3 tobacco juices from Vaperite

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 11, 2010
Littleton, CO, U.S.
I have tried 3 tobacco juices from Vaperite: Madagascar Black Pepper, Natural tobacco, and Organic tobacco. I've already posted my comments on Vaperite in general based on my 1st purchase.

All these juices were vaped on on eGo with a std 510 atty, rinsed with PGA before use. I also vaped them for a day or more to feel confident of having no residual flavors. All juices 70%VG 18mg.

Madagascar Black Pepper: This is a discontinued juice. Todd noticed one of my threads on black pepper, and offered to send me some. That was actually the impetus for my 1st order from Vaperite. The base for the juice was FA Burley, but Todd mentioned to me that he thought the pepper flavor would work well with the organic tobacco, and I don't know with certainty whether what I got was the Burley or Organic Tobacco base.

The pepper flavor is from The Perfumer's Apprentice, and it's different from the FA black pepper. The FA pepper has a woody character to it, whereas the TPA pepper is a bit softer, and more floral. I could definitely taste the pepper flavor, but it was not overpowering. Definitely added a bit of TH compared to the other Vaperite tobacco flavors I tried. One thing I noticed was that as my palate became accustomed to it, the pepperiness tended to fade a bit, and I noticed more of a floral, almost leafy sort of sweetness. This sweetness was much like that of the Natural Tobacco, about which more later. Most of my juices are 50%VG, so it could be that some of the sweetness I note is due to the higher VG than I was used to. I just vaped it again, after not using it for a week, and the pepper character is more noticeable now, whereas I don't notice the sweetness so much -- but I've been vaping Todd's Organic Tobacco for 3+ days, so I'm also a bit more used to the 70%VG juice now.

This flavor definitely hits differently depending on what you've been vaping / eating / drinking last. I don't know what level of interest / sales would be enough for Todd to reintroduce it, but those interested in trying a black pepper might ask Todd about it. This is a good pepper flavor, but not overwhelming. I should add that with food, I like a very strong dose of freshly ground black pepper, but I don't think that level of hit is possible with e-juice. I have experimented with increasing levels of FA black pepper, and got to the point where my lips were peeling before I got a seriously strong pepper hit. I've concluded that black pepper flavor is a good additive to gain just a bit of TH, and a light peppery top note, and even then, depending on what I add it to, I don't always notice an increase in TH.

Natural Tobacco: I don't see this listed on the Vaperite site any more, and I don't know if it's been discontinued or just renamed. I had hoped to post Todd's description, but what I remember reading is that it's a real tobacco maceration. Perhaps Todd can jump in here and provide some info on that. I'm not sure whether the juice needed to age just a bit, or if it grew on me, but I liked it better later in the week, after my initial few vapes on it. I actually vaped most of the 3ml sample over about a day's worth of vaping, using other juices only a few times. As a tobacco flavor, it doesn't remind me much of a burning cigarette. It has a leafy sweetness with a bit of a tang to it, which reminded me more of Rattrays Old Gowrie pipe tobacco than anything else -- now Old Gowrie was a bit inconsistent, and sometimes I'd get a can of it best described as "green", compared to what it was usually like. So, if you're familiar with that, you'll know exactly the flavor I mean when I say that this Vaperite Natural Tobacco reminded a lot of a green Old Gowrie (Old Gowrie is a Virgina pipe tobacco). The only cigarettes I can recall having something like that sweetness were one variety of Nat Sherman's, and Three Castles RYO tobacco. The tangy flavor reminded a bit of rhubarb -- not that this juice tastes like rhubarb, but the tang is similar.

Organic Tobacco: Easily my favorite of the 4 juices from Vaperite I've tried. Once I started on the 10ml of this juice, I didn't vape anything else until the bottle was empty. I will be adding this one to my regular stash of liquids. This juice also reminded me more of a good cigarette flavor than any other juice I've tried. I'm a bit surprised by that, since I really don't expect atomization to be able to duplicate combustion. When i say a "good" cigarette, I'm talking about something like a Lambert & Butler, State Express, Rothman's, and similar. Here's Todd's description:
This is a house extracted Certified all Organic, Additive free Tobacco that I make here at the shop.

I extract the essence of the raw tobacco in PG over a three days. This produces a Real Tobacco taste because it is real but without all the chemicals and bad stuff.

I don't think you will be able to find a more real tasting Tobacco Vape Juice.
And you can't really argue with that, can you?

Overall, I give Vaperite high marks for CS -- my order was processed and shipped immediately, even with 1 discontinued flavor on it. All these juices have a good flavor, and I recommend giving them a try if you're looking for either something a bit peppery and / or good tobacco flavors. I got good vapor production from all. As far as TH goes, I suspect I'm not very sensitive in that area, because other folks report good TH from juices which I find give little or none, so when I report very little TH, well, YMMV.
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