AGA T2 Confusion

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Apr 12, 2009
Next to the ocean, WA
anybody want to suggest a easily rebuild able drip atty?

I have several and like them all. My favorite is a lightly modified (improved) smok RDA "Octopus" with my own wick and coil.

The IGO-L is nice too, nicer in some ways, but I'm not as crazy about having to trap the wire underneath the head of a screw.

The A7, like the Vision Eternity, uses an air tube to draw air from around the 510 connector and then applies it directly underneath the coil. This makes a very smooth, flavorful hit but is also a potential site for leaks, if you over fill them.

My Phoenix clones are also very good with a nice drip well to hold juice and very cheap too ($4 at reosmods, when they have them in stock)... but they are TINY and relatively fragile.

Last but not least is the AGI that I just got in but haven't built yet. While it also doubles as a tank I bought it specifically for dripping as it's well made, has a large platform to work on, and should perform excellent, with the right wick and coil.


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May 10, 2012
Hey Pipes where are you getting your 100 VG juice from? I pretty much vape VG exclusively myself and get it from Jugheads in Alberta and haven't had any issues with the wicking. If you haven't tried his VG line of juices out yet I highly recommend them! Some of my favorites are his Swedish Pastry, Awesome Waffles and H20 Melonz.
I do the DIY thing. Mix up the nic and VG along with around 8% flavor and 3-5% distilled water. The distilled water also helps but very fine line between good wicking and flooding with poor vapor.


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Feb 21, 2013
North Carolina
...Just that I forever wanted "all SS tanks" on my Mech.Mods. To get that intrinsic hybrid look. If only Carto-Tanks came in all SS, or with a small window - then I wouldn't have been scouring the www - and been content! Thus, the IGO-L and the RSST (both in post already from HV), either of which will look as good as the Aga-T2 on my Sigelei #8 & GP Paps.

Fingers remain crossed!

It's not stainless, but the new cartotank coming from SmokTech may give you the look you want while still using a cartotank.

Seen here: Smok tech glass dual coil cartomizer tank
and here: Pyrex dct, ecigs , ego's, smokless cigarette


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Mar 4, 2013
The Netherlands
I might go ahead and suggest a vamo, from what I know it has almost double the amp limitation (and you don't want to push most batteries beyond that anyway). In my experience it fires up up 1,1-2,5ohm coils nice and quick (1-2 seconds).

To bring out more flavor I have a few suggestions that worked well for me:
-leave out all the tank screws in the AGA-T (yes really)
-try roll a single 2mm strand of silica inside SS 500 mesh, leaving some tail sticking out this wicks like a charm
-try making your airhole bigger by drilling or a lot of wrenching with a corkscrew / rounded hobby pliers
-try a 50/50 pg/vg blend
-like others said line up your airhole just slightly off the wick
-take slower drags? make a tiny gap with your lips?

If you're trying the silica inside SS mesh, be sure to oxidize both the mesh and the wire really really well before rolling the wick. I somehow created a whole bunch of shorts like this, but simply fiddling with it fixed that. I haven't tried oxidizing after I completed this wick because I was worried the silica might get burnt. However, you should not have burn taste issues after dry-burning or checking for hot-spots on a wick like this.
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