Another newbie to add to the collection

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Full Member
Dec 1, 2011
Hi guys,

Obviously I'm new here so just wanting to say hi :)

I have been cig free for over a week now and made the switch from GV roll-ups, around 20 a day, to my first ever e-cig, Riva 510 in PINK (too girlie) lol.
I've now made the decision to move on from my Riva 510, though I'm sure I'll still use it, to a GLV-2 Mini..... guess what colour....... STARBRIGHT PINK lol :)
I didn't like the idea of getting attached to my Riva and then having to dish it when the battery went and keep getting new ones. I want a mod that is going to last me years, where I can simply change the battery and keep the beautiful outer shell :D
Anyway, I've ordered it today and I'm super excited!!! Thanks to Great Lakes Vapor for the excellent choice of mods and beautiful colours. I just wish I lived in the US as I'm in the UK and I'm sure it's gonna take FOREVER to arrive (or it will seem that way).

Well that's about it. 'Pinkie' (that's my Riva) is calling me so I gotta go....................... ;)

Great to be here!
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Ultra Member
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Oct 7, 2011
PH-Illadelph-IA, PA
I think you will really like your new PV. I really like the PVs that use nonproprietary batteries. I use an E-Power, which is like the Riva but uses non-proprietary batteries. Its nice bc you dont have to carry 2 PVs to have a spare battery. I just slip an extra battery in my pocket and can easily throw in a fresh battery if needed. Non-proprietary batteries are alot cheaper too and last longer before they need to be replaced. So I think your really gona like your new pink toy.



Senior Member
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Sep 25, 2011
Could some please build a mod out of this for Miss Enlightenment? Thread placement optional (2 obvious locations, IMO). Exquisite taste should be rewarded:


Jokes aside. Welcome!


Full Member
Dec 1, 2011
Thanks for the lovely welcomes everyone!

I'm super excited about my GLV-2 Mini :) I love my Riva 510 so I know I'm gonna lurve this one. I searched high and low for a small, girlie mod in pretty, girlie colours. When I saw the GLV Mini in Starbright Pink I nearly fainted... slight exaggeration but close ;)

I still can't believe I've quit smoking. I'd tried all sorts before vaping, nothing worked. I got sick of everything smoking related, I just couldn't quit. I love vaping more than I ever imagined. It's just, so me :)

Thanks again folks.
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