3 Cherry Flavors from Perfurmer's Apprentice

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Full Member
Apr 14, 2011
I have several questions related to PA black cherry, maraschino, and cherry blossom.

Anyone have any good cherry only recipes from TPA? I have spent a week reading posts targeted to TPA and find that these 3 flavors have been used, but there is no solid single cherry only recipe from TPA. Google is a my go to search engine and I have turned hints to PA cherry flavors, but nothing solid to go on.

Starting at a low percentage and working your way up is great, but does anyone have a good single flavor mix that they like, or better yet percentages that they have tried and worked and tasted good?

How long does a person usually let PA flavors sit to age before using them in their own e-liquid? I have read posts where a person gets the flavors and go ahead and mix them immediately. I have read other posts where they let the flavors sit and age for days, weeks, or up to a month. Any ideas?

I guess I'm looking for actual cherry online recipes that a decent enough to vape and give a better idea of where to start. I've seen quite a few FA and Lor cherry only recipes that are quite explicit in mixing, but when it comes to PA they are all rather vague and mystical it seems. :unsure:.

I would have thought that there would be some recipes out there using these 3 flavors, but all I'm reading is "start at 5% to 10%" and adjust to taste. I realize that taste is subjective to each individual, but when it comes to PA flavor recipes it's easier to find multiple PA flavors in mixes/recipes involving these flavors, but not but not stand-alone mixes/recipes.

I hate starting a "new cherry" thread that involves the PA cherry line of flavoring, but a person has to start somewhere I guess. :blush:


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Oct 13, 2009
London, Kentucky
I like where your going with this, a Cherry was my first vape, and will be ordering a TPA Cherry soon, I'm up for suggestions on the best cherry.

As for letting flavors steep when they come in, I would think that they've been sitting on a shelf for awhile, I wouldn't think they're individually prepared to order.

Could be wrong though.


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Mar 9, 2011
Fredericksburg, VA
I dont own any cherry flavors since i'm not a cherry fan, so i cant give you a recipe to use. But i would say all of TPA's flavors so far do not really require aging or steeping. I've used and mixed up flavors as i've gotten them, and they have tasted wonderful right off the bat, not having to wait a week is fantastic.

I have an idea for a recipe, but no way of testing it..Wanna be my guinea pig and test it for me? :p

1% Black cherry
5% Cherry blossom

I wonder if this would make a truer bing cherry flavor? If i could get a cherry flavor that tasted like i just bought a bag of cherries from the store..Mmm that'd be delightful. I avoid cherry flavoring mainly cause i dont like cherry candy, and i dont like canned cherry. So if any of the TPA cherry flavor's dont taste like candy or can's..i'd be willing to give it a try.


Full Member
Apr 14, 2011
Hi Shantia, I had talked with Linda from TPA on the phone regarding a true cherry flavor, but they have had a hard time finding a cherry only flavor. Has to do with the molecular makeup of cherry flavoring and the downside of cherry flavoring and the aftertaste resulting in a medicine like aftertaste. That medicine flavor and cherry go hand in hand according to the molecular makeup of the flavoring compounds of cherry. It's a rather interesting subject, and I have read several chemical analysis reports on cherry flavoring and the compounds involved - but it interesting that flavors like almonds, peach, and cherry are so closely related that all it takes is one molecule one way or the other and you end up with a completely different flavoring.

Suffice it to say that it is enough to wonder why cherry alone is difficult, but flavors that combine cherry taste so good. Yet, when I taste juice that has cherry in it as a minor additive the cherry pops. Oink Oink :) I already tried mixing up some black cherry, maraschino cherry, cotton candy, and a drop of sweetener in a couple of test batches that totaled less than 15% flavorings higher/lower percentages for the black cherry and maraschino cherry flavors and the floral scent was too much to smell and vape...like a light cherry soap. I added cherry blossom to the mix on a whim at a low percentage (1%) and I knew that it was a mistake and I sure was right.

The one thing I can't fully understand is why the scents of cherry in these three flavors smell great, but there is definitely a huge floral tone to them. Not a candy smell, but definitely flower smell that slowly is going away as I have them sitting out in the open capped, but that floral/flower smell that comes along with the cherry flavoring smells has me very curious about why some folks have experienced flower scents in their TPA where others don't.

If I ever get one of these three cherry flavors to produce a good cherry flavor without the flower/floral smell and taste I'll definitely send you some.

So I'll keep experimenting and surfing the forums in hopes of finding out the key to finding a good TPA mix for these three flavors. :matrix:


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Mar 9, 2011
Fredericksburg, VA
That would be awesome, now you have me wondering if i should buy some of the cherry and see if i can be converted. You mention that they have a floral smell and taste which i can actually tolerate to a certain extent, i actually enjoy some juices that have that tone...makes me feel like i'm walking through a field of wild flowers on a summer day :). I just cant stand the cherry flavor of lolli pops or jolly ranchers, just something about that taste that makes my tongue want to hide down my throat to avoid it lol. But on the other hand i adore fresh bing cherries.

Oh and another really strange thing, the only kind of cold medicine i can stand is cherry flavor followed by a huge glass of water...My tongue is so strange!


Vaping Master
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Sep 2, 2010
I use Cherry Blossom at 15 % flavor making it 10 nic. Very nice smooth, mellow cherry vape. I usually vape 24 nic but with this the lower the nic the better the taste. It's the onlyl lcherry I ever found I liked. Here's two sites to checkout

E-Liquid Calculator - An easy way to mix your own E-Liquid

e-Liquid Calculator


Full Member
Apr 14, 2011
Thank you dspin! :) I've been using the eJuice Me Up calculator since it allows for adding multiple flavors.

Did you use any other flavorings such as sweeteners like eth m. or cotton candy with your cherry blossom flavoring e-liquid or use the cherry blossom flavor only with your nic base and vg/pg?

Something I didn't fully think about was the base nic level. I think I'll try mixing up these three flavors with lower nic levels and see how that affects the flavor and taste. Of course 0mg nic I probably should start out at 0mg nic and then add nic to the total base mix once I have the flavor and taste, because the nic will affect how it vapes.

Awesome, something definitely to seriously think about. I think I'll have to open up these three flavors for the better part of a day in order to see if the "flower" smell will diminish quicker.

I'll be mixing up a 0mg nic batch of all three tonight and post my results after giving them a try.


ECF Guru
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Oct 31, 2010
Did you read the comments on those flavors at Perfumer's Apprentice? Many flavors have comments and sometimes recipes customers have posted. The DIY section of this forum has guides that list recommended percentages to try of many flavors - start with the main guide and it may link to some others and see the other stickies. The guide there also has an Awards section that rates the best cherry juices

Cherry Blossom - can be medicinal tasting if used too high. it should be a delicate vape and if necessary very lightly sweetened. I have not made my own yet but I bought it premixed from 2 companies, one that did it right and one that used too much flavoring and the second one I had to cut 50 percent to make it vapable. When it'd right it's a beautiful aromatic vape like vaping cherry clouds

It is recommended you first mix up a 1ml or 3ml batch w/ no nic to test and adjust your percentage.
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Vaping Master
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Sep 2, 2010
No, I don't use a sweetener with it. Dormouse got it right though, its like vaping Cherry Clouds. Very nice. I suppose it might taste medicinal if used too strongly. I tend to like strong juices where you may not. Best way is to start w/small amts and keep increasing the flavor until you find the point you like. I do use alot of VG which tends to make a juice a tad sweeter anyway.

Thank you dspin! :) I've been using the eJuice Me Up calculator since it allows for adding multiple flavors.

Did you use any other flavorings such as sweeteners like eth m. or cotton candy with your cherry blossom flavoring e-liquid or use the cherry blossom flavor only with your nic base and vg/pg?

Something I didn't fully think about was the base nic level. I think I'll try mixing up these three flavors with lower nic levels and see how that affects the flavor and taste. Of course 0mg nic I probably should start out at 0mg nic and then add nic to the total base mix once I have the flavor and taste, because the nic will affect how it vapes.

Awesome, something definitely to seriously think about. I think I'll have to open up these three flavors for the better part of a day in order to see if the "flower" smell will diminish quicker.

I'll be mixing up a 0mg nic batch of all three tonight and post my results after giving them a try.


Vaping Master
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Sep 2, 2010
@ Shantia, Accipiter suggested letting the Perfumey TPA flavors sit uncapped in a dark area for a cpl hours then capping and letting them sit for a week or so, this sounds like good advice, and is what I'm doing atm, makes me sad though cause I really want a good cherry vape Asap!

All good things come to he who waits. It is hard waiting sometime. Wait for the flavors and wait somemore after mixing.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2011
Fredericksburg, VA
All good things come to he who waits. It is hard waiting sometime. Wait for the flavors and wait somemore after mixing.

Hehe amen. The cherry blossom tastes good, but it tastes like candy cherry to me boo. It's good mixed with other flavors like vanilla and stuff. Haven't done a lot with it though since i got it..Going through one of those phases were everything tastes funny :( BOOO.
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