10th day vaping, but cig craving is growing

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Full Member
Sep 12, 2013
Western US
I am 17 days into vaping. There is a HUGE psychological aspect to the smoking habit. (after 25 years PAD)

I have 2 cartons in my freezer. People say to quit when you run out or get rid of analogs, but they make me feel safe.....like if the power goes out, or an asteroid hits earth, or an earthquake happens here, I will be covered.

I have bad cravings in the AM. It seems to take forever to vape to my satisfaction in the AM.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2013
Hamilton, OH, USA
Congratulations on 10 days (11 now?)! I think you've probably got the nicotine cravings kicked by now, thanks to vaping. You may be experiencing what I like to call "phantom cravings". (Similar to phantom pain...like getting a toothache in a tooth that was replaced 20 or more years ago! - been there!) Overcoming these cravings takes a while longer and probably never goes away. In my 50 years of smoking analogs, I quit twice for a little over a year each time. Analyzing those times the reasons I returned to smoking were due to those "phantom cravings." In all those years of smoking I'd built up little habits and mental associations that normally I wouldn't consciously think about - like having a cigarette in my mouth while my hands were busy doing something else, or even just smoking a cigarette because I was bored, or seeing someone else smoking (real-life or on tv or movie). Sometimes I miss the feeling of paper on my lips, and the plastic or metal of my PV doesn't cover it. To me, vaping was a whole lifestyle change. Even though I have a long way to go to pass my previous record of 15 months cigarette free, I think I'll make it this time because I have endorsed the lifestyle modifications necessary to break the mental associations that triggered the "phantom cravings."

Hang in there - you can do it!


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Sep 24, 2013
Red Deer, AB, CA
This is my 10th day vaping and not smoking cigarettes, but it seems like my craving for analogs is just growing days after days. How long does it take for this craving to go away? :glare:

I just went to mcdonalds and after eating the craving was insane I almost bought a pack.

That is weird!!! The wife and I have been off analogs and vaping for 5 days now. And goth of us had Mc Donalds yesterday and both of us had a sudden urge to have an analog as well.

My suggestion is to STAY AWAY from Mc Donalds. If we can no longer eat that crap i guess its just another up side of vaping!!



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2011
Cigarette addiction and withdrawal encompasses much more than just nicotine. The cigarette companies have managed to craft a product that hooks you on several different substances, each with their own time-frame for building up in your system (and getting back out of your system). In particular, the MAOI's in tobacco have about a 2-week lag time, so withdrawal from them doesn't kick in until long after the nicotine is all gone.

The addiction is different for different people; for some the nicotine is the dominant one. For others, the MAOI's can be just as addictive, or even more so. So hang in there; you're not imagining this, it's just the second step on your trip away from the cancer-sticks.

You might also ask your doctor about a non-nicotine smoking cessation drug, such as zyban (I think they have better ones these days). In conjunction with the e-cigs, this might be a combo that works wonders for you. I am not a doctor.

Good Luck!!


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Verified Member
Apr 3, 2013
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Make sure you use an extremely pungent juice when vaping after meals.

The thing that helped me the most was, on my first day, I smoked a cigarette and vaped at the same time:

I took a vape, then took a hit off the cigarette, then vaped, then hit the cigarette. Asides from the "taste", the throat hit, amount of vapor, the feeling of the vapor in my lungs, etc. felt exactly like a cigarette. Then I reminded myself that cigarettes cause cancer...been tobacco free ever since (8 months strong).


Ultra Member
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Jun 17, 2012
hang in there buddy, i smoked 2 packs for 20 plus years and im going on 2 years vaping in may...the first month after vaping for the whole 30 days i relapse because my set up brike open i my pocket on on doctors appointment..someone gave me a stinky and when i took a pull on it i almost puked, i was sick to my stomach...i couldn't believe thats what i was doing for all those years. all you need is the get the right nic level and get a dependable pv and smoking will be history....my all day dependable was a mini pro v with 3 extra batteries in my pocket along with 10ml bottle of my favorite ejuice and a dripper.
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