Altus T1 - wicking

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Aug 27, 2012
West Boylston, MA
I recently switched from a vaporesso target tank to a guo vape altus t1 tank. I had tried a friend's rda and noticed how warm and full of flavor the vapor was. I did notice that the cotton taste was more than I cared for and started to research other options if I wanted to change.
I made the jump and wicked it with some cellulose. The flavor is outstanding! No cotton muting but there is a sweet popcornish taste during break in that I can live with. I've since tried the ceramic tank again and the vape is too cool and tastes slightly medicinal.... So I'm sticking with the altus t1 for daily vaping.
My issue is that the t1 is a very hot atomizer. With cotton(had to try) and cellulose, I get dry hits after 2 days. I run a high vg juice that's really sweet. I can stretch it longer by backing off the fire button sooner but the vapor production lessens and I'm left unsatisfied with the draw.
My question is.... How often do you rewick your t1? Any tips or tricks to making the wick last longer workout sacrificing vapor production?
I may end up switching to coils in a different atomizer. I'm not quite ready to give up on the t1 just yet. Rewicking every couple of days is a hassle but not a game changer. Thanks for reading and replying (if you do).
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May 30, 2017
If you are using rayon even with a sweet gunky juice it may last longer than two days, if wicked correctly. I was actually overwicking with rayon in my coil but thinning the tails and eventually my wick would break in two inside my coil but by reducing it slightly I was able to get more time out of it, like more than a week, with fairly heavy usage (for me, at least). Airflow will matter also, and I can't speak specifically to your topper as I don't own one, but I will say that with the right wick and the correct amount in the coil, it may gunk a bit, but you may be able to achieve more than two days. Heat matters as well, so you may be correct that in using a smaller atomizer which is going to raise the temp more in the atomizer, you may be cutting down on your wicking time.

Hope someone who has one can come along and be a bit more specific.

Good luck,



ECF Guru
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Sep 12, 2010
Never heard of this atty before now. Very interesting looking. I can’t tell you much about it of course, but if it’s possible it stands to reason that backing off on the wattage would make the vape cooler. As for the two days thing it’s not great, but wick is cheap. Some people rewick every day on general principle
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