Am I the only one flavor vaper? Where are my people?

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Dana A

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Feb 25, 2012
I will have been vaping for 3 years in February. For the most part all I ever wanted from day 1 was to find an all day vape and reorder it forever. I ordered a lot in the beginning and always felt cheated. I don't care for fruit flavors so it's bakery or tobacco flavors for this girl. I have tried (I am sure) well over 100 liquids and thus far have only finished a bottle of 2. Is there anyone else out there like me? I have wanted to try DIY but I fear I would spend 100s of dollars to find that I cannot create anything I actually like. I started out with Dekang Desert Ship AKA Camel. Yes I said DEKANG! I was sick of ordering it from China and waiting forever to get it but I kept ordering. Then one time I ordered a tank from Maddcatt Vapers and they sent a sample of their RYW4 with the tank. I tried it and have been reordering it ever since. Buying stuff was fun and very necessary in the beginning. I ordered mods and liquids and tanks. Then I ended up finding the Provari with a carto tank to be the perfect set up finally. Then I got sick of ordering bum cartos so I bought an AGA T2 and started rebuilding it with SS mesh. The only thing I can find wrong with this set up is that it leaks if laid down. I have been using the same SS mesh wicks for like 8 months in my 3 AGA T2s. It's like fool proof because it never gets burnt and I never get a dry hit. I can just dry burn the coil and rinse out the tank every few tanks and then recoil like once a month if even that. This kind of got off subject from the one liquid topic and I am sorry about that. :D I am grateful to have found what for me seems to be the perfect vape,minus the leaking if laid down. vaping isn't any more fun then smoking now days for me. I kind of miss those first months and all the excitement of waiting for the mail man. I cannot find anything that can use SS mesh with a tank that wont leak or I would be trying it. Any other one liquid reordering robots out there?


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Feb 24, 2014
I am definitely a one flavor vapor :D Funnily enough I've actually though about starting a thread like this before, just to see if I was the only one...

My first month or two I was vaping a single flavor from a local smoke shop that had a small selection of vaping supplies (just eGos/Cig-A-Likes and juice). Then when I ordered a starter kit from Halo I added a 30mL bottle of their Turkish Tobacco, since the flavor I was vaping from the smoke shop was called Turkish Blend. I thought since their names were similar that I would enjoy it. However when I first tried it out I really didn't like it, but a couple weeks after that I decided to try it again (since I still had the 30mL bottle practically full). I don't know if it was because my taste buds had healed or gotten better, but I immediately loved it :vapor:

I've pretty much been vaping Turkish Tobacco exclusively since then :D I have tried a few other flavors since then, but none of them compared to the Turkish Tobacco.


Vaping Master
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Mar 18, 2013
I'm not so much a one flavor vaper but I am a one base flavor vapor. When I started vaping, I tried a ton of different flavors and liked a lot of them. When I'd see threads like this I'd think "Who wants to go into Baskin and Robbins 31 flavors and always get the same thing? Turns out, I do! lol Eventually, over the course of a year I settled in on MadCat's Red and Blue Energy - their take on Red Bull and Red Bull with Blueberry. Now I DIY and make everything with a Red Bull base, so straight, sometimes with blueberry and other times with watermelon. Occasionally I try other juices but don't stick with them because they aren't don't seem as good as my usual so I end up mixing them into my Red Bull.

Dana A

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Feb 25, 2012
It's good to know that I am not alone. I think the flavors I have actually liked in the past are very complex. If I just loved Strawberry or Orange Creme I would have tried DIY a long time ago. I am so jealous every time I read a mention in a post about someone vaping their own mix of this or that LOL. I want what they have! The ability to have everything I need right here and know what to do with it when I start running low. I added up what I would want to have for DIY. It would cost me like 150.00 just to start up.It's just so hard to justify when it could be a total waste in the end. I seem to be very picky about flavors. I wish I wasn't

The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
I am going though about 25ml-30ml a day, I make my own what I found was don't be afraid to let ur taste buds explore different flavours even if u like the last 1 better. Its cheaper to make ur own so don't be buying ready made stuff

Maybe for some people, but I have hundreds of dollars worth of exploring sitting in boxes. I don't want to waste money on DIY components to make more flavors I don't like. ;)


ECF Guru
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Aug 5, 2013
In the Mountains
Yep, I'm one. Been vaping almost two years. First it was coffee. I never stopped liking the coffee, just got tired of going through a carto or coil a day because it was such a dark, sweet juice. Then I found key lime. After many months I realized it exacerbated my asthma. Then it was vanilla cupcake. It gave me relentless gas, and not talking gear acquisition symptom because I already had that. The latest is blueberry. I'm not sure why but might have had to do with having to pluck a neighbor's blackberry patch while they were gone on vacation. Four juices in two years. Did order a bunch of others but never really cared for them. So yeah, one ADV here.


Ultra Member
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Jun 8, 2013
Farmington, NM USA
I've given up. I tried unflavored about six months ago, and still use it almost exclusively. Once in a great while, I'll try one of the old bottles sitting around, but don't even use up the entire tank before I'm back to the unflavored. Someone once said that unflavored tastes just like your old brand of cigarettes. After smoking a single carton, you just don't notice the taste till you get stuck with a different brand. I agree with the statement.

The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
I've given up. I tried unflavored about six months ago, and still use it almost exclusively. Once in a great while, I'll try one of the old bottles sitting around, but don't even use up the entire tank before I'm back to the unflavored. Someone once said that unflavored tastes just like your old brand of cigarettes. After smoking a single carton, you just don't notice the taste till you get stuck with a different brand. I agree with the statement.

I like unflavored too. It helps me not to be depressed when everyone else is raving about blueberry creamy crunch truffles that I can't taste.
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