A newbies thoughts on Vaping...

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Moved On
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Jan 5, 2013
Hello Everyone,

My name is Michael and I'm a new vaper (8 days as of this writing), an old smoker and generally disorderly otherwise. I tried E-cigarettes about 5-6 yrs. ago with a product called "Crown 7". I think I paid about $100 for two batteries, 10 cartridges and a charger. Let me tell you, it was less than stellar to say the least. It was basically like breathing, no throat hit, no flavor, and as far as I recall, no nicotine and recharge the batteries every 10 puffs. I think it lasted about a day or two off and on and was quickly retired to the 'been there tried that' bin. Fast forward to Jan 1, 2013, Stephen Dorff and the famous Blu commercial. I thought "Wow! that seems like a whole lot more vapor than I ever got from one of those things, maybe they made some improvements." So Google and I spent some quality time together and after an initial bout with ZeeCigs and getting a feel for the state of the product, I wound up here. What a great community and wealth of knowledge packed into such a tiny little place in the far reaches of the interwebs!!

Without much ado, my research continued in earnest jumping thru the eGo, JoyE, and various clones lines until I figured out what the APV or Mod was and the techie in me took over. I decided early on that I wanted something that would last me most if not all day without being tied to a charger and the new VV/VW Mods with their big batteries fit the bill perfectly. However trying to figure out the delivery systems was pretty tough. Atomizers, Cartomizers, Tanks, Clearomizers, Atty's, RBA's, drip tips, etc was all a pretty confusing mess to the newbie. I didn't even know which ones applied to me or to each kind of mod after reading bunches on here and watching bunches more on Youtube. However I knew I had to take the plunge and it wasn't going to be a cheap one....

Next: Me shelling out almost $200 for an E-cig to "try".

Ya, sell that one to your significant other folks. Well, she trusted I knew what I was doing (bless her soul) and off I went, credit card in hand. Final stop - Pbusardo's review of the Sigelei Z-Max looked like just what the Dr. ordered so that's what I looked for and found. I knew I didn't want to order stuff from all over the place and then have it all showing up at different times. I mean, by now I had worked myself in to a ferver and I wanted to start as soon as possible. So I picked a vendor that had the Sigelei kit and settled on a couple Vivi Nova Slim's, some replacement heads and some Alien Vision juice.

Next: Pray alot

Pray this stuff works together, Pray you didn't just spend a whole lot of cash on something that isn't going to get the Marlboro monkey off your back and Pray it shows up sometime soon! Well, two outta three ain't bad as the song goes.... If you aren't use to the whole USPS Priority Mail thing, when your whole adult life has revolved religiously around UPS, you got some learning to do my little friend. Long story short - Tracking says "Out for delivery" on Saturday morning (NO!! We're not going anywhere today dear!) No mail delivered to our neighborhood at all - ARRRGH!!! , Monday was a holiday and Tuesday the guy doesn't show up until almost 6pm. (Usually delivers by 12 or 1 pm.) Finally!! I fast walk from the mailbox to the house, rip it open, hastily put it together and praying once again that there is some juice in the new batteries (two 18350's), I take my first Vape!

I knew from the first hit/puff/drag/vape that I could replace cigarettes with this! 30 yrs on the Marlboro wagon and it was over in an instant!! The (seeming) ease of use, the flavor, the way it replaced all the psychological and physical needs of smoking an analog was really startling and quite impressive. I smoked 4-5 cigarettes two days later (and hated them) when I thought my batteries reading 7.1v was good for another full day, only to figure out that the device turns off at like 6.2v. -sigh-

Next: Time to order

Time to order more (bigger) batteries and a better charger, but that's all I need and nothing else I say. Ya, I can hear you folks snickering in the back - quiet down! So more reading, more video's, Oh Ya, I almost forgot, more juice. I just need to order some more juice and that's all I need. Ordered a 5 pk. of 12ml samples - Amaretto, Arnold Palmer, White Out, Etc. but that's all I'm going to need for quite some time. Gack!...what is that burnt taste? Oh, Rebuildables, RBA, Atty's...what's this?? Ok, so if I order one of these, no more burnt taste, ordering replacement heads, my, my this sounds like quite the good deal. ATA Tiamat purchased and shipped. Ok, ok, so these things take a freaking tiny fairy with teensie tiny fingers and the patients of some kind of a buddhist monk to put together but hey, I'm going to need something for that rainy day so... better get some more wire and #500 mesh and maybe I can get this to work some day. Ugh.. hate that burnt taste in this Vivi Nova.... Cartomizers seem cheap and folks seem to like those, maybe dripping a couple times a day to keep it refilled wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't anymore burnt taste. Hmmm....Tanks go over the carto? Really? Oh, tanks can slide off the carto and dump all your juice in your hand/lap? Well, that seems like a pretty stupid idea unless there was a way to secure it to the carto. What's that, they make something like that? Ahhh, honey....this is the last thing I swear. I mean look it will save me loads of hassle and the carto's are only like a buck or two and you only have to buy one tank and this Vivi Nova has a burnt taste. We're talking super cheap honey OK?? Ordered....

So what have we learned here boys and girls? Probably something 99% of you already know:

1. vaping is hands down THE BEST replacement for cigarettes currently available. I have tried the patch (several times), gum, various pills, I was in the original study group for Chantix before it was even on the market and have never gone more than 48 hrs without a cigarette and that was sheer will power because the cravings were incredibly strong even with the meds.

2. It is NOT cheaper than cigarettes....yet. I just ordered a 100ml bottle of Boba's Bounty so that should last me forever in the event of one of those Zombie Apocalypses. I will probably need a spare tank and more cartos though, but then I'm good, really....

3. There needs to be a big sign at the top of the E-Cig forum home page that says "Just get a carto and a tank and your good dude!!" (Oh and some Boba's)

Happy vaping....:blush:
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Super Member
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Nov 19, 2012
Hell Paso, Texas
Love love love love, did I saw love, my sigelei. 6 weeks smoke free!!!! Love me some vivi novas. There is a shielding around the stock coil that causes the burnt taste. Ripped it out with some tiny needle nose, cranked the voltage and BAM. Alot of people don't like the novas, no flavor. "carto tanks are the bee's knees" they say. Flavor galore. Baby can I borrow the...."NO"...come on tax man I need my refund.....
If the cartos have more flavor than my novas I am going to.....i don't know, but i am gonna do something... come on tax man....
Sent from my SGH-i667 using Board Express

The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
I'm a "one hit was all it took" person too, but I think we are in the minority - everyone quits in their own time and I feel bad if people get frustrated when they still want a cigarette sometimes.

As far as buying stuff...well...we are nicotine addicts. "Novelty-seeking" behavior is part of being an addict. I think a part of vaping that works for a lot of people is all the gear, it gives you something to obsess about instead of.....wait....what's that? What's a Nano? They come in purple? I gotta go...bye...



Moved On
ECF Veteran
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Jan 5, 2013
Good for you getting off the Marlboro wagon. For perspective, if someone asked you 6 months ago, how much would spend to get off the wagon? I expect that figure is significantly more than you spent on your set up.

I can honestly say I would have said "A Lot!" if they could guaranteed that it would work. This worked and you're 100% correct that I have spent less on this stuff than I would have been willing to spend had there been some "other" guaranteed method. I wanted out that bad but couldn't do it without help.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
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Jan 5, 2013
I'm a "one hit was all it took" person too, but I think we are in the minority - everyone quits in their own time and I feel bad if people get frustrated when they still want a cigarette sometimes.

As far as buying stuff...well...we are nicotine addicts. "Novelty-seeking" behavior is part of being an addict. I think a part of vaping that works for a lot of people is all the gear, it gives you something to obsess about instead of.....wait....what's that? What's a Nano? They come in purple? I gotta go...bye...

View attachment 174287

I agree, what works for one doesn't work for everyone - I don't think people should pressure themselves when starting with this stuff. If you feel like smoking a couple from time to time, then do so. As someone on here said "it's all about the ones you didn't smoke" and I firmly believe in time you'll smoke less and probably quit if you have a good setup.

Bullette the Cowdog

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Mar 5, 2012
Treasure Coast, FL
I can honestly say I would have said "A Lot!" if they could guaranteed that it would work. This worked and you're 100% correct that I have spent less on this stuff than I would have been willing to spend had there been some "other" guaranteed method. I wanted out that bad but couldn't do it without help.
Hi Data
Welcome to ECF. I enjoyed your story & hope you stay around for quite some time.

Let me tell you about "what would you pay to get off cigarettes?"...

In 1979. Yes. A long time ago. In 1979, I paid $540 for a SmokeEnders 8-week course. Way before there were drugs given for smoking cessation. Well, it worked for about 25 years. So I got my money's worth. (Yep. Fell off the wagon & started smoking again. :( )

What is the value today of $540??? Based on an average 3%/year compounded inflation rate, that is the equivalent to about $1,475 today.

Sounds like we're doing pretty good based on that, huh?

Vape on good buddy.
Bullette says woof!

White Rabbit

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Datalux, Congratulations:toast:

Personally, one use of a cheap throw away did it for me. Truth is I was ready to quit anyway after over 50 years of regular cigarettes. After research like you did, I went with Smokless Image starter kit and have moved up to the Vamo and enjoying both. I have been off regular cigarettes since October 2012 and will never look back or go back. Love Vaping, although it will never save me money as I made my own cigarettes in the past. Stick around, post your experiences, encourage newbies, and make friends.


Super Member
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Dec 23, 2012
Weatherford, Texas
For perspective, if someone asked you 6 months ago, how much would spend to get off the wagon? I expect that figure is significantly more than you spent on your set up.

6 months ago I would have said NOTHING. I didn't want to quit then.

BTW, Congratulations on your choice to vape! The Marlboro monkey is a feisty one!


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Dec 4, 2012
Jacksonville, FL
3 months in and I've saved $1.09. Yes, there's an app for that. I just made an $80 purchase of liquids and cartos and who knows what else I threw on there. That brought me down to the $1.09. When you buy a lot of everything it takes a bit longer to start saving, but eventually you do. I think I've tried 5-6 tanks, clearos, dripping attys, 30-40 juices and have an eGo twist, Lambo and eVic. The savings should really start to increase since I have all the hardware and liquid I need for about 3 weeks. The savings will eventually get there, just you wait and see.


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Apr 18, 2010
Paula in Arizona
Welcome to the forum and best wishes on your vaping journey. It is a journey of learning, (spending $), enjoyment (spending $), disappointment, (spending $) more trial & error (spending $).

And one day you will realize you are holding the perfect device & juice. Congratulations on taking a giant step forward.
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