6ml black DCT w/ SB, not working

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Senior Member
Verified Member
Sep 25, 2012
Cherry Hill, NJ/Philly
I got a silver bullet today along with an igo l and the 6ml black dct you guys sell. Im absolutely in love with the SB, i think i finally found the vape that will keep me off analogs. Anyways, the igo works fine but the dct tank is working. I filled the tank with juice which is pretty thick juice but the carto it comes with has two holes so i thought it would be fine. After i filled the tank i dropped a few drops intp the carto. I screw it on my SB and nothing is happening. No crackling sound or anything. After a few minutes i kept trying and i took some pulls on it and i got the littlest amount of vapor ever (basically nothing) with a not so great taste. Any idea whats wrong? Should i fill the carto up more? If i do and it works im worried the tank wont fill the carto thru the holes. Any advice?


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
You didn't put anywhere near enough juice into the cartomizer. This is the most important step in setting up a cartotank, called "priming". The carto needs 25 - 30 drops of juice to be adequately primed before putting it into the tank. The filler material has to look like a wet slushy drink when it's ready.

My guess that firing on that dry carto has already ruined it - it's going to taste burnt and you'll never get that taste removed no matter what you try. Start fresh with another carto. (You are using cartos that have holes in the side, correct?)

Here's a cartotank setup guide that I made for new tank owners. Do exactly what I do and you will have a great running cartotank. It includes a link to a video demo that uses many of the steps that I use:


Once a carto is properly primed, the carto will be replenished with more juice from the tank each time you take a drag from your tank. You will be able to refill the tank, with the same carto, multiple times. The setup guide explains how to do this, too.

Once the cartomizer starts to have a stiff pull, it's time to replace that carto with a new one. You should be able to use 25 - 30 ml of juice through each carto, depending upon juice viscosity and juice color (thicker and darker juices decrease carto life).

You will also need to purchase a tank tool to make life much easier for you and your tank. I highly recommend the Slap Yo Moma tool from Big Daddy Vapor. I have a video of PBusardo doing a review and demo of it in the above blog article. It's the best investment that I have made in vaping.
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