Allergy question

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
You may not be getting enough water which is causing your skin to dry out some. If drinking more water (not pop or caffeinated drinks) doesn't help I would check with you dr.
I do know that I developed a rash on my legs and my dr here in Ohio told me there are a lot of skin rashes going around right now because of the up/down nature of the weather this year.
Best of luck!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
I got some of those too but they are totally gone now. It might be the nicotine (a skin irritant - and we french in the vapor to get the aroma for the taste) or the drying effect of the PG. Remember to drink fluids, wash your hands after you've gotten some juice on your hands, use a bit of moisturizer (I use Oil of Olay original - it is a very light moisturizer).


Super Member
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Nov 26, 2010
Bay Area
It is very possible that what you're experiencing is an allergic reaction. With allergic reactions, the most common skin manifestations are dryness and hives. Definitive diagnosis is done with allergy testing but you don't need to go to that extent to figure it out. Obvious first step would be to stop using PG. If the dryness resolves, then you have your answer. Oral antihistamines will help and cetirizine (Zyrtec) and diphenhydramine (Benadryl) are good over-the-counter choices; diphenhydramine is the more potent one but also has a stronger sedating effect. If you're experiencing any redness or itchiness, you could also use topical corticosteroid creams (1-2% hydrocortisone).

In relation to the comments on nicotine: it is a skin irritant, but unless you're getting it directly on your face then that's not the cause. Nicotine can cause a dryness of the skin and premature aging, but it won't show up in a patchy distribution.
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