All you Noobs - Take a walk

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2012
California, Kern
Seriously, if you have been a PaD smoker for any number of decades and know the burn that comes with walking any kind of distance then after a couple of weeks of vaping go out and take a nice long walk. Two weeks ago if I walked the quarter mile to my brothers house I would start getting that burn in my lungs, any further than that and it would only get worse. Day before yesterday my Wife and I took a mile and half walk and felt like we could just keep going.

No more lung wheezing and rattling since day two when laying down at night and have had a middle of the night coughing fit that was a nightly occurrence since then either. I am amazed and pleasantly surprised by how effective eCigs have been with every family member I have gotten to try them 7 converts already here including myself --- IN LESS THAN THREE WEEKS.

So if you are on your second week, take a walk. If you are on the fence spend a couple cartons of analogs worth and join in with us so you can take a walk too.

Myriad Dark

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Dec 8, 2011
Las Vegas
I really noticed this a couple of weeks back when I had some family in town for a visit. Living in Las Vegas, I regularly have friends and family coming out to visit and see the sites. I kind of dreaded trips down to the strip with them as a smoker because all the walking left me feeling like I was ready to drop dead, especially in the brutal summer heat. This time I didn't skip a beat and actually pushed to give them the grand foot tour before they got tired! I feel like a whole new man and love every minute of it. It has me wondering how much more I could have accomplished in my life so far if only I had discovered this earlier.


Vaping Master
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Feb 5, 2011
Knoxville, TN USA
I was pulling a trailer with machinery to a jobsite. The residence I was supposed to start work on was waaaay up a 30*, 1/4 mile long, curvy driveway. From the road, I wasn't sure if I would have an area to park/turn the truck with trailer. Needing this info prior to driving up, I decided to scout it out. This constituted me walking and walking and walking (all up a steeeep grade, mind you). It wasn't an easy climb, but bet your butts, when I got to the top I thanked the Lord that I had quit smoking! :toast:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 21, 2012
San Diego
This is quite the coincidence! After being a smoker since I was 15 (and I'm uhh, well quite a bit older than that now!) and suffering from RA, I haven't been able to walk to my own mailbox let alone walk the block, but today, after almost a year off analogs, and with 3 months of spinal blockers for the pain of the RA, I rode my Bicycle ACROSS TOWN!!!!!!!!

I have been slowly working up to this for the last 3 months, and yeah, my town isn't exactly BIG by any means, but I did it, and I am SO proud of myself I had to share when I saw this thread!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 6, 2011
Little Rock AR
After two months off analogs, I was able lead, and keep up with my fast moving Tennessee Walker. I was also able to smell the wild grapes. It is all good. And it only gets better. I am going on 19 months. Where did the time go?
just have to say howdy:2cool:with the tenn walker comment , that is where my name comes from.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 12, 2011
Try this.

Take big drag of vapor, hold it and blow thru piece of paper towel

What you see? Nothing.

Now try with analog and see what has been coating your lungs all these years.

Multiply that by everyday of year/s you have smoked.

You get the picture :)

I don't want to smoke an analog, so I'll just take your word for it...:p


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2012
California, Kern
Awesome guys, the testimonials are great. I love reading them all. I am just dumbfounded at how fast the change begins and looking forward to the taste/smell things to come into the picture so I can enjoy that too.

I spent quite a lot of money getting into the DiY side of things and a lot of extra hardware to get setups to fit a lot of different peoples tastes to make sure we succeed and so I can continue to convert those around me but you can get started for the cost of a couple cartons or less so for those still on the fence just do it, you wont be disappointed.


ECF Guru
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I never tire of reading these stories. Everyone has a different one but in the end they all amount to the same thing. Just keep on keeping on. If you've not noticed the difference yet you soon will. With me the greatest thing is waking up and not coughing for 30 minutes or more. I noticed that after just a week or so.
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