All about the Juice !

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ECF Veteran
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Jul 16, 2012
Monroe NC
Hello Everyone, just an old vaper here. I wonder at times if some of the 'vaping Basics' are overlooked by old farts like me, who have been vaping for several years and have found our "Comfort Zone". When I first came around, there were several suggestions on how to handle, care for, and store e-liquids. Here are just a few...
NEVER leave or store e-liquids in direct sunlight.
Avoid extreme temperatures.
Always shake your e-liquid well before refilling.
I have found, over time, that there are some rules that are not Universal. Different flavors/ types of e-liquids require different types of care. Naturally Extracted Tobacco flavors, or NET as they are called, are a prime example of what I am referring to.
Sweets and Bakery flavors usually need a week or two to steep (or age). I shake these juices every day/ every other day in an effort to assist the components to blend together. If these are ordered from a Vendor, it usually takes about a week to get here. One more week of aging and shaking seems to be enough.
NET flavors depend on the extraction process. If OEA (Organin Ethyl Alcohol) is used as an extraction agent, many people will shake the bottle, then remove the cap and dripper for a period of 24 hours, then return the dripper and cap the bottle and begin aging. This is to allow the OEA to 'evaporete off'. This step is not required for NET flavors that are cold macerated with PG. How long tobacco flavors are allowed to age are a matter of personal taste. Some say two weeks, some say four weeks, some say several months. Occasional shaking helps the components to blend.
Then there are those among us who simply takes the package from the mailbox, open the package and begin vaping. To Each their Own.

I don't know why, but this morning I felt compelled to post this. Maybe there are some newer members who are still learning the 'art' of getting the most from their e-liquids. Or maybe some of the ECF Veterans can come by and discuss how they handle and care for their e-liquids. Or maybe this is just a waste of time and space...
Either way, let's talk about how you handle and care for you Juice !
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Aug 5, 2013
Antelope, CA, USA
It is not written in stone that you have to steep. If an eliquid tastes fine to you straight out of the mailbox, vape and enjoy.

I have a couple of el cheapo Wal-Mart plastic toolboxes for storing vape gear, including eliquids.

I try to mark the date that I received a shipping confirmation on my eliquid bottles when I receive them - I order from several vendors that mix when you place your order. That way I can use the oldest first.

I shake the bottle well before filling or topping off my tank.

I steep, caps on, in the toolbox. I have never tried "speed steeping" - never felt the need to. If I get too low on eliquid before I can order, I make sure to get a couple of bottles of flavors that I know that I like straight out of the mailbox. By the time I am done with those, the rest have had time to naturally steep.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2016
Hi Brett
I have some of my store bought ejuice in the freezer along with my DIY nic supplies while the rest, along with my DIY flavors, is simply in a storage box in 78 to 80 degree house temperatures.
My juice has to be freight forwarded so 2 weeks is minimum shipping time, often 3. So I will try vaping it right away but if it is not to my taste I'll put it away for a while and keep trying it. If it passes the 6 month steep date without my liking it enough to vape then it is prime to be flushed. I've tried quick steeping methods but never seemed to find they did much good.

It is always beneficial to see good practises reiterated and discussed so :thumbs: to your post.
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