all about though. Menthol doesn't seem to fade so i continue using it.

So there are ways round the problems people have with 100% Vegetable Glycerine. And again i'd really recommend intellicig's menthol, it produces a lot of vapour and the throat hit is outstanding !.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
Well, Bryanna. If you are more confused than ever, I don't blame you. :laugh:

Just about everyone who has responded to you has a different idea of what the issue is, more than likely based on their own personal experience. From the equipment that you are using to the chemical content of your e-liquids.

Re-reading your original post, I was checking to be sure that I understood what your main issue is. If I am understanding you correctly, it is what you are calling throat hit. On one hand you say that you and your husband both enjoyed the strong throat hit that your analogs provided you, hard but smooth. :blink:

Then the main complaint with your e-cigs is the throat hit, not as hard as an analog but harsh, not smooth. I typically don't relate those discriptive terms to the juice itself, but to the quality of the vapor and the quality of the juice delivery device in providing that vapor. I still think the issue is with the so-called clearomizers. After all, they are only the beta version of the company, and most of us experienced vapors know what a scarey idea that usually means coming from China factories.

I really would like find a way to work with your existing batteries to save you from needing to buy another entire setup, but I'm afraid it won't work out much better in the long run. Those batteries are only 340 mah; despite the companies claims, they are like typical cigalike batteries. They might be adequate for some smokers to be able to quit, but to make things easier for you and your husband I sincerely believe you will need to upgrade to the intermediate, eGo setups.

This will provide more battery power for a more consistant vape, longer battery use between charges, and also allow a larger variety of juice delivery devices. As it is now, you are pretty much limited to those wonky clearomizers and the pre-filled cartridges the company makes. Pretty sad I gotta say.

As others have recommended, the most popular starter and intermediate setups are based on the ego batteries. Both you and your husband will require at least two 650 mah eGo's, or better a 650 and a 1300, or best yet two 1300 mah batteries. Variable voltage or not. Getting an eGo with variable voltage might be benefitual in being able to possibly adjust for a warmer or cooler vape and also to adjust to specific flavors, too. Getting a Spinner or Twist isn't that much more than a regular eGo, but if cost is an issue the plain ego's will still be a marked improvement over your current batteries.

A true Vision clearomizer by brand name should be better than your current clearo. I'd also recomend getting a real cartomizer to try to see if the other end of the vaping options might be better suited to you. That way, if you turn out to like the cartomizer more than the clearomizer, you will know that getting into a cartotank will be a smoother transition when you are ready for that.

I hope that makes some sense to you. :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 11, 2013
One other contribution from me. If you ARE interested in purchasing an eGo kit and you said you and your husband are both vaping, here's a link that might help some that I found in another thread.

Not a bad price for 2 eGo Twists if that's the way you want to go. This set comes with tanks, so you'll want to research how those work. Or you could just take them off and use cartomizers if that's your preference. Or buy clearomizers. Or you could drip..or you...I'm just going to stop now.

I'm in the same boat as you except that I'm pleased for the most part with my Halo G6 kit. But it cost only a bit less than this deal which is for 2 eGo's, and it's a cig alike so it doesn't have the battery life or variable voltage options.

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Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Mar 3, 2013
60 mi east of Raleigh NC
Your commitment to finding a satisfying way to vape instead of smoke is your best ally.

I've only used clearos so far, although what I've read about cartos in this thread and quite a few others has got me thinking about trying them. The point is, I don't have the experience to suggest other equipment.

There is one thing I know about, though. I believe, understand and appreciate that there are significant differences in technique between smoking and vaping, and I have used that knowledge so that I now enjoy vaping more than I enjoyed smoking.

It was essential to me that vaping be as good or better than smoking. I was not willing to feel like I was sacrificing any of the pleasure I got from smoking. My initial use of my PV lasted just 24 hours, and I then put it down and went back to analogs for a week. When I picked up the PV again, I had done a lot of thinking about HOW to use it, and I now am vape-only for a modest yet amazing 25 days.

I coughed my head off when first using my PV. That's what caused me to return to analogs. When I returned to vaping, though, I did the following:
1) At first, I did not inhale at all. I took the vapor into my mouth, held it (reminding me slightly of something I used to do many years ago), then exhaled through my nose. I somewhat craved some throat hit but then again, I wasn't coughing and I was still getting absorption of nicotine. Plus, the flavor was considerably more pronounced this way than when I'd been inhaling the vapor.
2) I took long, slow, relaxed hits. Much longer hits than I could have tolerated with an analog, but not pulling as hard.
3) As I continued to vape I learned that my sense of taste would let me know whether I could inhale, and if so, how much I could inhale. This did take experience to learn, but it was fun learning because my nicotine and smoking urges were already being satisfied sufficiently that I wasn't thinking about analogs any more.


Full Member
Feb 27, 2013
Southeast Texas
Thank you soo much to everyone for the continued help and suggestions,I know its kind of confusing and a somewhat uncommon problem!

Baditude - LOL yes,the various answers CAN be confusing but Ive been lurking here for awhile now,several hrs every day in fact,so Im used to it by now.ECF's greatest attribute can also be its biggest downfall unfortunately..
I realize my description in my original post can be quite confusing as well,I struggled trying to accurately describe our problem in a way that would make sense.The easiest way I can explain the whole "strong TH that is smoother and cooler" is comparing it to smoking menthols exclusively for 20 yrs and then being forced to smoke a Marlboro Red or unfiltered Pall Mall's.The actual strength or punch of the throat hit is the same with either cigarette,but the menthol throat hit is much cooler,smoother,producing a less harsher inhale that doesnt taste or feel like hot garbage hitting the back of your throat and lungs (no offense to any ex Red or Pall Mall smokers lol) So while the menthol TH is a strong one,its much easier going down and doesnt induce coughing or choking (atleast for menthol smokers that is) Does that make sense to anyone besides me? LOL!

And so we reach the core or base question that sums up what I was asking in my OP,the question being- IS there such a thing in vaping as a strong throat hit,one that would equal the strength/force of a full flavored cigarette, that is also cooler and smoother going down? One that would be equated to smoking a full flavored menthol analog as opposed to smoking a cowboy killer? The TH we get from our current setup is actually strong,but much more equated to a cowboy killer strength/heat/harshness than a full flavored menthol strength/harshness.Which is why I questioned voltage and wattage - can a lower wattage produce a strong throat hit that is cooler and smoother,or will the strength of the throat hit ultimately be diminished overall as wattage is lowered?

Im hoping that these questions will be answered once we get our VV PV's - Ive decided that since we are going to get a backup each anyways,that we are both going to get an Ego Twist and a Vision Spinner (or an Ego Spinner such as from Altsmoke-gotta look into that more before I decide) and that way we can decide for ourselves which device we like best.Both come highly recommended so I figure we cant really lose with purchasing both,and itll give us a chance to decide which we personally like better.

As for all of the different suggestions as far as cartotanks,cartridges,clearos etc go - I think Im going to get a cple of the most recommended of each kind and that way we can see for ourselves which we like and prefer best.It all comes down to personal opinion and I dont want to pass up an option that we may both find satisfying,especially with it being so early in the game.Id really like to try dripping,as we have so many flavors to try and then using cartotanks once we find out which flavors we like the best but I think Im gonna order a clearo or two just to make sure its not a viable option as well.Its all a process and I look forward to it!Thank you so much for your input Baditude,Id be lost without you and the other vets,yall really do make a huge difference in the lives of newbies who otherwise have no one else to turn to IRL!

Stacee- thank you for your input as well,your suggestion is one that I had considered but havent been able to really find in other threads.You seem to grasp our problem,which is extremely difficult to understand- and if we get our Twists and Spinners and we are STILL having the same issue,then Im going to do exactly what you suggested and see if I can find a 100 or 90% VG menthol juice with high nic content and see if it finally fixes our problem.Im still hoping and praying that the VV devices will finally end our dilemma,but your advice will be invaluable if we find that our new PV's dont solve our mystery!

Ill def report back once we get our new PV's and let everyone know what happens- hopefully itll help any other newbies that have similar issues and maybe even save them some time and money as well!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
Sounds like a very sound plan, Bryanna. Glad to hear of the planned upgrade to the Twist or Spinner ego's. BTW, the Altsmoke Twists and Spinner ego's are genuine Joyetech and Vision products. Altsmoke just has made a business arrangement with both companies to package their products with both the manufactures' and Altsmoke's branding. Many vendors are doing this nowadays, such as Smokeless Image rebranding their own Volt X2 Spinner ego clone in an 808 thread format from the Vision Spinner. It adds to the confusion if you are looking for brand names, but if you are following particular companies' product lines as I do it's not a problem.


Full Member
Feb 27, 2013
Southeast Texas
Thank you for schooling me on that Baditude, I was genuinely perplexed with exactly that- I couldn't figure out whether the Spinners from them were genuine or not.Seeing as how I'm a young lady, things like color DO matter to me and they def have one of the best color selections I have found so far.But obviously color doesn't equal quality, so I've been searching like crazy in an effort to find out about their Spinners! Thank you!!!
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