Another new guy

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Moved On
Apr 8, 2014
Hey all,

Decided to register after a few weeks of lurking and reaping the benefits of all the great info here. Joining the community was an obvious choice once vaping stuck and I didn't find myself going right back to the ugly sticks. Have been smoke free since March 19 after over 20 years of pack a day minimum smoking, and loving it! I'm currently using a Vision Spinner II with Kanger Evod 2 tanks, I've read through some of the modding forums and while it's intriguing, I am happy with the current setup and figure I'll ease into the hobbyist aspect of this new experience. I thank you all for the info I've already gleaned from here, and look forward to the time I'm knowledgeable enough to provide some of my own!


Moved On
Apr 8, 2014
Thanks all. I think the most surprising part of the switch was how EASY it was. I bought a pack of analogs the same day I bought my setup, and immediately went from a pack and a half a day to about three analogs a day, to just not buying another pack. It was seamless and I haven't craved analogs at all. I am also enjoying the return of my taste buds and sense of smell.
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