2 weeks without analogs!!!

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Full Member
Jan 20, 2011
SF Bay Area
I have not had an analog for over three years. I don't plan to ever smoke an analog again. I quit analogs with patches & pills. I don't want to ever go through the first two weeks of quitting again. But the crave never really stopped. It just became easier to ignore-it was always there.
've been vaping since October 2010. Out of curiosity I bought a kit @ 7-11. It was satisfying & a cheap fix. In November I purchased a 510 with 0 nicotine VG juice. I love the ritual. I'm now experimenting with cart mods. I just tried Pete's B.F.D. mod. It's great. I'm a big fan of all the tweaking . I also like combining low nicotine menthol with 0 mg plain to create a cool refreshing vapor.


Full Member
Jan 3, 2011
Folsom, CA
Congrats!!!!!!! It feels great watching those days go by without an analog! I put stickers up on my calendar at the end of each day do I can see all the days I have gone smoke free :) It had been 20 days for me and I can't believe just how much better I feel. I had not come across any smokers within this time until this afternoon when I took my mom to get an xray and we walking by the smoking section. Honestly I could not believe how awful it smelled!!!!

Keep up the good work!!! It is so worth it :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 8, 2010
Some of these menthols have WAY too much menthol, gives me a headache!

I was a 30 year menthol smoker and I agree that most menthols do not do what I expected.
I have settled into cinnamon giving me the best menthol type taste.
Pure smokers, Fire and Ice (cinnamon and menthol mix) is my #1 menthol add. But I also mix
this with a tobacco juice. Straight is way too much.
The typical menthols do not have enough tobacco. If you have one try mixing with a tobacco
flavor and see if that helps make it better.

Congrats to all for getting on the vape train!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2011
Oklahoma City, OK
I'm the same way. I smoked for over 30 years and tried every aid available to quit including Chantix. Nothing worked. My dr. recommended an e-cig and I quit the day I got it. I've never had "grit your teeth" cravings since then. It is truly miraculous. I just wish I'd known about these little buggars 3 years ago! A good e-cig makes all the difference too. I'm still in awe. Way to go Fuzznut!!!!
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