4nine mod solution

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New Member
Aug 21, 2014
New york
Recently I bought a 4nine mod and like everyone else I was having issues with the button. For example, the throw was very nice and short but it was hard to push, only fired on one side ect... As you could imagine it was very annoying and what I thought was a great buy made me feel like I wasted my money. Well I found a solution I am willing to share in hopes I help others who have this problem. Regarding my solution I flipped the magnet that sticks to the battery so the button stuck to the battery. This resolved the firing problem but made It fire when turned upside down. Upon further action if you put a o-ring on top of the battery (where the 5-10 purtrudes) it creates a very nice throw, doesn't fire by itself and isn't hard to push in along with it not being picky on which side of the firing button will fire it. I hope this helps everyone who is having this problem. Also, if anyone is interested I'm using a 35 amp, 2500mah battery, 6 wraps of 24g kenthol on a stillare rda and it produces great flavor and clouds.


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ECF Veteran
Jul 22, 2014
Denver, CO, USA
Is there any way you could show me or explain better what you are doing in this post? I just don't understand exactly, but would really like to try the idea with mine. If you flip the magnets, so the button is stuck on the negative of the battery, wouldn't it always be firing? Aren't the opposing magnets what stop it from firing? I am missing something. Thanks.
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