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Fuzzy Bruce

Ultra Member
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May 21, 2014
Fort Liquordale, Fl.
Well, been a member of ECF for a year. Can not believe all that I have learned in this short time. What a progression, too.

Before ECF there were all manner of e-cig alike thingies. Within a couple of days of joining, my first, what I would like to call a pv was the sigelei ZMax. All manner of tanks including RTA's. First of many mech mods was a prize of a Beyond Vapes Neptune. Then came the various VV/VW boxes. I like the box format, just really did not have much luck with these fragile devices. By the six month mark and many bucks into this vape thing I had ten mods in the stable and had passed on a few others.

One particular and vocal group from ECF had brought my attention to squonking. Got my first of five Reo Grands and never looked back. Finally found what worked for me. Now my vape budget is a juice only thing. Have not purchase cigarettes, pipe tobacco or cigars since finding ECF.

Thank you ECF Forums and particularly ECF members for helping me learn about tobacco harm reduction while actually having some fun along the way! I will be buying virtual beers for all to celebrate all afternoon. Well, yours will be virtual, not so much for mine.
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Apr 16, 2010
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