A praise to Five Pawns

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Jan 18, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
If I have posted in the wrong place, please move it to the right place.

Now, the story:
A few weeks ago, I have purchased a Five Pawns juice from an online retailer.
And the juice I have received was... terrible...
Not only it did not taste like what I have tried in the past, it did not look right (the color was too deep for that juice)…
Since there was no exchange information on the retailer's site and the one I received was supposed to be the last one the retailer had, I contacted Five Pawns to seek for help.
After hearing my situation, Five Pawns told me I could have an exchange and all I had to do was sending the juice back to them.
I don't know how you may feel, but to me, that is the definition of "standing behind the product".
And this is not the end of the story..
I used the cheapest shipping method USPS provided, which had no tracking information.
After a week I sent the juice via USPS, Five Pawns claimed that it had received the juice and asked me for the shipping address.
I gave Five Pawns my address without thinking too much.
Two days later (today), I receive the exchange.
Seeing the invoice inside the package reminded me, I had put a note, which included the shipping address, with the juice and there was no way Five Pawns did not know where it should ship the juice to..
I may be overthinking, but it is very likely that Five Pawns has never received my juice but still send me a replacement (something I can never know as I have no tracking information).

In conclusion, I am very impressed by Five Pawns customer service (communication, how it stand behind its product, etc.).
And I believe I owed Five Pawns a positive review for that.
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