A HUGE debt of gratitude is due

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Senior Member
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Jan 20, 2010
Alpharetta, Ga
Hello all. I just wanted to introduce myself.
After spotting a ecig retailer in the mall (very expensive), I came home and did the Google thing. Boy, am I glad I did. I spent days (and nights) pouring over this forum and all the knowledge it contains. Wow...there are some fantastic people here, and more info than anyone's brain can hold.
Anyway, long story short...I'm now 9 days analog free!!! I found a Joye 510 at a great price (thanks Cignot), and a place to purchase delicious juices from (thanks TastyVapor)...and it's all due to this forum!!
Thanks to everyone here for helping me break my 31yr habit. I've tried numerous times to quit, but never was able to let go on my own. Now I finally have the tools to better my life and my health :thumbs:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 19, 2010
i agree with the OP... im a research junky and i as most do like to make sure i get a good product... there is no more valuable resource in the world today (to me) than the internet for researching.

this forum ( only found it yesterday) to me helped me out tremendously already. im sure that i will totally be off the analogs in a matter of days. even if i don’t quite i KNOW i will cut way way back.

Again.. this place saved me days (weeks) of searching and helped me feel like i make the right choice on equipment.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 16, 2010
Here here...

This forum helped me realise that there was an alternative to smoking after 26 years of being held prisoner by the dreaded fags. It also helped me find a good supplier here in the uk in Intellicig and their excellent Evo range. It seems there is loads more variety across the board in the States. lets hope it catches on better and gives us more choice (especially in juices) here in good old Blighty.


Full Member
Jan 14, 2010
i agree with the OP... im a research junky and i as most do like to make sure i get a good product... there is no more valuable resource in the world today (to me) than the internet for researching.

this forum ( only found it yesterday) to me helped me out tremendously already. im sure that i will totally be off the analogs in a matter of days. even if i don’t quite i KNOW i will cut way way back.

Again.. this place saved me days (weeks) of searching and helped me feel like i make the right choice on equipment.

Same here. I am confident I made a great choice. My "weapon of choice" may change as I get more in tune with what I want from vaping but I didn't have to go blindly into this and hope for the best.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 5, 2010
Pennsylvania, USA
Unlike you LovinTheVapor I was sucked into the expensive eCig product, but like you I did the research immediately after signing up for the free trial.

I found this forum and did my research and was in time to cancel my free trial wallet stealing deal.

I am now the proud owner of a Joye510 and after a few attempts at the cartridge mods, I am happily vaping away and loving it.

Cheers !


Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Dec 31, 2009
SF East Bay
LovinTheVapor... I agree with you and also owe a debt of gratitude to everyone on this forum! Cignot and Tasty Vapor are my suppliers of choice, too. :) Great vendors!!

I look back at the misery I've gone through trying to quit smoking and it makes me sad for those unaware of e-cigs. Now I need to pay it back (and forward) and get on the bandwagon to make sure bureaucrats and anti-smoking fanatics don't succeed in legally treating them like cigarettes!
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