4 Cartomizers into vaping. Where should I go next?

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Full Member
Jan 26, 2014
Seattle, WA
Just picked up the Aspire nautilus, and the iClear 30B. Loving them! The nautilus doesn't seem to do very well with Suicide Bunny (30PG/70VG). My guess is due to the tiny holes in the head not taking in juice that well. Can't wait to try it in the iClear though, soon as I get some more in.

Using an iTaste VV for power. Currently running the Nautilus and 30B at 4.0-4.2v.

Where do I go from here? I feel like I'm cloud chasing. However, I've been pretty overwhelmed when it comes to the idea of rebuilding heads, or with rebuildables. I have looked into the Kayfun, and the Ithaka. I know the Ithaka is sold at a shop here for $43, so it is in reach if it's good.

Is there something like the Nautilus, where I can replace the heads, or a very 'beginner' rebuildable that can produce better clouds than the Nautilus? I don't mind custom wicking, but when it comes to using a blowtorch and screwdrivers, seems like a tad much.

Your input is welcomed! Thank you!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 17, 2014
Bay City, Michigan
I have Vivi Nova's, replaceable heads, or rebuild, dry hits (poor wicking).
And BCC's = Davide Clone, Squape Clone, and other BCC's, dry hits, gurgles, and leaking.
Most everything needs a lot of fiddling.
Most used now is a IGO-L rba, easy to rebuild, just remove wick (organic cotton ball), dry burn coil, insert new cotton, and drip.
Leave extra cotton to fill the little well in bottom, helps hold more juice.
Coil will last a long time and you can heat the coil up (with your mod) and squeeze, to make a micro coil, just don't push the button when
doing this.
Most reliable so far, and great flavor is just a bonus.
Got an RSST to try out simple rba bottom feeder, can use like auto-dripper, many u-tube vids to show this stuff.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 25, 2014
london uk
The way I saw it was that my experiences with clearos were really good and you really start to get with the idea that vaping will really take over your old smoking habits. You watch videos online while you are all happy with your nautilus ( in my case just regular aspires) vaping away going wow this is great, but watching those videos and reading these forums you know it gets better. Well it sure does, and like me and all the others I guess you know that as you wrote that message. We all go through it and it most certainly leads to the same place, which is going the next step. Go buy yourself an IGo L like heabob mentioned. It was my first dripper and still one of my favs. Its great to learn on. Buy 32, 30, 28 gauge a1 kanthal, or maybe a shop near you sells a tester coil of each. With that buy 2mm, 2.5 and 3 mm sillica. The torch is really useful, there is one on amazon that is the cheapest that uses refillable lighters, how easy is that. Then nail clippers. Thats it. And having the taste vv3 like I do means you can test your ohms, anyway long reply but I had same thoughts just like you and bought all those in one order and just messed around for an hour and really you will have a working rda. I even thought the torch was getting a little extreme but it just makes life easy, you could use the cooker to heat the wire, it means that it makes wrapping coils easy. Anyway just go buy those and all will be clear within the hour and then be prepared to buy lots more because its quite addictive. Good luck. Ps if you are worried about safety the only thing I have as law is check the ohm before and a few times while vaping. And make sure coils dont touch posts and deck. Im leaving mechs for a little while until im very know how.
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