A journalist willing to listen

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
A smoke without exhaust - JSOnline

I emailed him and asked him to revisit this topic, due to recent events. I didn't hear back, so I wrote him again today. It seems I got his attention this time. We need to write real journalists to get this story out. These press releases written by e-cig suppliers just don't have any credibility.

Dear Patrick,

I came across your blog post of May 10, 2009 on the topic of e-cigarettes. I felt compelled to comment, as I fear deeply that this lifeline will be yanked away from us, if the media doesn't come to our rescue! My comments were probably too long to post, so I wanted to email you directly, hoping to find a voice on a larger forum and a sypmathetic ear. E-cig users are a far larger group than anyone can imagine and growing every day. (http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum) Just about every smoker I've come across, just since I purchased mine, has asked, "Where can I get one?" with a glow of hope on their face. The FDA ban and subsequent lawsuits by two distributors has us all in a panic.

Below are the comments I was trying to post to your blog:
Last Saturday, my husband & I saw the electric cigarette at the State Fair. It was AMAZING! Long-time smokers, having tried patches, gum and even medication - nothing worked. We bought two kits and extra cartridges for over $200. I used to smoke 1/4 - 1/2 pack a day and my husband 1+ pack a day. We have both already quit "analog" (real) cigarettes and are only using the e-cigs. I have NO desire to buy real cigarettes and am excited that this new "habit" could easily lead to my quitting any kind of inhalant altogether! Our kids are thrilled we quit smoking and our smoking friends want to get them, too! But now people want to ban them and/or treat us like smokers and make us go out and stand next to the smokers - exposing us again to second-hand smoke (or pushing us back to real cigarettes) and defeating the whole purpose of the e-cigarette!
This irrational fear of e-cigs is truly puzzling to us ex-smokers!!??
What are the REAL negatives?
1. Addictive Nicotine (a non-cancerous, naturally occurring substance) is being inhaled in a cigarette-like way by the user only
2. Ummm......can't think of anything else
1. No second hand smoke. Only produces an odorless, fine vapor - like seeing your breath on a cold day
2. Minute traces or no carinogenic ingredients, no tar, no carbon monoxide or any of the other hundreds of additives & poisons in tobacco cigarettes. The e-liquid contains water, nicotine, flavoring & a type of glycerine (which makes the mist effect & is readily available at Walgreens in many, many personal care products) NICOTINE IS NOT A CARCINOGEN!
3. No missed work or leaving family gatherings for smoke breaks - can be used indoors without bothering anyone else
4. Simulates smoking action, so some people are able to stop using the more harmful nicotine inhaler - real cigarettes - without drastic changing of their habits. There are high, medium, low & zero nicotine liquids - which allow for gradual, pain-free weaning, if desired
5. Less expensive - more money to pay bills or save. Less illness = less medical bills & lower insurance premiums
6. Kids can't sneak cigarettes out of the pack
7. Can be used without any nicotine (can't say that about patches or gum or cigarettes!)
8. Allows smokers to continue their habit/addiction with less harmful effects (Don't judge an addiction - I know people addicted to caffine, chocolate, sugar, reality tv, the internet - but no one is suggesting banning THOSE!)
9. Less intake, because it can be set aside without expensive waste. No finishing the whole cigarette because you don't want to throw it away
10. Less garbage & smell - no butts on the street, no ashes in the car, no smelly clothes, curtains or bad breath

PERCEIVED negatives?
1. It's marketed to kids with candy flavors.
OK, this is just silly.
For one, it costs over $100 for a good starter kit & you have to be 18+ to buy.
Second, since when don't adults like cherry or chocolate or vanilla? Are fruit and candy-flavored vodkas being marketed to kids too then?? Or cherry cough drops and chocolate constipation chews?? Just because it tastes good, doesn't mean that kids are being targeted. It's just another step to getting away from real tobacco taste.
Third, even if a kid wanted to try it for some weird reason, they make ZERO NICOTINE flavors and only sell to 18+ ages. It's a huge leap to think that a kid trying a cherry flavored mist would say, "Hmmm...I should try one with nicotine. It doesn't get me high or give any kind of rush - it's just addictive. Great idea! Oh, and then I'll try stinky REAL cigarettes." Please! Isn't going to happen! If anything, it'll give them something INSTEAD of trying real cigarettes!
2. It's not proven safe.
Really?? You're REALLY going to ban something that is an "unsafe" replacement for cigarettes when cigarettes are 100 times worse? Ban the e-cig and the only alternative for most e-cigarette users is SMOKING. So, which is worse?? It's like banning low-fat ice cream, because it still contains fats, so it's still bad for you. Well - DUH. But at least it's better than full-fat ice cream!?
3. It looks too much like smoking and may encourage use.
Seriously, you would have NO interest in e-cigs unless you are a smoker trying to get that monkey off of your back. And most e-cigarette smokers use e-cigs that look very little like the real thing. They start with those "copies" and then quicky want to move away from anything that looks "real." Mine is black with a blue LED light at the tip! Again, if kids (18+) think they are cool - there are a LOT of NON-nicotine e-liquids available - nicotine & smoke free. Better that than trying tobacco cigarettes!
Imagine if someone invented an auto fuel that was 100% renewable, gave your car better performance, lengthened the life of your engine, had little or no emissions and was 50% cheaper than gas. Awesome, right? All of our problems are solved - travel, shipping, products, cost of living - all cheaper. But the government says, "Wait! We tested 3 cars (out of millions) and there may still be a little pollution in the emissions. So, we think it's bad for the environment, even though we know gasoline is much, much worse. And we're afraid that the enhanced performance is going to cause kids to drive faster and cause accidents (which they already will do anyhow), so without even doing further research, we are banning this fuel!" You would be PERPLEXED and OUTRAGED!
Well, that is how we e-cig users feel. The FDA and local governments are banning us and our salvation out of fear, ignorance and completely irrational arguments, without knowing the facts and seeing the larger picture. Or worse, for their own financial gain.
They are basically telling us that "e-cigs MAY be "unhealthy" so we are taking it away from you - go back to your cigarettes, which we at least KNOW will kill you."
How fair and reasonable is that? Please, Wisconsin, don't follow these lemmings. See reason. See the lesser of two evils that has far, far more positives than negatives. We aren't asking you to try it - we just want to have this option available to us. The only people who benefit from a ban or FDA control are the big tobacco and pharmacutical companies and the U.S. government (taxes and campaign funds.)

Please don't send us back into the cold streets with a proven killer for THEM.


My second email:

Dear Patrick,

For your consideration, there is a much larger story here regarding electronic cigarettes!

Dr. Michael Siegel, of Boston, specialized in preventative medicine and public health. According to his bio, he is now a professor in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Department, Boston University School of Public Health. He has 20 years of experience in tobacco control, primarily as a researcher. His areas of research interest include the health effects of secondhand smoke, policy aspects of regulating smoking in public places, effects of cigarette marketing on youth smoking behavior, and the evaluation of tobacco control program and policy interventions.


He has been writing about the lunacy of the FDA, ASH, ALA and others campaigning against electronic cigarettes and the misinformation out there. There is a recent post on his blog about Smoke Free Wisconsin and the inaccuracies posted on their website:
The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: SmokeFree Wisconsin Maintains Untruthful Statements on its Web Site; Why is the Truth So Threatening to Anti-Smoking Groups?

PLEASE READ THIS! THERE IS A STORY HERE and the news media is completely falling for the FDA smoke screen and blindly forwarding their misleading and false propoganda. This story needs a real and ethical reporter to tell the TRUTH and point out the ABSURDITIES of the FDA, ASH etc and that ambulance-chasing lawyer, Mr. Banzhaf.

PLEASE look into this - or find someone who will. The truth needs to be told before the electronic cigarettes get banned and big tobacco and big pharmacies get their way and keep millions of smokers dying every year.


His reply:

Ah, very good. Thanks, Ms. ***-*****, and I’m sorry it’s taken this long to get back to you. Now that you prod me, I’ll be poking back into this topic.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
Very nicely done, Kristin
Thank you! I'm hopimg more people follow suit and contact THEIR local journalists.

What we need is a well-known and respected voice - like Oprah (or Dr. Oz) or John Stossel to do an editorial about how stupid it is to ban PVs but not cigarettes or other nicotine devices.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2009
Minneapolis, MN
Kristin, your point about kids sneaking cigarettes out of the pack was a stroke of absolute genius! I strongly suspect that many here (myself included) started smoking well before 18, and would sneak a cigarette or more than one cigarette/pack out of the carton of our parents. Brilliant way to turn the tables on the absurd "marketed to children" meme. May I start a Kristin fan club?


Ultra Member
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May 25, 2008
I have written to several journalists and gotten no response. I did not, however, push it. Perhaps I will do that now. Last fall I wrote to a mayor of a city in Indiana whose city council had voted for a smoking ban. The mayor was considering vetoing it. He responded to my letter and asked some questions about what I had said. The mayor vetoed the smoking ban. Do I think my letter made him veto it? Of course not, but it didn't hurt.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
Kristin - Wonderful! Just wonderful. Please keep us updated!

PS Welcome to the forum. Thus far, I have really enjoyed your posts. :)
Thank you!

If I find a worthy journalist to target, do you mind if I copy your stuff? I can't imagine I could put it any better myself. Great job! :thumbs:

Please do! Any way I can help!

Kristin, your point about kids sneaking cigarettes out of the pack was a stroke of absolute genius! I strongly suspect that many here (myself included) started smoking well before 18, and would sneak a cigarette or more than one cigarette/pack out of the carton of our parents. Brilliant way to turn the tables on the absurd "marketed to children" meme. May I start a Kristin fan club?

LOL! Wow, heafty praise, I thank you! I just hope the point gets across to the right people!

I have written to several journalists and gotten no response. I did not, however, push it. Perhaps I will do that now. Last fall I wrote to a mayor of a city in Indiana whose city council had voted for a smoking ban. The mayor was considering vetoing it. He responded to my letter and asked some questions about what I had said. The mayor vetoed the smoking ban. Do I think my letter made him veto it? Of course not, but it didn't hurt.

Go for it! I'm convinced that persistance is key!

Well done!!!

I don't understand how anyone could look at the facts and conclude that ecigs should be banned.

Me either, but no one seems to be giving journalists the real story. It's too easy for them to just reprint the press releases that come over the wire. And it's too easy to dismiss the distributers & resellers as having only a monetary interest. We ex-smokers need to tell OUR story and not just in comments on the web/blogs.

Awesome work Kristin, very nicely done..... can't wait to see what he prints. Maybe you should consider contacting Oprah, we aren't all that far away. :)

I actually already tried to find info on her site of where to submit show ideas, but I'm sure her producers get millions of those a day. She and Dr. Oz have done shows on quitting smoking, but I don't know the doctor's stance on electronic inhalers. I may write him first - since he has prah's ear, so to speak.

bravo Kristin! thank you for doing this.

My pleasure!

Excellent work, keep us posted!

You know I will!! ;)


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 24, 2009
Oregon USA
Very Nice Kristin.

Below is part of an email I received from Consumers Union, I know most people here already know this, but just for the ones that don't.

Minerva Novoa,
Internet Advocacy Coordinator

Thanks to you, lawmakers saw real support for health reform in their home districts in August. You attended town meetings, you delivered handwritten letters. But media reports, always searching for controversy, focused on disruptors and misrepresentations.
In these final days before your lawmaker returns to Washington, we must bring the voice of supporters to the forefront. Show your support for health reform right now with an email to Congress.
And you can do more by taking any of the additional actions below! We've made it all as easy as possible!

Hand written letters make a big impression
Pull out paper and pen and write a letter to your lawmaker. Tell your own story. Express your own needs. A paper letter makes a big impression in this electronic age! Use our letter tips and instructions for delivery.

Go to a town hall meeting!
Lawmakers are still holding town hall meetings around the country, and we're keeping our map tool up to date. If you haven't checked lately, click here to find a meeting near you and guidance to improve your experience.

Write a letter to the editor!
The letters section of your local paper is still a hub for debate in your community about the top issues of the day. Make sure your view is represented by sending in your own letter. We've made it easy! Use this tool and we will deliver your letter to your local paper!

Sorry the links in blue didn't copy over and aren't working, but you should be able to find them at the Consumers Union website. This is part of Consumers Report.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2009
Taking on big tobacco and the state, local, and federal governments ... all who will be losing revenue if these things really take off ... is a huge challenge.

Ugh! Add big pharmaceuticals to the list of anti-ecigs. (just read about the connection to anti-smoking funding from Pfiser ... who makes Chantix).

We could actually see an unholy union of tobacco (who needs to sell smokes), government (who needs the tax revenue and settlement $$ from tobacco), and pharmaceuticals (who need to market their anti-smoking meds) ... all teaming up against a fledgling industry.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 25, 2009
North Yorkshire UK
Taking on big tobacco and the state, local, and federal governments ... all who will be losing revenue if these things really take off ... is a huge challenge.

The thing is that once 'anyone' with even the slightest intelligence takes the time to actually 'think' about it, they will realise there is something very, very wrong and very suspicious going on if there are people wanting to ban an alternative to smoking that 'has' to be a lot better than smoking.
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