3 Weeks In, No Longer A Newb, the 306LR And Other Miscelaneous Discoveries....

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Supplier's Manufacturer - Offline
ECF Veteran
May 14, 2011
Central Virginia
Hello Folks

a combination of jetlag and fresh oxygen to my brain for the first time in 40 years has me up and about at 4am these days. In the past, I would have chain smoked my way through Jetlag but no more, I sit and wonder in amazement on this thing of ours. I've decided to mention some of the things I've learned for the benefit of fledgeling newbies still on the fence about quitting smokes, this site, and it's intended purpose.

1) Smoking can be beaten. I thought I was the only person in the world that could never quit. I ate cigarettes if I could. I smoked for 40 years, through pneumonia, hospital stays with broken bones, I ran out during my son't birth with my wife in mid childbirth to smoke just to mention a few instances. I tried hypnosis, acupuncture, gums, patches, snus, chew, dip, rollies, cigars, pipes, tranquilizers amongst other things. I'm now into my 3rd week, my family still can't believe it nor can my employees. This thing works.

2) Ecigs are a business, as such, there are good ones and bad ones. If it looks like a cigarette, it's probably not good. To quit, you need long battery life, lots of vapour, heavy nicotine (i did anyway) and dependability. I won't go into which ones as there are plenty of posts on this site. I started with an expensive, store bought cigg look-alike that had no vapour, no throat hit and no nicotine. That almost had me thinking this whole industry is a rip-off. Thanks to this site, I discovered wonderful people that openly shared their knowledge much to my benefit. Before you select a system, think about how much you smoke, when you smoke, how early you smoke your first one when you arise. The earlier you smoke in the day, the more addicted you are to nicotine. If you're one of those social smokers that smoke when drinking or "after lunch", you might be able to quit on your own. You're not an addict.

3) At 52, I was already ceasing to think about the future. I would look at my daughter who's 16 and think, "well, maybe if I'm lucky, I could live to see her married". Those are the thoughts of a long time smoker that's lost the will to live due to thinking that the damage is done, there's no hope, etc.

After 3 weeks off smokes, I can walk for miles, people tell me my "color" came back to my face, I no longer cough for an hour in the morning, food tastes wonderful, and the "ole Hydraulic system" is back in full force. Decorum keeps me from elaborating on that comment but let's just say it's a guy thing...

I find myself thinking about the future now. We can all go at anytime, I know that. Every day is a gift from God and we don't choose our time in or our time out, but it's nice to know I ain't contributing to it.

Since I am less winded and in much better spirits, I'm wanting to excercise. My old comment on that was "I've got a perfectly good car, why should I walk" or, "I ran this morning - to the bathroom" No more, Ol Duke sees me come home and he knows we're going for walkies and he loves it as much as I do.

4) If you stay with this long enough, you will find things that will make vaping more satisfying. This week-end, I discovered the 306lr atty which is a wonderful device. Gives much better hits, warmer vapour and I now know why they make low resistance atomizers in the first place. Too much to discuss here but do your homework on this site and it will pay off.

5) I've always been a gadget guy. This thing of ours has turned into my mose passionate hobby. It's expensive because I let it, but a person could quit with a $50 machine if they wanted to. Learn all there is about system redundancy and back-ups. My terror the first few days was "what happens if my unit fails?". Don't let it fail, get back-ups. Buy enough juice you aren't caught short, buy enough atty's to hold you over until a shipment arrives.

6) Ol Duke is starting to get fidgety now so I'm going to have to take him out soon or explain to momma why the carpet is looking more "lived in"

I will tell you what I use so that it may help you in your search. I remember when I first started, I used to get so confused because everybody thinks their system is the best. Most of them are all good, just find out what your budget is and what you want out of it.

I use a Reo Mini becase it's indestructible and a bottom feeder. I didn't like to drip or change carts. I also have an Altsmokes Alpha tube mod because it's indestructible and my job takes me into some remote areas. I use this for dripping different juices and for emergencies although I sleep with my Reo. I've got a second one coming and a third one will be ordered soon. OK so I'm obsessive, better this than smoking. I see this as an investment in my health not an expense.

I use 306lr atty's for the reasons mentioned above. Get lots of them. I've just now started to explore the 901's and have ordered some. With the proper atty, HV can be replicated to about a 80 to 90% level. I am thinking about making my Alpha into a 6v system by playing around with batteries but so far, have never experienced anything more than 3.7V

For juice, don't select based on what you think you like. I love coffee but hate coffee juice. I hate pineapples but love pineapple juice. Buy samplers and try everything. Remember variety is the spice of life. I said that to my wife once and dodged a cast iron frying pan but thats another story for another time.

I've settled on any good Ry4 style for a daily vape. I load these into the Reo, then during the day, I give myself treats with the Alpha where I hit on other flavors by dripping.

Vermilion River and Back Woods are outstanding service providers that ship quick, are consciencious and make excellent stuff. Not saying there aren't others, but they are great.

Batteries, get lots, and get a second charger in case you lose or burn one out.

Cartomizers - no idea. I've seen where lots of experts swear by them so they must be good. I never have but have ordered 3 styles from 3 vendors just this week-end.

OK gotta go, Duke is dying to take a whiz

God Bless and remember all you need is Love


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Most guys won't admit it but it's true...I'm only twenty years old I smoked for four years and I was for awhile having some serious bed issues, and of course I freaked out cause I wasn't used to them and I never even thought smoking had to do with it...Basically I had a new years resolution that had alot to do with my health so maybe it wasn't the e-cigs alone, but reguardless since the quit, I have been alot more successful and haven't had those problems in quite a bit...Lawl good hearing your success stories...It makes me feel great, If people that have been as long as you can, should be cake for only a 4 year right =p


Supplier's Manufacturer - Offline
ECF Veteran
May 14, 2011
Central Virginia
Most guys won't admit it but it's true...I'm only twenty years old I smoked for four years and I was for awhile having some serious bed issues, and of course I freaked out cause I wasn't used to them and I never even thought smoking had to do with it...Basically I had a new years resolution that had alot to do with my health so maybe it wasn't the e-cigs alone, but reguardless since the quit, I have been alot more successful and haven't had those problems in quite a bit...Lawl good hearing your success stories...It makes me feel great, If people that have been as long as you can, should be cake for only a 4 year right =p

Hey Tim, yes, we've woken up the dogs lately, sometimes twice!
Stay off the smoke and don't hurt yourself!


JC Okie

ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 2, 2010
Tulsa, OK
OMG, cutest little dog ever! So that's the Duke that's leading you around...ha. Very touching post, Torque. I'm a REOnaut myself, and I so totally agree about getting something reliable...then have backups and backups for your backups. I smoked for over 40 years and had resigned myself to dying from some smoking related disease. I couldn't stop....had given up even trying. I call my pv my little miracle machine and it's how I feel about it. I've turned into an evangelist about these things and have to control myself sometimes because it seems like it's all I think about (and talk about) these days....but it's because I truly feel like I've been given a second chance.

Your post just made my day!!! Thank you for writing it.



Supplier's Manufacturer - Offline
ECF Veteran
May 14, 2011
Central Virginia
Thanks for all the support, this is a wonderful site with lots of special people. Duke is my buddy and the best dog I've ever had. He's a puggle, half pug and half beagle. Every once in a while some unsuspecting person asks what he is so I tell him he's half bull dog and half ....zu. 90% of the time they don't get it.
Now I'm waiting for some 901 boge cargos. I hear they're the cats azz. Ill keep you posted
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