510 batteries dying after a few weeks?

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Jun 26, 2009
I got my fist 510 kit (w/two batteries), um, 6-8 weeks ago? Something like that. Anyway, I've since bought a couple more kits so I've got a total of 8 batteries (all manual). I don't know which is which since I rotate all the batteries, but two of them now seem to be dead (dead as in won't charge anymore) and a few others others seem to have a reduced life. This can't be right, can it? Do the 510 batteries only last a few weeks? :confused:

I've got four chargers and all of them have flakey lights, so I'm not going by the lights on the chargers. I just make sure I leave the batteries on there a while (usually 3-6 hours). I started thinking maybe it's not my batteries dying, but the chargers. Any thoughts on that?

If the batteries only last a month or so, that sucks, but I'd like to know if this is normal. I've got 901 batteries that I used A LOT before I switched to the Joye 510. None of them ever died on me. In fact, I just grabbed one that hasn't been charged in weeks and it still had a charge! So what gives with the 510 batteries?

Help, advice, explanations, condolences, and conspiracy theory are all welcomed :D


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 18, 2009
Okauchee Lake, WI
All of my original Joye 510 batteries are still working pretty well.... and that's after 3+ months of pretty hard use. Between my wife and I we have about 14 total batteries... not one hard failure yet.

But none of my chargers have "flaky lights"..... and if I were you I'd be suspicious of the chargers (or the possibility that one of your chargers is damaging your batteries).


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Jun 26, 2009
But none of my chargers have "flaky lights"..... and if I were you I'd be suspicious of the chargers (or the possibility that one of your chargers is damaging your batteries).

A single bad charger damaging batteries is something I was wondering about. Of the four chargers I have, one of them has been flaky since day one. Maybe it's messing up the batteries one by one.

Anyone know how to test a charger to see if it's functioning properly?


Trippy Tip Hoarder
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Nov 11, 2009
*The Swamp*
Also make sure your threads on your batteries are clean. I use a microfiber cloth to wipe down all connections. Some use iso alcohol and then a cloth. Make sure no juice gets in the charger by way of battery, also. No pro here, just what I do as part of maint.
These are tips posted in the thread everything 510 related.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 18, 2009
Okauchee Lake, WI
Also make sure your threads on your batteries are clean. I use a microfiber cloth to wipe down all connections. Some use iso alcohol and then a cloth. Make sure no juice gets in the charger by way of battery, also. No pro here, just what I do as part of maint.
These are tips posted in the thread everything 510 related.

Excellent point! Not only the threads.. but the center "pole" (contact) on the battery (which is often coated with an insulating layer of juice). Also, cleaning out the "receiving" end of the charger with a Q-Tip can sometimes rejuvenate it.


Full Member
Jan 30, 2009
I e-smoke more than a year now and that's right, atty last for 7-10 days and batteries for couple of weeks. I have varius models and all with same results. I even order it couple of times from china (joye - they are manofacturing janty brand and some others) and different shops in europe.

Everything else thay say is LIE!!!!
Someon say that they atty last for 6 months and so on - bullsh.., if you smoke it for 2 minutes per day maybe!
Even some shops in UK now have on their webpages that lifespan of atty is about 14-60 days.


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Dec 6, 2009
I been vaping a joye 510 manual for 55 days, I consided myself a heavy vapor, I charge mind at least 5 times daily ea. and leave one on charge all nite. I've not had any trouble with any batteries or atty's. I haven't even cleaned the atty's except for blowing them out once in a while and clean the ends with a Q-Tip and I go thru alot of juice daily.

Hope my luck continues.....I got mind from awesome vapor........


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Jun 26, 2009
So either I've randomly got some defective batteries or a bad charger or two or... is it possible this is because I didn't charge them for eight hours prior to the first use? I've heard some people say you need to do that, some people say you don't need to. I think I did it with some of mine, but I know I definitely didn't do it with all of them.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 18, 2009
Okauchee Lake, WI
So either I've randomly got some defective batteries or a bad charger or two or... is it possible this is because I didn't charge them for eight hours prior to the first use? I've heard some people say you need to do that, some people say you don't need to. I think I did it with some of mine, but I know I definitely didn't do it with all of them.

You didn't need to do it to any of them. Once the light goes green... you're good to go! And you don't need to wait for them to completely die before your recharge them either.


Ultra Member
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Dec 20, 2009
A World Traveler
I still have and use a titan 510 some. After about 2 months I noticed some reduction in battery use time. From what I understand the life should be around 90 days of regular use. I made the decision to switch to a mod, rather than try to maintain the batteries. Cost wise and a better vaping experience, I feel I'm better off. A 5 pack of mega titan batteries were about $70. Price of mod and (4) cr123a + charger total $125.
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