2 into 1 510 connector?

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Has anyone seen or heard of any such thing as 2 into 1 510 connections(1 PV, single male connector into 2 female connectors)?

Is it possible to make one?

If anyone has seen one or if someone thinks they could make one or tell me how to make one id apreciate the help. (willing to $pay$)

Im kinda suprised i havnt seen or heard of anything like this so far.....would we need more power to run somthing like this?

Any ideas on this please post here, thanks everyone.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 10, 2010
ANYTHING is possible, especially with the folks around here!:laugh: I am just curious as to what the need for such a thing would be? Would be pretty cool for those who like to vape more than one flavor periodically....one atty/cart for said flavor and another ready to go at will.(would require some type of switch to alternate between the two)........or I guess if you have a big mouth you could go for the double-toke, both at the same time!!:D:smokie:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 29, 2010
here is a really simple one I made a few years ago

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i didnt wanna say just yet why i was curious cause i dont want someone to do what i had in mind 1st!! lol sorry guys..well i am going to say but before i just try explaining it...im going to draw a few pictures or try to put some kind of model together to show what i have in mind...i think i have a good idea here...but then again mauybe not!

youll see soon! or maybe not!!! the suspense is killin ya isnt it!?!!?! muahhahahheheheh:evil:

Picture 025.jpg

i have quite a few internals parts for older vison stone tanks...im going to try to combine 2 in one tank..the hardest part will be finding or making or buying somthing that will fit both inside...be in polycarbonate or glass..or if i can do no better plastic...hell i might even try cuttin up 2 of the VStone tubes that came with em and making them 1....any ideas or comments are always apreciated...after all i dont really know what the hell im doing...flyin by the seat of my pants.

thanks everyone

also if i do get this made id like to find a neat/clean way to connect the 2 mouth peices into 1 aswell instead of trying to suck on 2 drip tips...and maybe the vision stone internals are not the best for this project...being they are quite a pain in the .......like the normal vision tanks.....this dual-y would most likely be awsome "when it works".
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