Alien Visions:::*NEW* Mountain Berry review

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Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 2, 2011
AVE released a few new flavors last week! I was really excited to see a fruity flavor. I LOVE the fact that AVE doesn't have 100 juice flavors to choose from. That alone shows that Ben cares about the quality that he releases to fellow vapors. Every flavor from AVE is truly unique! While most vendors juices that I purchase, I say to myself, "well, I can make this same juice with my DIY stuff"........I definitely can't say that about AVE's juices. Any juice that i've tried from them would surely prove difficult to reproduce. This review is for Alien Visions Mountain Berry 24mg, 100%VG.

First off, i'm not a "berry" vapor. I've found one vendor that I can do blackberry from & even that one, i have them mix it with vanilla custard to tone down the "berry-ness".
When I opened my bottle of AVE's Mountain Berry, it didn't overwhelm the room. To me this is a good thing. I HATE it when I grab my stuff outta the mail box & can tell which juices have arrived without even opening the package. With this juice I actually had to take the dropper top off to take a good sniff of the juice. Nice scent, not overwhelming.

I first tested this juice by dripping on a standard resistance 510 atty on a simple ego battery. Wow, Wow, and Wow!! Finally a strictly "berry" juice that I can vape and not puke. Now i've had AVE's brawny blueberry & blueberry crumble..........and to me this has the same "aftertaste"/"aftervape" as the blueberry crumble does. What i'm saying is that if you like the blueberry crumble, but weren't ultimately impressed with the flavor, you will love the Mountain berry, because the flavor is more intense, with the same "aftervape". I sense raspberry, blackberry & blueberry in this juice along with the same clean vape that AVE never fails to provide.

Then I tried Mountain Berry in a 3.2ohm Boge cartomizer on a NotCigs Infinity. The Mountain Berry held strong from 3.7 even through to 6 Volts. Definitely did NOT get the burnt or weird taste that I get from most juices at the same voltage.

Mountain Berry definitely has more flavor than AVE's 2 blueberry juices and is vapable clear up to 6 volts. I really hope that AVE keeps making this juice, because I can definitely see me buying more of it.

Flavor: 10/10
Throat Hit: 9/10
Vapor Production: 10/10
Overall: 9.5/10
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