189 Days later....

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Idiot Guru
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2011
Outside DC
Never celebrated a single vapiversary here, but today is one of the few that actually means something to me.... 189 days ago was the last time I had a cigarette....

My vaping journey started last September, my wife and I were moving into our own place with no roomies for once, and her biggest issue she ever had with me was my smokming... She wanted me to be off cigs by November 1st. The new FSC's were taking their toll on me as well, and could tell it was time to quit.... In the past, tried multiple times... Used the patch, the gum, you name it... Always would go back smoking (one time had the patch on, chewing nic gum, and smoking a cig all at once, it was nicotine heaven). In that month while picking up a few items at a mall, was first introduced to ecigs, a SE kiosk.... Had heard about them before on Ron and Fez, but never seen one in person. The guy tried his hardest to sell me one, but while I saw the potential in an ecig, knew their model wasn't for me... That's when I started researching on line for the best ecig... ECF at that time kept coming up in my google search, but most of the threads that would come up for people searching for a starter kit usually was answered by get an ego... At that time getting a kit that looked enough like a cig to trick my brain into it was an analog was very important to me... Every other site had the GS (omitting the real names of these companies if you can't tell, but these are their initials) and SC as the top brands, they both were a different 2 piece design, so ordered a kit from each... One was an e9 (kr808-d2 to some) the other a 4081. The GS kit arrived first, tasted better than the SC which arrived later, but the draw was like trying to suck a bowling ball through a straw when they switched their cartos. Their batts took forever to charge, and didn't last long at all.... The SC kit was decent enough, but it too was still lacking. GS kept me of cigs for 4 days before once again I was back on analogs. The SC faired a bit better, but would carry a pack of cigs with it and was still having 4-10 analogs a day.... November 1st had come and gone, and while I was doing better with my cig intake, wasn't off of them. So it was I started lurking on ecf, going through as many pages and sub forums as I could. One in particular really caught my attention, the people there were a great mix of info and ot, the customer service was constantly praised, as was the hardware. It didn't look exactly like a cigarette, but was still cig sized and by that point I had given up on needing it to look like an analog for it to work....

So it was I ordered a V4L kit for myself right before xmas.... On the night of the 22nd of December, knowing my starter kit was to arrive the next day, had my last newport.... Had a very long discussion with that cigarette... I wanted this to work.... When my kit arrived the next day wasn't dissapointed at all. The draw was great, the th great, pt was awesome, and the flavors... Well Nuport wow blew me away.... It was my favorite juice then, and now 189 days later, still is at the very top of my list (vaping it while we speak). Since then I've tried every type of non-mod batt out there, every menthol juice I come accross, carto, atty, etc... In the end, always go back to V4L's batts (especially the king diamonds and stealths) and cartos. I finally ordered a mod, thought it would arrive closer to today, but the wait time was no where near what they said on the site... Even with the Provari (which is an outstanding pv), still use my V4L batts everywhere but while driving at work or on a long road trip where there's no extra spot available for the pt (xm comes before the pt, sorry). If someone was to ask me right now what would I suggest as a starter kit, would still point them to V4L.

8 days after my kit arrived, finally joined ecf. As soon as I could, was posting away in here. I've seen the board go through many changes, vets leaving, new people coming and going, etc. Through it all, it's still been the only place that feels like home here on ecf. I've made many a great friend, and probably my fair share of enemies in that time. A few people really stick out, who's friendship has meant a lot to me... Ms. Keelalagirl, Ms. Jbmcdan, Jeffree sir, Ms. Clover, Maxwell sir, Sawlight sir, Lady Eleanor, Ms. Harmony, Ms. Joyce, Ms. Kanza, Ms. Mookelboo, Ms. Nev, Ms. Sallyem, Ms. Plantlvr just to name a few. The big three have been and will always be just that to me, Ms. Mary Kay (she has been grandmother to us all here on V4L and a huge supporter of their's it seems from the start), Ms. Keyzy (V4L's biggest cheerleader, one of the toughest people I know, and someone who goes out of her way to bring a smile to your face), and SnowDragon sir... Snow sir went from being someone I looked up to for help, to my mentor, to my brother from accross the country. To be mentioned in the same sentence with him for tech issues is truly an honor.... :)

I can't say thank you enough to everyone for putting up with me, and hope that I've at least helped some of you here... This forum is just as important in so many ways as the pv's themselves. It's a true support forum, with some of the most kind and helpful people in all of ecf. Sorry for the length of the post, but well... I am still a big mouthed idiot. :)

One last side not, seemed fate had it's hand in this again though, get to celebrate today with the greatest beer ever, will be going soon to get my case 120min ipa from dfh. :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2010
South Dakota
Words can't express how lucky I was to have made friend in you. You're like the pb to my j. I love you like a brother and respect you for your honesty. You've been there for me more than any of my "real life" friends have been in the last 189 days. I remember when we first clicked and took over the photo thread and got scolded for it. hehe good memories. Then we made that movie thread and just had a blast with that and since then we've been besties. you know if I had gotten pregnant instead of started vaping I would have had a baby by now lol yay 9 months!

Congrats to you, sir! Much love!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Jan 25, 2011
:cry::cry::cry::cry: It's not often dear that you bring a tear to my eye, but darn you.....you did today! An idiot you are not sweetie! It has been quite an honor to call you friend hon! Much Much Love!

Thank you for sharing hon.....(do you realize how hard it is not to "like" your post!?!?!?!?!?!) Congrats on your 189 and ooooo da beer!:drool: ((((((((hugs))))))))


Idiot Guru
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2011
Outside DC
Ms. Clover, you have left me speechless. :) Believe me the feeling is mutual....

Jackson5 sir thank you, the avatars do serve a purpose.... In real life 99% of the time my appearence freak people out...

Ms. Keelalagirl I'm still an idiot. :) The honor is mine, you are one of the greatest people I know. Thank you for everything.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 27, 2011
Burlington, Washington
WOW! I thought 30 days was awesome! Congrats to you my friend!




Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2011
Buffalo, NY
Great post Morandir Sir. You're wise in your words and true in your heart. Anytime you have anything to say I pay attention, but I must say this has been by far one of your best posts since I joined. Congrats on your milestone, and keep on keepin' on. You're one of the many reasons I continue to post and stalk this forum daily. Hope you stick around for the long haul, the vapers new and old, are always in need of good advice.
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