90 days analog-free

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Full Member
Jul 23, 2014
Columbia, MO
I quit smoking the day I bought a starter kit from my local shop. They offered $10 dollars off a starter kit for the pack in my pocket, to hang on their quitter's wall. It was very difficult to part with the pack! It felt a bit like euthanizing an old pet, it's difficult to describe the emotional attachment I had to cigarettes. Handing over a pack, not expecting that person to hand it back, was a very strange sensation. I had smoked around a pack a day for 13 years, and had "seriously" tried to quit 3 or 4 times.

90 days later, here I am. It was very difficult at first, and I still crave cigarettes occasionally. I actually carried my lighter for about a week after quitting, just because I felt strangely naked without it. But I can now stand outside with groups of smokers and not lose my mind. I just got new gear and juice in the mail for the first time.

Thanks to everyone in the forums who make it easier for vapers. I learned everything I wanted to know here. Interesting side note: I had tried Blu e-cigs in the past, and it was not enjoyable (nothing against it if that's your thing). I thought that was the end of vaping for me. What made me try again was the recent media stories and hype about e-cigarettes regarding FDA regulation, taxes, how deadly and dangerous it is for kids and pets, etc. I tend to instinctively and stubbornly oppose such dogmatic nonsense (evidence is rarely/never used, only phrases like "Wild West"). So thanks FDA and vape-haters, you got me to quit smoking!
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