A fresh look at tobacco harm reduction: the case for the electronic cigarette

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CASAA Activist
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New study, just published in the Harm Reduction Journal


Suitable for printing and giving to your legislators when you show up to testify at public hearings, or giving to your doctor when you advise him or her that you no longer smoke due to switching to an e-cigarette. E-cigarette consumers tend to be clever folk. I'm sure you'll think of other good uses for the article.

A fresh look at tobacco harm reduction: the case for the electronic cigarette

Polosa R, Rodu B, Caponnetto P, Maglia M, Raciti C.

Harm Reduct J. 2013 Oct 4;10(1):19. [Epub ahead of print]


Smokers of any age can reap substantial health benefits by quitting. In fact, no other single public health effort is likely to achieve a benefit comparable to large-scale smoking cessation. Surveys document that most smokers would like to quit, and many have made repeated efforts to do so. However, conventional smoking cessation approaches require nicotine addicted smokers to abstain from tobacco and nicotine entirely. Many smokers are unable – or at least unwilling – to achieve this goal, and so they continue smoking in the face of impending adverse health consequences. In effect, the status quo in smoking cessation presents smokers with just two unpleasant alternatives: quit or suffer the harmful effects of continuing smoking. But, there is a third choice for smokers: tobacco harm reduction. It involves the use of alternative sources of nicotine, including modern smokeless tobacco products like snus and the electronic cigarette (E-cig), or even pharmaceutical nicotine products, as a replacement for smoking. E-cigs might be the most promising product for tobacco harm reduction to date, because, besides delivering nicotine vapour without the combustion products that are responsible for nearly all of smoking’s damaging effect, they also replace some of the rituals associated with smoking behaviour. Thus it is likely that smokers who switch to E-cigs will achieve large health gains. The focus of this article is on the health effects of using an E-cig, with consideration given to the acceptability, safety and effectiveness of this product as a long-term substitute for smoking.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 4, 2010
Nice!! Thanks for sharing, Elaine. (And for writing it out, Dr. Rodu!)

Sometimes I can't help but wonder that big Pharma knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that a few relaxing puffs at the end of a meal, or in between stressful meetings, is all the avg Joe needs, and if the avg Joe figures that out, big Pharma will lose half their sales.
I can picture the tv and magazine commercials... Side by side comparisons, big Pharma with their long list of side effects, per pill, against eCigs with their 7 puff voila.


Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2012
Tampa, Florida
Nice!! Thanks for sharing, Elaine. (And for writing it out, Dr. Rodu!)

Sometimes I can't help but wonder that big Pharma knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that a few relaxing puffs at the end of a meal, or in between stressful meetings, is all the avg Joe needs, and if the avg Joe figures that out, big Pharma will lose half their sales.
I can picture the tv and magazine commercials... Side by side comparisons, big Pharma with their long list of side effects, per pill, against eCigs with their 7 puff voila.

I'm fairly certain that the bean counters and marketing folk at BP figured that out long ago, and this is why we're seeing the media misinformation campaign we have today.
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