$2 tax on vapor products proposed in Philly to preserve revenue for failing Philly Schools from recently enacted $2/pack cigarette tax

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Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
Philadelphia (PA) City Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds-Brown proposes $2 tax on vapor products to preserve revenue for failing Philly Schools from recently enacted $2/pack cigarette tax, to encourage vapers to switch back to lethal cigarettes, and to discourage smokers from switching to life saving e-cigs.
Phila. councilwoman wants to tax e-cigarettes

It appears that the recently enacted and implemented $2/pack cigarette tax in Philly is prompting many smokers to switch to vaping.

Please note that Reynolds-Brown (and Mayor Nutter) ignored all of the scientific evidence by approving the vaping ban earlier this year, and that SRC Chairman Bill Green was an original cosponsor of that legislation (before he left City Council to become SRC Chairman).
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Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
According to the bill, the tax rate would be as follows.

(a) For each electronic cigarette sold, two dollars ($2.00);

(b) For each milliliter (ml) of nicotine solution sold, other than in an electronic cigarette, fifty cents ($.50), but not to exceed five dollars ($5.00) in total per transaction.

So the tax would be $5 for every 10ml, 20ml, and 30ml bottle of e-liquid sold.
If this tax is approved, vape shops in Philly will likely begin to sell e-liquid in 100ml and 200ml bottles (as they'd be taxed the same $5 as a 10ml bottle).


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2013
Seattle area
Here's a novel idea for "untapped revenue" - tax malicious stupidity. It's far more appropriate for supporting schools, since they are ultimately responsible for the lack of education that lead to the same ignorance and stupidity in the first place.

OTT, where did this absurdity about smokers supporting schools come from in the first place? If the good people of Philly think schools are important, they should all share the cost burden, not relegate that responsibility on the shoulders of a victimized minority (smokers).

Kent C

ECF Guru
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Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
Ban it, then tax it. :lol:

Ban it! ... no wait... Tax it!


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
According to the bill, the tax rate would be as follows.

(a) For each electronic cigarette sold, two dollars ($2.00);

(b) For each milliliter (ml) of nicotine solution sold, other than in an electronic cigarette, fifty cents ($.50), but not to exceed five dollars ($5.00) in total per transaction.

So the tax would be $5 for every 10ml, 20ml, and 30ml bottle of e-liquid sold.
If this tax is approved, vape shops in Philly will likely begin to sell e-liquid in 100ml and 200ml bottles (as they'd be taxed the same $5 as a 10ml bottle).

Seems to me most likely it's the effect of the dropoff in revenue on big tobacco taxes.

Since that's going down they're taxing the obvious 'cause'.

tax is just legal stealing in my book


Senior Member
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Apr 14, 2014
Berwick, PA, USA
This goes much further up the line, trying to recoup money from schools, not that certain people would DARE question the Republican governor we have....

I don't live in Philly, but I do visit since one of my best friends lives there and have talked to them to try and get some information from the council down there so I can pay some people a visit next time I do down there, which of course, will hopefully be soon.

Obviously I don't an issue with some taxes, but when we start taxing EVERYTHING, now we're going crazy.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 29, 2014
(b) For each milliliter (ml) of nicotine solution sold, other than in an electronic cigarette, fifty cents ($.50), but not to exceed five dollars ($5.00) in total per transaction.

So the tax would be $5 for every 10ml, 20ml, and 30ml bottle of e-liquid sold.
If this tax is approved, vape shops in Philly will likely begin to sell e-liquid in 100ml and 200ml bottles (as they'd be taxed the same $5 as a 10ml bottle).

If its capped $5 per transaction, the tax is the same $5 for buying 3 x 30ml bottles as 1 x 100ml bottle?

Still it most penalizes the people who grab a days worth at the convienience store when they get coffee, and least the people who hit a vape shop twice a month for larger orders.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2012
California, Kern
I will never understand the "You used to smoke and we still want our money from you" line of thought.

Biggest thing this will do is hurt local businesses because more folks will purchase online from out of state so not only is the thinking moronic from the start it shoots themselves in the foot in the process.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
If its capped $5 per transaction, the tax is the same $5 for buying 3 x 30ml bottles as 1 x 100ml bottle?

Still it most penalizes the people who grab a days worth at the convienience store when they get coffee, and least the people who hit a vape shop twice a month for larger orders.

it is probably written vaguely to lull people into thinking it means 5 max on the entire purchase.(1-100 items) seams reasonable.
it will be interpreted as meaning each item is an individual purchase.(1+1+1....=100) OGM!


Senior Member
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Apr 19, 2012
North Carolina
Here is the comment I posted on Blondell's facebook:
You should be ashamed of yourself for this proposal. People who switch from traditional cigarettes to e-cigarettes are greatly improving their future health. The rational for sin taxes is to compensate society for the negative behavior (the sin). With e-cigarettes, vapors are improving the overall public health (by not smoking) and should be rewarded for doing so. Imagine the decreased health costs, increased productivity, years gained earning income and paying into the state income tax system that people who switch to vaping will enjoy. Instead you want to punish people who vape and take away a major incentive from switching to e-cigarettes. I really hope that politicians like you are someday named as parties in a massive lawsuit by smokers who never made the switch to e-cigarettes due to your policies. You are willing to risk the health of your constituents for an insignificant amount of tax money that you will never collect. Instead the smart people in your area will make their purchases online or in a smarter nearby city. In reality, your proposal if enacted will cause decreased employment in your area, no significant increase in tax revenue and cause some smokers who would have otherwise switched to a safer alternative to continue smoking. Maybe you should learn to do what American households are forced to do - align your expenses with your income instead of taking more
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