2nd hand vape

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Jan 9, 2013
Poole UK
I know people who actually ask me to blow the vapour their way ! (especially when it's butterscotch flavour).
Generally though i will treat the vapour as i would smoke and exhale away from other living things. The exception to this is when someone makes an ignorant or rude comment about my vaping. In those situations i will generally produce as much vapor as possible and sit in a cloud of it. Childish but fun.


Full Member
Feb 18, 2013
Orange County
I always found it rather queer that people were deeply perturbed by smokers--that people who smoke analogs have a negative association attached to them and are thought to be "hooligans" or troublemakers and people are quick to stereotype is outdated.

But I dont think it should present any problems other than to dry out ones mouth.


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Dec 28, 2012
I know what you mean. I actually just got back from there last month. Old school mentality is what it is. Just tell them it's a lot better than jeepney smog! :p

Lol, it irritates the hell outta me whenever someone who has no clue of what I am doing tries to correct me. Today my dad told me stop vaping at work cause it was irritating his throat.....considering that our business has us exposed to a daily dose of nitric and sulfuric acid fumes, lead fumes, cyanide fumes and other fumes I don't even want to think about that I'm inhaling while working....I was really irritated at him of suspecting my e-cig to cause the irritation.


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Dec 12, 2011
The OC
Im sometimes unsure smoking inside restaurants and certain bars due to people not knowing what it is and thinking that im smoking an analog.


You are not SMOKING an eCIGARETTE.

You are VAPING.

The public has a hard enough time differentiating the two, please stop making a case against vaping.

Words are powerful.

Sent from the ether using the power of my mind... and the Tapatalk app.


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. . . you might want to keep the cat away from VG vapor. VG is toxic to cats in liquid form, not sure about the vapor itself but better safe than sorry.

Actually, it's PG that can be harmful to cats -- but only if they eat enough of it, which is why it's been pulled as a permissible ingredient in cat food. My vet says the extremely low concentration of second hand vape is harmless to cats. VG is totally innocuous.


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Dec 18, 2012
Chicago, IL
I was in Pinkspot's b&m the other day and an employee said, "you're making some nice smoke rings there." When everyone turned to check it out (the store is always crowded) I said, "it's not smoke, it's vape." All the other employees laughed and started saying things like, "how many times have I told you that." Lol.


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Dec 12, 2011
The OC
I was in Pinkspot's b&m the other day and an employee said, "you're making some nice smoke rings there." When everyone turned to check it out (the store is always crowded) I said, "it's not smoke, it's vape." All the other employees laughed and started saying things like, "how many times have I told you that." Lol.

I would totally "like" this post... But I'm on my phone...

Well played sir. Well played.

Sent from the ether using the power of my mind... and the Tapatalk app.

Sarl K

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Feb 8, 2013
Costa Mesa, CA


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Feb 20, 2013
Kansas City
I'm still waiting on my first kit to be delivered but I've been thinking about how I'll vape or feel about vaping in restaurants/bars. I tend to be the type of person that doesn't want to draw attention to myself or inconvenience others but at the same time I know I'm not hurting anyone by vaping. I fully expect management to ask or assume I'm smoking real cigs and after I explain, I fully expect them to understand and allow it. If they don't, I can kinda understand that as well. I mean, they don't want their other customers to think someone is smoking. But the bottom line is, I think we, as current/ex smokers still bear the burdon of what society has deemed as "inappropriate". We still feel bad for blowing a smoke looking substance out of our mouths because we know society has placed such a negative stigma on it. But in reality, I'm doing no more harm to the fellow patrons in that restaurant than that obese chick scarfing down McDonalds hamburgers is doing to me. It's a conundrum for sure. Not sure what I'll do when situation presents itself. Vape freely as I should? Or be ashamed and afraid and be sneaky about it or just totally wuss out and go outside.


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Dec 12, 2011
The OC
But the bottom line is, I think we, as current/ex smokers still bear the burdon of what society has deemed as "inappropriate". .

I shed that burden when I quit smoking.

Society has not Deemed vaping as anything yet... but if we treat it like smoking, why would they treat it any differently?
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