808 Elite versus KR808-DM1

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Vaping Master
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Aug 25, 2011
Blue Ridge Heaven
I think I found my new home. A subforum where I can post KR8 questions and (hopefully) not have people tell me I should get an Ego, LOL. I started with a KR808 about 2 weeks ago, and I've very happy with it except for the battery life. I may try an Ego eventually, but for now, I'm a Kr8 gal!

I've been looking at the 808 Elite from cigeasy and the KR808-DM1 from nhaler. They both have the 3-click button that turns the batt off and on. They both have the battery life indicator lights, which I think will be great. The main difference I see is that the 808 Elite has a 380 mah batt, and the DM-1 has a 480 mah battery.

Can anyone tell me approximately how long each of these batteries will last before needing to be recharged?

I also looked at the iGo and KR-Vgo, but from what I can tell they're fatter batts. For now, at least, I want to stick with a somewhat slimmer batt.

I read one review on the 808 Elite. Any other users out there? Anyone tried the DM1 yet?

There's a $15 difference between the two kits. I'm trying to figure out if it's worth paying $15 more for the extra 100 mah.


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Vaping Master
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Aug 25, 2011
Blue Ridge Heaven
Thanks Bob. I haven't filled a carto yet, but I should be getting some juice in the mail any day now and I'll start. At first I was dead set against it. I thought I only wanted to use prefilled cartos. Once I learned how easy filling your own is (I hope!), I decided to give it a try.

I had already seen SSV2's review of the Elite. Thanks for the link to DonDaBoomVape's as well. Now I have people who have used the Elite 808 and love it. That's encouraging!

How long do you think your batteries last between charges? Can you estimate how much longer a 480 mah battery would last?


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Can you estimate how much longer a 480 mah battery would last?
That area of techno-know-how is not my strong suit.

How long do you think your batteries last between charges?

Now that's something I know about. I get about 5-6 hours between charges.


Idiot Guru
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Jan 2, 2011
Outside DC
Ms. Catmom alot of factors go into how long a batt will last at any mah. Using a lower resistance will drain the batt faster due to the higher amperage being pulled, how long of a drag you take, and how often all come into play. 450 mah means it can pull .45 amps for an hour straight before needing a recharge. You'll be pulling more than that per puff (4.2v with a 2.4 ohm carto would pull 1.75 amps for example). You will get longer use with higher mah, but the difference could be as little as an extra half hour based on your vaping habits. Know people who can get 6 hours out of a 380mah batt, others (including myself) a few hours.


Vaping Master
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Aug 25, 2011
Blue Ridge Heaven
Morandir, I can't claim to understand most of what you said, but I think the extra 100 mah in the DM1 is not worth the extra money. Thanks!

It would be nice if I could see pics of the two models I'm considering side by side. I want to keep my PV as small as possible. Would it be likely that the 380 mah batt would be smaller than the 480?

I think I'm most likely going to get the 380 mah (the Elite 808). It sounds like it will fill my needs well.


Idiot Guru
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Jan 2, 2011
Outside DC
Put it to you this way Ms. Catmom:

Person a uses a carto at 3.3ohm (higher resistance) on a 180mah batt. He/she 5 second puffs, and vapes for 3 minutes every 20 minutes. 9 minutes an hour total. That person could theoritically get 10-11 hours of use at of that batt, give or take.

Person b uses a 2.2ohm (lower resisance) carto on a 280mah batt. She/he takes 8 second draws, and vapes constantly (chain vapes). That person would only get 2-3 hours of use out of the batt.

So if you're not a heavy vaper, less mah won't mean much. For a heavy vaper, they'll be going through batts all day no matter what the mah is.


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Hi Catmon,

Here's a picture of The Elite with its 2ml carto next to a regular KR808 batt and cartomizer.

I got the Elite 808 kit for my son and his wife. They love it because it last them most of the day. The carts are great and fit my V4L Diamonds. The soft drip tip is so much better and makes refilling so easy. I wish the elite came in a auto model. For those that like the manual switch, you won't be wasting your money on the Elite.


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Mar 9, 2009
maybe this is a dumb question, not sure! but trying to decide between the kr808d-m1 and elite 808 myself... any idea if the difference between 380 and 480mah is only in the length of use before you would need to recharge it? or would this also affect how much power it gives off per puff? in other words, will those extra 100mah's come into play with every drag i take from it? giving it a more powerful hit? or do they extra 100mah's only matter as far as usage time before recharge?

also, to anyone that has both of these units, are the batteries/cartomizers interchangable with the 2? as well, are the batteries/chargers interchangeable between the 2? and most importantly, how does the cutoff time differe between the 2? thanks in advance!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 25, 2011
Blue Ridge Heaven
I can't answer either of the two questions asked above. All I can say is I got my Elite 808 and I'm in love :)

sln88, I ordered a kit with a charger, two batteries, 5 cartos and a 10 mL bottle of juice. I thought $49.95 was an excellent price for that. I just wish I'd started with this 3 weeks ago. I doubt I'll use either of the other two starter kits I bought. I've seen several posts saying that you should always charge your battery on the charger that was made for it. I'm a real newb though, so what do I know? :blink:


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Sep 23, 2009
Pheisty, I was just looking at those today. I was wondering how they would work for testing juice.

I'm really anxious to get mine! I haven't vaped in months and am really hoping these new cartos change my view of cartos in general. If this doesn't work out for me, I'm moving to a bottom-fed mod box.
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