A strange thing happened...

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A strange thing happened the other night with my Provari. I was in my car, vaping as usual. I had my brand new fluid flask with a brand new boge xl for the on the go vaping, but suddenly, my provari started shooting E1 and E2 errors like crazy. I cranked down the voltage and I checked the ohms of my carto, and it was reading 1.1. Freaking weird, but I figured the carto just shorted out and that was that. But I popped it on my MVP, and it fired. Anyway, I got home, changed the carto, and popped in back on the provari. This time, a 100% fresh carto read at 1.3 ohms. So I popped it on my actual ohms checker, and it read 2.2. I was freaking out. I finally accepted with great remorse that I'd have to send my provari in for service, and then I had a poor-person-fix thought: what if this fix was as simple as popping the battery out and putting it back in. So I did. Needless to say the dumbest solution on the world worked perfectly. Anyway, this happen to anyone else? And why?
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