Alien Vision juices, excluding Boba's and Gorilla Juice

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May 29, 2011
New Jersey
If you like Banana, I would definitely recommend the Banana Slurry, they are out of it at the moment, but a flavor worth trying from them. And, if you like the other two you mentioned, try their 555 and Flue Cured flavors as well. The 555 has a sweet nutty taste to it, the Flue is much like the 555 minus the "sweetness".
As much as I love the Boba's Bounty (I've re-ordered 100ml after going through an 18ml bottle) I am struggling trying to finish the Gorilla Juice. It's more like a "sour" base tobacco flavor compared to the 555 or Boba.


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Jun 14, 2011
I would definitely recommend their Massive Chocolate Mint.

That juice is my typical 'bounce' juice when I tire of tobacco and fruit flavors and want to give my pallette a 'check-check', and it's been hanging in there solidly.

It's very tasty on it's own and I've used it to make some custom-blended juices of my own, I like it a lot and have not tired of it at all.


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May 16, 2011
Lexington, KY
I just got my first order from them last week. While I did get Boba's and Gorilla Juice - both excellent but I'm leaning toward the Gorilla -- I also got some other flavors that are pretty good so far.

First I tried the Craveloupe. Going through my first carto I couldn't quite pin down what it tasted like (as opposed to what I thought it should taste like), but it wasn't quite like what I though it would taste like. So I had another carto full. Couldn't pin it down on that one, either. So I had another. That one didn't seem to last too long, so I tried just one more. ...

I think they should call it Crackaloupe.

Watermelon Overload is just that. I think it's my fav of several watermelon-y e-liquids that have passed through lately.

The Blueberry is very intense. It's very good but I'm not sure I even think of it as blueberry. That might come out more if it's mixed with something else, like a cheesecake or waffle e-liquid.

Irish Cream - I'm a bit mixed on that. It's good, definitely can tell what it's supposed to be. More intense on the exhale than the inhale, but... just not quite as intense as I'd hoped it would be.

I've only done one carto of Hype and I recall liking it, but too many new flavors to go through already so I'll be going back for that one later.

So far the batting average has been pretty good. Everything's a sure thing out of the gate with the possible exception of the Irish Cream which I'll have to keep pondering on.

About the only sure "negative" thing I have to say is that I'm not a fan of their bottles. They store pretty well the small ones aren't the easiest to use. Not a deal killer on the flavors, though.


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Jun 2, 2011
SW. Indiana
I just got a package from them the other day. BB, Havana Gold, Gamel, Very Berry Blueberry, Strawberry Cooler, PG - Cheesecake, PG - Craveloupe, PG - Hype, PG - Apple Teaser, PG - Chai and Menthol Drops. I'm going thru one of those phases where I can't taste a whole lot from the fruity flavors. I gave em all a quick try but couldn't really tell them apart so they are set aside for now. The BB, Gamel and HG all came through nicely. The biggest suprise was the Chai! This was one my wife wanted, I never would have ordered it, but WOW! Not sure how I'll like it when tastes return to normal but I now have a goto juice when things are muted. I can't stop vaping this stuff right now. I'll get after the fruity ones when my buds are back.


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Feb 14, 2011
Lee's Summit, MO
The Chai is very good, kind of spicy but not overwhelming, my sister loves Chai Tea and I got this for her to try, may have to re-think that! Strawberry Cooler is very refreshing, & the Blend4 is also quite good, my favorites of all the different RY4s & Strawberries I have tried from different vendors. I also like their Butterscotch, Caramel Kicker and English toffee. I kind of believe that AVE would have to work to make a juice that wasn't good!


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Feb 23, 2011
Okay, so I've ordered the Gorilla juice just because of the hype. It seems I've been lucky to even get it from what I've been hearing. It's available on the site right now!

So what's the big deal anyway? Why is it so different to any other banana flavor on other sites?


Well... Because it's a "tobacco" banana juice. It is pretty much Bobas w/ Banana


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Mar 30, 2011
Im in love with Blend 4... tastes A LOT like my favorite RY4 from BWB...

Tried Havana Gold, Flue Cured, 555, Bobas, Gorilla, and Irish Cream... liked some, but didn't fall in love. I have too many juices that I love to keep juices that don't really WOW me... so I sold all but the Bobas, Gorilla, and Blend 4

I'll order from them again.
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