An introduction and ongoing numerous reviews

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Full Member
Aug 5, 2010
UK Midlands
Hi all,

My first post after meaning to join here for the last year!!
I have been vaping on and off now for about 2 years and have used many different models, just thought it may be helpfull for me to post my experiences and try and help oter people making the same mistakes I have done.

So the beginning............

My first e-cig was from Nucigs, a tiny DSE084.........thought it must be the best as it's the most naive, it was crap, nuff said

Titan 510
Next was 510, I had mine from TW and over the months got the PCC, mega batteries, and modded the carts in all ways possible and here are my thoughts;
I was so impressed to start with and used it for a number of months, but then I went back to smoking analogues here and there and became unsatisfied with the 510....I will probably get bashed for this but I truly believe after trying som many different models that the 510 is very much over rated (in my opinion). Yes, it does produce clouds of vapour and yes it does have a nice throat hit. I find that the flavour is pretty much destroyed as the atty burns so hot. And the atty....well.......they work great sometimes, but no matter what anyone says, every person I see and speak to with the 510 is constantly messing with the thing to get it to work at it's best. It constantly floods, you have to blow the atty out a lot, it is messy, is a decent product, but I know from epxerience that you have to mess with the 510 to get it to work, I really would just like a product that works without much hassle.
In short, a good part of my vaping experience and I learnt a lot with the 510, but have no inclination to go back to one, they are too much hassle.

EVO (M401)
Great e-cig, old style carts are a pain in the .... The atty wicks brilliantly though. Biggest problem is the price!!!
The intellicig EVO is an excellent e-cig, the 5 second cut off eventually put me off as it really does get annoying and had a few DOA attys.
I always got comparitive vapour to my 510 and throat hit was excellent if using the right juice.
What annoys me though is how much they charge, I know I know they are 'assembled' here in the UK and have specific traits that are unique to them etc, but after a lot of research, the conclusion I have drawn is that they are no different (except battery life) to any other M401, the smoore atomisers that you can get are identical to the EVO and perform the same, the auto batteries and manual batteries are also indentical as much as I can tell. I can get 5 smoore M401 attys for £20, yet i could only get 2 atties form intellicig for that, there new PCC at £25 is a SMART PCC with new graphics, no matter how much they will deny it. They have excellent customer service and a great product, but they are not as revolutionary as they make out in the e-cig world other than extensive work on there ECOpure (lovely juice that is) :)

I would advise anyone to avoid Nucig products. This is as far as I can tell a Joye 306a.
Batteries are a joke, they run dead in 10 mins of constant vaping. Atomiser performance is terrible, they do not wick and produce poor throat hit and vapour. Although compatible with the 510 they do work quite nicely as a back up if dripping with a 510 battery :)
PCC is good but due to such poor battery life the PCC runs dead every day.
Cartridges are the worst ever, they just do not wick and hold so little. On a side note the model E-Lites is exactly the same model with a different paint job, so i would expect the same.

M401 liberty flights with pcc
I decided to go back to the M401 and gave this a blast, ok, my thoughts?;
It works excellently! performance is the same as my EVO but with manual batteries, it actually is much more satisfying. In all black it looks very sleek too, superb little M401. Tons of vapour and very very good throat hit.
I have been off anologues for 2 weeks now with no cravings at all, something I haven't done in a while :)
The PCC is lovely, by far the best out there, there are reviews on here of it so I won't bore you with it, I will just say that I am having issues gettign the thing to recognise there is a battery in there to charge, hold button, it flashes, light stays green, took a few goes for it to go red. I have seen others have had this too so I guess there is a batch issue here, will let you know how LF correct this issue, have mailed them today.

Sorry for such a long a post and hope I have helped someone a little.
I will do much more detailed reviews in the future. Thankyou to all of you that have given such excellent advice over the past years, this forum is a gold mine of information.

Happy vaping everyone :)
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Full Member
Aug 5, 2010
UK Midlands
Hi guys,

Yeah, there have been a few models I haven't mentioned, probably tried just about all of them but just commented on those I have a decent amount of experience with.
As for battery life, the M401 (evo batteries) would last me a day of fairly decnt usage, I would have 2 fully charged with and would always get through a day at work, would just need a top up in the evening. I think the biggest problem when people start vaping is that they (myself included) woudl constantly vape, I know I would always have an e-cig in my hand and it became habitual to just use it all the time! If I use it like I would smoke analogues, then with a PCC, I have never been caught without a battery, just a tiny amount of planning in terms of charging PCC overnight. I smaller models, Joye 306/306a. and even the 510 have poor battery lives, and I could honestly drain a battery in about 20 mins without much hassle.
Best standard battery life, I have come across is as mentioned the M401/Evo, although I now just use the standard M401 for LF . On a side note I love the new carts, they are so much better :).
I think the thing withy me and using Mods, is deep in my brain, I need something that is somewhat similar to an analogue in shape/weight and performance, so many of the Mods i just wouldn't feel comfortable with.
For me the throat hit and flavour is important, the vapour is something I look at the amount is not hugely important. If you take a smoke on an analogue now and compare vapour to that of an e-cig, you will find any decent model e-cig vastly wins in vapour production. For me, I guess it's too easy to get caught up in vapour production, when in reality, vapour production does not do anything for nicotine cravings, what I need is a nice flavour and a good throat hit that makes me feel like i've had my fix.:)


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No need to apologise for typos Andy - Lol you should see some of the ones I do :D

Have you tried any LR (Lower Resistance atties)? I don't think you can get them for the M serious but I love the 901LR atties that Liberty Flights sell. You get tons of vapour, throat hit & still the good flavour that standard 901 gives.
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