510 PCC Issue - Red Light won't turn off

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Full Member
Aug 12, 2009
Hey guys,

So I have a really weird issue I was wondering if anyone else has come across, or if anyone knows how to fix.

I have a 510 PCC, which I use regularly. Charge it, swap my two batteries in and out etc. Well today, I noticed that the Middle LED is red, and when I plugged it into a USB charge to re-charge the PCC, the charging LED didn't come on... nor did it ever turn green after it's fully charged.

As far as I can tell the PCC isn't working right now. And here's what's odd.... I removed the 510 battery that I was charging in it from the PCC.... the middle LED is still ON and RED, even though nothing is hooked up to the PCC or anything is inside of it.... not sure what the deal is here.



Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sep 25, 2009
Falls Church, VA
The middle LED being red means the PCC's internal battery is too low.

When you plug in the USB the bottom LED should come on red then go green. The middle LED should go out once charged.

Since your bottom LED isn't coming on when you attempt to charge there is something wrong.

I'd check:

The USB cable. Try a different cable if you have one.
The mini USB connector on the PCC. Is it clean?
The USB port on the computer. Try another port, or verify the port is still good with another device.

It could be that the battery in the PCC is just dead. If you could identify what kind of battery it is you could probably replace it.

Good luck with it. Let us know if you figure it out.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 25, 2009
My middle red light came on, so I let it sit for a while again with no charging battery in it and then tried powering it. The green came back on, I let it fully charge back up then it worked fine again.

I have abused it heavily for weeks, a continuous secondary charger at home and charging batteries all day long when out, so I imagine the internal battery can only take so much abuse.

I await the arrival of my pricey PV mod, I suspect it will be far cheaper in the long run to replace (and then abuse and kill) larger cheaper batteries that hold a charge for hours instead of the the smaller expensive ones that last only 30 minutes and require me to be constantly vigilant about recharging.
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