Am I A Jerk?

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ECF Veteran
Sorry if you think so... But I cant hold my tounge on this one.

I had some idiots complaining to the workers while I was out at a sushi lounge that I was smoking. I then explained what I was doing and everything was fine with the owner. On top of the fact that I had already droped at least $80 and was still eating and enjoying some drinks. Then this guy got up, came over to my table while I am trying to relax and eat and started in on how it's bothering all the customers. I just took and long drag and blew it everywhere. He went and sat down.

I love vaping in doors. Your life must be so sad you have to make a friggin scene in a lounge about vaping? I told him, "until somebody starts to have an allergic reaction from my flavored water vapor in the air, I wont stop. Please leave my table."

I'm usually very considerate of others but when you make an irrelevant scene because you are an idiot, I will make your life hell for the time being.

Sorry, guess I had to vent from this today.

PEOPLE! WTF!!!:facepalm::facepalm:

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
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Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
I don't think you were a jerk. The only one who had a say in the matter was the owner of the lounge. Some people just have to show thier hindquarters to make themselves look large.
You sound restrained to me..well maybe a teensy over the top by blowing vapor at At least you didn't deck him! I can't say he wouldn't have had a purse upside the head if it were me!


Ultra Member
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May 13, 2010
Winter Haven, FL
Sorry if you think so... But I cant hold my tounge on this one.

I had some idiots complaining to the workers while I was out at a sushi lounge that I was smoking. I then explained what I was doing and everything was fine with the owner. ... Then this guy got up, came over to my table while I am trying to relax and eat and started in on how it's bothering all the customers. I just took and long drag and blew it everywhere. He went and sat down...."

PEOPLE! WTF!!!:facepalm::facepalm:

Luma - I certainly don't think you're a "jerk" - since the owner had given you permission - however, he may have changed his mind about allowing it in his lounge due to the confrontation that occurred. I am not a militant vaper - if it is a non-smoking environment, I do not vape there. We've got enough people on our backs - why add more?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 28, 2010
I vape pretty much wherever I want and don't even think about it. On the rare occasion where it enters my mind that there would be an objection, I go to the bathroom to have a power vape. Granted, most of the bars/restaurants I go to, I know the owners and they are just happy I'm vaping instead of smoking and back to eating out (I ate at home a lot last year when the smoking ban went into effect)


ECF Wiki SysOp
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Apr 3, 2011
Prairie Canada
... I am not a militant vaper - if it is a non-smoking environment, I do not vape there. We've got enough people on our backs - why add more?

That, Sir, is a very sensible position to take.

However, there are a very great many prissy, hissy liberal types who are easily offended by almost anything. Apparently, your right to vape with permission ends where his feelings begin.

(once, on the subway in London, one such person remonstrated with me because I swatted a large insect buzzing around the packed passengers - the comically scornful venom of his voice as he asked, "Was that really necessary?" is something I will never forget)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2011
I think your use of a PV in that situation was appropriate. If you view it through the lens of personal liberties, it is commonsense. The only time your personal liberties should be trumped is when it affects the health, safety or property of another person.
-the owner gave you permission: he determined that his health safety and HIS property were not being affected. This is location specific since it is his property you were occupying.
-Your vapor does not (as far as we know, and it is highly unlikely) affect the health or safety of other patrons.
SO as a previous poster stated, your personal liberties should not be affected just because of the 'feelings' of another person.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
No Mike, you're not a jerk, but you gotta be careful. There are idiots out there with guns and no common sense. At least here in VA, you're allowed to bring your licensed, concealed weapon into bars. I'd be afraid that the 'vape in the face' might trigger an unwarranted response.

I carry a 9mm Sig. :)
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