FDA ACSH comment on FDA deeming

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2013
Seattle area
I actually expected something more. But.... short and to the point, so perhaps it has a better chance of being read than the 110,000 page Swedish Match doc ;- )

My thoughts exactly. Other advocates have submitted lengthy comments and evidence reviews. The ACSH comment is short, to the point, and punchy. It hits the key arguments and stands a better chance of being read and understood by the average CTP apparatchik.


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 24, 2014
I thought it was an excellent comment. The only thing about it that I could find any fault with was their insistence that smokers "crave" nicotine; if that was the whole truth, then patches and all that other pharma snake-oil would be a great deal more effective; vaping provides a great deal more than just nicotine, which is why it's so effective. I think they could have hit that point a lot harder, that it's the actual resemblance of sensation that is so attractive to those seeking to quit cigarettes, and so effective at helping them STAY quit once they've done so -- lots may quit with the pharma snake-oil, but not many *stay* quit!



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
I particular like that they directly exposed the lies perpetrated on the American public by the Director of the CDC. There is something definitely "sick" with a person in his position blatantly lying to those he is supposed to protect.

I wonder how much of his portfolio is in Big Pharmaceutical stock and if his next job with one of the Big Pharm companies is already lined up.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 2, 2013
Yet, the older, less reliable products entering the market before February 15, 2007 will be grandfathered in under the Family Smoking Prevention and tobacco Control Act. And still, this applies to only about one percent of all e-cigarettes and vapor products.

What 1%? I thought there was zero before Feb 2007. Has something been found?

I commend their ability to edit since I'm sure there was plenty more they could have said. By making a single, undeniable point about a lie being repeated across the country as reason for legislation / restrictions I think they cast doubt upon everyone perpetuating the myths.

I'm not sure the FDA has a conscious though.
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