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26.04.2014 Vape Meet in Shibuya, Tokyo

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2013
We are finally having a vape meet! :vapor:

Date/Time: 26 of April, 2014 (Saturday), 20:00
Place: Tokyo, Shibuya, Hobgoblin
Access: https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Shibuya+Hobgoblin+%4035.658345,139.699681&hl=en&ie=UTF8&sll=35.658913,139.701397&sspn=0.00391,0.008256&hnear=Hobgoblin+Shibuya+British+Pub,+1-3-%EF%BC%91%EF%BC%91,+%E9%81%93%E7%8E%84%E5%9D%82,+Shibuya-ku,+T%C5%8Dky%C5%8D-to+153-0043,+Japan&t=m&z=17
Confirmed participants: Robobob1221 + mate, kamatz + mate, Fantasio, 11cloud + friend, Flux, VaprSpot, Birks
Unconfirmed participants: MikeInJapan, HattoriHanzo, Flux's couple of friends, the Modder of the Ramble.

Anyone's welcome! If you wish to participate - just post in this topic.
We also have a special guest joining us - owner of http://www.vapejp.com/ vapeshop!
Due to the date being a Saturday night and in Shibuya, we need to make reservation at the Hobgoblin beforehand. Therefore:

We are making a reservation on the
21 of April, 2014 (Monday).

Be aware that people who will want to participate after the deadline will not be guaranteed a seat in the Hobgoblin, although the place is quite big so we can still probably fit. Come anyway - we will vape outside :p

It is ILLEGAL to sell e-juice that contains nicotine in Japan, so ABSOLUTELY NO juices will be sold at the meet.

PS. Information may be updated.

Updating for Kamatz:

Confirmed participants: Robobob1221 + mate, kamatz + mate, Fantasio, 11cloud + friend, Flux + 2 friends, VaprSpot + 2, Birks, HattoriHanzo
Unconfirmed participants: cycoframe +1, a guy from Filipino Japanese vapers in Facebook and his buddies(?)
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2013
Well, I can't edit the post anymore so updated participant list will be in this post.

Confirmed participants: Robobob1221 + mate, kamatz + mate, Fantasio, 11cloud + friend, Flux + 2 friends, VaprSpot + 2, Birks, HattoriHanzo
Unconfirmed participants: cycoframe +1, a guy from Filipino Japanese vapers in Facebook and his buddies(?)
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Full Member
Nov 10, 2013
Well, I can't edit the post anymore so updated participant list will be in this post.

Confirmed participants: Robobob1221 + mate, kamatz + mate, Fantasio, 11cloud + friend, Flux + 2 friends, VaprSpot + 2, Birks
Unconfirmed participants: MikeInJapan, HattoriHanzo, cycoframe +1, a guy from Filipino Japanese vapers in Facebook and his buddies(?)

My wife informed me that we're driving up to Karuizawa on that day, with the intention of spending golden week there... So it looks like I probably can't make this one event... That said, she and her family change their minds so frequently that the time of our departure may well be rescheduled, or even cancelled entirely... If that is the case I will make an effort to turn up...


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 23, 2014
Toride-shi, Ibaraki, Japan
Ok, as no one else confirmed their status, I got back to Hobgoblin and they have confirmed space for 15 on the Saturday.
As I say it's a pretty big space they got there so those who didn't confirm, but want to join, come along anyway, I'm sure we'll be moving around and mingling anyway!

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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