Allergic reaction?

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New Member
Apr 20, 2017
Hello! I am new to this forum but found it by looking up the harms vaping can do to your lungs. I have been vaping on and off for years, but became a serious vapor 3 months ago where my mod is literally attached to me and I smoke it often. Starting around the same time, so three months ago, I was and have been getting colds. Once one starts to go away, another one comes. It's mostly just a lot of sinus stuff, mucus, and a little cough-but bc of the mucus. I just kept passing it off as dealing with the weather getting warm then cold, warm then cold. I also started a new job at that same time, three months ago, cleaning houses. A couple weeks ago I went to the doctor and had a sinus infection and they ran an allergy panel on me and it came back I was allergic to dust, mold and dog dander, which I was exposed to a lot every day at my job. I was given an antibiotic and an allergy medication. My sinus infection went away and then I got a cold, a bothersome throat and phlegm. My weezing is deep in my lungs. I no longer work at my house cleaning job; haven't for two weeks now. I read that you can be allergic to the PG in e liquid juice. I've also been getting headaches for a while now, again I just chalked it up as weather or my allergy. But I am beginning to think it's my vaping bc my lungs will feel fine and then as I smoke throughout the day, they start to be irritated, I cough more, the weezing gets bad and I get a headache. I would think the vapor itself is bad for your lungs. I also read that something in it just basically makes your body less able to fight off a cold and makes you more susceptible to getting sick. I don't want to stop vaping. Has anyone else experienced this? I think I'd just like to try and use a 100% VG e liquid juice and see if that helps my symptoms if I am having an allergic reaction and go from there. If the thing is just making me not be able to fight viruses and I keep getting sick all the time than I guess I'll just have to stop altogether. Thank you so much!!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 29, 2017
I'm not a doctor so insert grain of salt here. I think with all that you have had going on (new job no job dust dogs mold stress colds infection) this has more to do with everything than vaping.
I myself have a sensitivity to pg not bad but anything that has more than 70/30 makes my lungs hurt and throat tighten enough to make me worry. I never got the wheeze or headache but not saying it couldn't happen. I went the diy route and make all my own juice at around 95/5 or so. This high VG limits you to rdas and some squonks due to it's high viscosity. So before you jump to it try some premium or other juice (never said what kind of juice you have) that is around 70/30 or 80/20. What ever you do don't use pink spot juice.
All this being said I wonder about your nic level and what device with atty you are using. If you are sub ohming above 6mg this might be the problem.


ECF Guru
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Verified Member
May 6, 2016
Given you have been diagnosed with both allergies as well as a sinus infection requiring antibiotics, it might be best to go back to your doctor and get checked, especially if wheezing. I don't believe anyone here could possibly diagnose your problem from a forum post. Certainly avoiding cigarettes should be a goal to improve your health, but doing it safely with a doctor's advice in case you either have something else medically wrong, or an allergy to something in your vape. Feel better and good luck!


New Member
Apr 20, 2017
Thanks everyone. My mod is the Wismec Reuleaux RX200S. My tank is the cleito sub ohm with .4 ohm coil and my juice is Air Factory Blue Razz 70/30 PG/VG with 6mg Nicotine. When I smoked cigs I was always getting colds and every time I would quit I never got one. With so much happening around the same time, it was also around the time everyone was getting the flu and colds, I think that's the main culprit. I am however going to try a 100% VG juice- if anyone has any suggestions what's the best to try. Will the cleito be alight for the thickness of 100% VG juice or will I have to get a different tank? I am also going to go down to 3mg of Nic bc of how much I do smoke it, I def think that is what's causing the headaches. Not a bad idea to step it down anyways.

Topwater Elvis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2012
Going from 70PG / 30VG to max/100% VG is a big step, I doubt 100% vg is possible considering most nic base & flavorings are PG based.
Good thing air factory blue razz is 30pg 70vg.
IMO, air factory is one of those liquids that use high % flavorings, so much flavoring they are unvapable to me.

I have severe reactions to many flavorings and high VG liquids.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Dec 24, 2014
Hello! I am new to this forum but found it by looking up the harms vaping can do to your lungs. I have been vaping on and off for years, but became a serious vapor 3 months ago where my mod is literally attached to me and I smoke it often. Starting around the same time, so three months ago, I was and have been getting colds. Once one starts to go away, another one comes. It's mostly just a lot of sinus stuff, mucus, and a little cough-but bc of the mucus. I just kept passing it off as dealing with the weather getting warm then cold, warm then cold. I also started a new job at that same time, three months ago, cleaning houses. A couple weeks ago I went to the doctor and had a sinus infection and they ran an allergy panel on me and it came back I was allergic to dust, mold and dog dander, which I was exposed to a lot every day at my job. I was given an antibiotic and an allergy medication. My sinus infection went away and then I got a cold, a bothersome throat and phlegm. My weezing is deep in my lungs. I no longer work at my house cleaning job; haven't for two weeks now. I read that you can be allergic to the PG in e liquid juice. I've also been getting headaches for a while now, again I just chalked it up as weather or my allergy. But I am beginning to think it's my vaping bc my lungs will feel fine and then as I smoke throughout the day, they start to be irritated, I cough more, the weezing gets bad and I get a headache. I would think the vapor itself is bad for your lungs. I also read that something in it just basically makes your body less able to fight off a cold and makes you more susceptible to getting sick. I don't want to stop vaping. Has anyone else experienced this? I think I'd just like to try and use a 100% VG e liquid juice and see if that helps my symptoms if I am having an allergic reaction and go from there. If the thing is just making me not be able to fight viruses and I keep getting sick all the time than I guess I'll just have to stop altogether. Thank you so much!!
Welcome and glad you joined. We all love the freedom to do what we believe is right for our selves.
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