ACSH - A Friend Of The Court

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2010
cedar rapids, iowa
Hey Kate, your cynicism is not due to old age; it is because tyranny has finally struck "too close to Home". This is what happens with a lot of us, we are so busy with our own lives and just living day to day we don't pay that much attention to what the government and other agencies do - or if we do question some of their activities, we don't pursue it that much - until their Lunacy and Control is at the front door - then we start to "open our eyes" and what we see is disgusting, apalling, and totally unacceptable. We are incensed and outraged and rightfully so. What is truly needed is this level of awareness... (that you and many of us are experiencing) re: governmental corruption, Corporate fraud and extortion and the systematic marginalization of the populace through ever more restrictive legislative control and increasing financial constraints through excessive taxation and a Private Central Bank (Federal Reserve) in charge of the country's money supply...this level of awareness by a much larger group of citizens all at one time rather than small groups such as ourselves, who are just fighting our a***s off to save our particular "piece of liberty."


CASAA Activist
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ECF Veteran
Voltaire wrote:
You're not confusing ACSH for ASH are you?

No, I was just commenting on the fact that the case could go either way considering that there are condemning statements by tobacco executives who state both cases in their comments. The worst thing that could come out of the ruling is that Ecigs could be classified as drug delivery devices and declared to be pharmaceutical in nature, which could result in control by the FDA, requiring a doctor's prescription to buy.

We would then be forced to quit or accept some watered down "all in one" Ecig throwaway device that delivered nicotine with some standard yucky tasting flavor that a pharmaceutical company decided that most people would like. The vapor would probably smell like Febreze.

And even that watered-down, Rx only product would not be available for years and years. First, a company would have to step forward and submit a New Drug Application. Once that was accepted, the company would have to conduct Phase 1, 2, and 3 testing. All of this is expensive and time-consuming. And this is assuming that Ruyan or Joye is willing to pony up the bucks to turn their consumer product into a pharmaceutical product.
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