Where Can I Get A......? 510 to 902 atomizer adaptor?

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2009
I've been using Eluma Cigs which I believe have a 902 atty. Now, I just received my new Silver Bullet, which I love, which takes a 510 atty. I would hate not to be able to use the 902 atomizers that I already have. Does anyone know how I can adapt it to the 510 silver bullet?
Sir Lawrence


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2009
South Florida
I've been using Eluma Cigs which I believe have a 902 atty. Now, I just received my new Silver Bullet, which I love, which takes a 510 atty. I would hate not to be able to use the 902 atomizers that I already have. Does anyone know how I can adapt it to the 510 silver bullet?
Sir Lawrence

I strongly doubt that you can (without entering the arcane world of modding). The Eluma is not compatible with the 510 (or with any other model, I believe) and I know of no adapter for it. For example, a Google search for +eluma +510 yields two entries (both in ECF): your post and a post about sharing an eluma with his sister when her 510 pooped out. BTW, most posts in ECF about the Eluma are in the Products and suppliers reported as unreliable thread.:(

You may need to bite the bullet (so to speak:D) and buy some 510 attys. As you may know, the 510 is the most popular e-cig model among ECF members. [That doesn't necessarily mean it's the "best" for everyone, just that it has a lot going for it.]

If you like the Eluma, you can switch off between it and the Silver Bullet (as I do between my 801-Prodigy and my 510). They are two very different vaping experiences – certainly in size (e.g., you won't be able to vape the Silver Bullet hands free).

And welcome to ECF, Sir Lawrence!


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2009
Thanks for your reply!

I found out the Eluma Cig Atty is a 902, very unpopular, but almost identical to the 501 with it's threads. It is a little longer, so it can hold more juice, that's what I like about it. The only difference is the outer contact is slightly larger, so what I did was I filed it down a bit. Now it fits both my Eluma and Silver Bullet.
Now, Eluma wrote me saying that their atty had a reverse polarity compared to others. I don't see where that makes a difference since to make a connection to burn, both pos and neg meet to create the heat, no matter which way they are coming in.
So far, though (fingers crossed), I've had no problems with the couple of tests I have done.
Again, thanks for your reply. I'm new to this and need all of the help I can get. I've been trying to get off of cigarettes for 38 years, and now I think I've found a way to do what I love without killing myself and others.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Long Beach, California
Sir_Lawrence is correct because that is exactly what I noticed. The tip of the 902 and Eluma have an unthreaded portion on its tip that can be ground to fit a 510 battery. In regard to Eluma's claim that their atomizer is polarized is bullcrap! I have had some bad experience with Eluma and will never recommend them to anybody. Somewhere in this forum says that 902 will replace the 901. I hope they come up with bigger battery for it, though. I use the 902 often and it vapes like a 901 and has a lot more juice capacity.
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