A few short GenX Vapor juice reviews

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Feb 3, 2012
La Verne, CA
At a local vape meet last month, I got a chance to try out a few juices from Gen. X Vapor, and oh, am I ever glad that I did. They're a very new company (in fact, they'd barely gotten their website up before the meet), but their flavors are to die for - predominantly dessert or mixed-drink flavors.

With the exception of one of the flavors I'm going to review, all the rest I ordered at 12mg nicotine. All flavors I tried were a 70/30 blend of PG/VG, which is one of their two main options. (I believe that they can do different ratios by request, but their standard options are 70/30 or 100% PG.)

I'm going to start with what immediately got me hooked, and move on from there. Thus, we begin with their XYZinger. Made to taste just like one of those Zingers snack cakes (essentially a twinkie with sweet raspberry and coconut all over the outside), it does precisely that, although the raspberry-coconut flavor dominates. The sugary cake flavor is there, but it is an undertone, just as it becomes in the snack cake itself. As someone who grew up eating far, far too many of these, I can say that they taste like the ones I remember eating as a kid rather than as the ones I ate when I was older (the raspberry flavoring had slightly changed over the years). If you're looking for a "true" raspberry flavor, this is probably not what you seek -- this flavor is the commercial junk-food variety of raspberry, very sweet and candy-like. But if you do like the Zinger snack cakes, this is definitely something you'll want to consider. There's almost no TH at 12mg, so it's essentially like breathing something very unhealthy but delicious.

Moving on from there, I'll talk about my husband's favorite, Great Melon Balls of Fire (the only one we got that isn't 12mg - he has it at 24). This is a concoction of melon and cinnamon, which are two flavors I never thought would work together but which do remarkably well at it. These are true melon flavors, mostly watermelon and cantaloupe, and they do stand out on their own, but that cinnamony aftertaste sticks with you. It's a potent flavor, and not one that I could vape often, but it's my husband's present all-day vape. At 24, there is a bit of a TH, but it's not overwhelming - just enough to make you notice, but not enough to kick you in the throat. The flavor is not compromised in the slightest bit by the stronger nicotine level, which is something I do on occasion notice in other juices. I do very much enjoy the melon flavors, enough so that I'm considering getting their Summer Melons offering (which I can only imagine is the same thing minus the cinnamon). They also have a Great Melon Balls of Fire and Ice option if you like that cool aftertaste, but I haven't tried it or Summer Melons... yet.

Now we'll discuss Savannah Strawberry Cake, which just arrived today. To me, this reminds me of those little angel food dessert cups, topped with fresh strawberries and a mountain of whipped cream. I should reiterate that mountain part -- the cream is the first flavor that jumps out and hits my taste buds, followed by the strawberry, and then tailing with that angel-food yellow cake flavor. So, to me, I'd likely consider this more of a strawberry shortcake flavor, but oh, is it ever good -- the flavors are pure and true, each one standing out on its own in its own time, and I'll be vaping this one all night.

Next up is Lemonberry Muffin. For me, the immediate taste I got was lemon, and it's a pure, mild lemon, rather than a potent citrusy lemon, followed immediately thereafter by the muffin-cake flavor. The berry is there, but while it's supposed to be a blueberry, and I can sense that, there's hints of other berry there too. I suspect the best description I have for this is a lemon poppyseed muffin that someone dropped blueberries into the mix of and then baked it. There's some undertone, likely in the blueberry, that makes it so I can't vape a whole lot of this, but it's a great flavor nonetheless.

Finally, Chai Spice Latte. This is the only one of the Gen X flavors I've had so far that I honestly am not a fan of. I'm a big tea drinker, and I like masala chai, which in its beverage form has cardamom, sometimes cinnamon, cloves, ginger, black pepper and a bunch of other potent spices that all bounce happily off the tongue, and this... just doesn't. I get black tea, and I get milk, and a bit of sweetness that seems like honey to me, but the spice just isn't there for me. In fact, I think the milk dominates this flavor, and it's a bit of a letdown. It's not bad, but it's not the spicy chai I was hoping for. People who don't like the heavier spices of masala chai might enjoy this flavor, though.

I have more of Gen X's juice in the house (Mudslide, which does in fact smell exactly like the drink of the same name although I have yet to taste it, as well as samples of Strawberry Lemonade and Peanut Butter Cup, both of which also smell quite good), but as I haven't experimented with these yet, I can't really speak to their qualities. Yet. :)

For a new vendor, these people are well on their way to having a phenomenal flavor collection, and I highly recommend the vast majority of the juices I've tried from there. Definitely worth it, especially if you want something sweet and rich!

One important thing to note: I hate juices that have a "chemical" taste to them, or which taste blatantly artificial. To me, these do not in the slightest bit taste "fake"... there's no chemically flavors that should not be present in the original flavor they're working from. That's hard to do, and so I have to give kudos for that.

Now, let me get into the "bad". There's not much. They're just barely starting to roll out sample sizes now (I did mention that they're very new), so when I first ordered from them, all that was available was 30ml. (With the possible exception of the chai spice latte, I don't see that being a problem in our house.) Their 30mls do not have childproofing, so if you have small children in the house, definitely keep these well out of their reach, because the appealing smell will be more than enough to lure them over. The 30mls do, however, have a great needle tip that's perfect for filling tanks.... although for people who're drippers, it produces a very small droplet, and you'll likely need to drip 5-6 drops from that tip where you'd normally drip 2-3 from a regular drip-bottle. (I find the needle tip is also very useful for filling cartos, actually -- much more control.)

Their website is genxvapor.com and I very much encourage people to go take a look. I know I'm hooked, at least, and I never thought I'd be a huge fan of the dessert vapes... but oh, these are SO good!
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