1 year without a cigarette

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2011
CONGRATULATIONS BREW!! I think it's awesome on how you converted so many people to using REO's. Don't hesitate to tell them to visit the ECF, especially the REO sub-forum. I'm happy for your success and you to see you and your friends and family here more often on here.

I wish you and everyone else further success on quitting cigs for the years to come.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 24, 2010
Congrats..... like you I celebrated one year smoke free earlier this month. It feels good to be rid of the tobacco. I am trying to "sell" the concept to a good friend who still smokes. I can only imagine how it must feel to be able to help so many others on their way to kicking the habit. Is your handbook in digital format? If you are willing to share it id love to have a copy to pass on to my friend. I can pm my email address if you are willing. Thanks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Ultra Member
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Feb 16, 2011
Noblesville, IN
Hey Guys,
Well I have been lamenting discussing the "Cookbook" too much as I must admit it is not a REO-specific doc. As a matter of fact, when I first wrote it I did recommend the REO as the place to start and numerous folks told me that's too much to spend to see if they even wanted to try this technology. My cookbook is basically a brain dump of everything I learned after spending months soaking up every ounce of information I could regarding this technology. My wife used to call herself a "Vapor Widow" because I literally spent 100s of hours scouring all of the available data here on the ECF. I’ve also been contemplating opening up a brick & mortar shop but that is still just a pipe dream. Anyway, what I learned through trial and error, is that a “new to the technology” e-cig adopter seems to accept and ramp up quickly on the Ego+Boge LR Carto combination. Just before Thanksgiving one of my co-workers bought my suggested starter configuration of a standard Ego kit (2 pcs), (15) Boge 2.0Ω cartos(CCV), (2) Delrin DTs & (3) 10ml assorted tobacco or menthol juices for ~$69. This price-point seems to be the sweet spot between the more expensive elegant mods like the REOs and the lesser “chasing the vape” cigarette-like options. I think the key to my success has been the price. You can get almost any smoker to realize this is less than two cartons of smokes and likely worth a shot. I even had a 76 year-old Great Aunt of my wife’s make the switch after 58 years of smoking. Now not to let the REOnauti down, I do recommend the REO Mods as a next step once they decide that vaping is the way to go and I provide them with every pertinent link to steer them towards a successful REO transition. I really wanted to say I am a dyed-in-the-wool REO evangelist but $180 - $250 for an initial outlay to TRY vaping was not getting the masses to take the bait so to speak. So if anyone wants my write-up after reading this long-winded explanation then PM me and I’ll try to polish it up for someone to use without adult supervision. I’m a fairly busy hardware guy and this document is a brain dump that I’ve added to through 7 revisions. I’ve been meaning to clean it up for some time and perhaps someone here will motivate me to “fix the documentation” to reference the world I work in. I currently still talk to almost everyone I give this cookbook to unless it’s being handed off to one of my converts. My manager has been awesome about letting me vape and evangelize as I choose as long as I don't annoy anyone with it. I almost always have my Grand sitting beside my monitor in my office and everybody on the same hallway as mine knows I vape. I'm fully expecting one day to be asked by the HR department to do an E-cig presentation as my company is self-insured and they’ve had a push going for years to get us all to quit. Sorry to be so verbose but I wanted to answer all of the requests and comments. I just hope you won’t hate me for being a pragmatist. :oops: Brew

p.s.- I hope Robert will forgive me for mentioning these non-REO components. I will make every effort to not do it again.


Ultra Member
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Feb 14, 2011
Lee's Summit, MO
The REO forum is a pretty friendly bunch, and I believe I've seen Lisa say previously that mention of other brands is OK on this forum. I would also love to see your Cookbook. I am taking REOs to my kids in Phoenix this weekend, and would love for them to also have access to it, as they are new to e-cigs and anxious to try vaping as an alternative to smoking.


Vaping Master
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May 4, 2011
I’ve also been contemplating opening up a brick & mortar shop but that is still just a pipe dream.

You mean an e-pipe dream :) In all seriousness, if you can afford to pull this off, please do. We need more brick and mortars if we really want to go mainstream. Currently the vast majority of vapers are net-savvy technophiles, and having the common consumer clamoring for e-cigs is the only way we'll be able to bend the feds to our will.


Ultra Member
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Feb 16, 2011
Noblesville, IN
Please bear with me as it will take some time to get it all cleaned up. I'll assume that since you're taking them REOs that perhaps just a primer without the OTHER platform information would be sufficient. This is not a document for all things e-cig but more of a receipe with a pared-down step by step approach to achieve the goal of going digital. Let me know. Brew


Ultra Member
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Feb 14, 2011
Lee's Summit, MO
That sounds great, my main goal is for them to be successful. I can always forward them a copy (with your permission of course) if you prefer to polish it up prior to releasing it. I sent all the juices, batteries, chargers and REOs in the mail so I wouldn't need to be worried about taking them on the plane with me, and I will be there for a few days so I believe they will be off to a good start, I just think when you are trying to make a successful switch, every little bit helps. Thanks! Jeni


ECF Guru
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Nov 22, 2010
Actually Brew, unless there is a specific reason to go small or go mod, that is my go-to recommendation for a brand new vaper, too. I can't tell you the number of times that I have written: "Riva 510 Lite Bundle $29.99 plus 5 pack Boge 2 ohm cartomizers $7.99 plus delrin 510 drip tip $1.49 plus __ mg juice in small amounts of whatever takes your fancy, and don't forget to use the 20% off coupon at the top of the page. And after you have ordered, go to e-cigarette-forum.com"

I think I should just print it up on a card. :lol: :lol: :lol:


ECF Guru
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Apr 20, 2011
Actually Brew, unless there is a specific reason to go small or go mod, that is my go-to recommendation for a brand new vaper, too. I can't tell you the number of times that I have written: "Riva 510 Lite Bundle $29.99 plus 5 pack Boge 2 ohm cartomizers $7.99 plus delrin 510 drip tip $1.49 plus __ mg juice in small amounts of whatever takes your fancy, and don't forget to use the 20% off coupon at the top of the page. And after you have ordered, go to e-cigarette-forum.com"

I think I should just print it up on a card. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Type it into a Word document and then just copy & paste it into a post. Saves a lot of typing. :)

Rhapsodies Fire

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 18, 2010
Bow, WA, USA
Hey Guys,
Well I have been lamenting discussing the "Cookbook" too much as I must admit it is not a REO-specific doc. As a matter of fact, when I first wrote it I did recommend the REO as the place to start and numerous folks told me that's too much to spend to see if they even wanted to try this technology. My cookbook is basically a brain dump of everything I learned after spending months soaking up every ounce of information I could regarding this technology. My wife used to call herself a "Vapor Widow" because I literally spent 100s of hours scouring all of the available data here on the ECF. I’ve also been contemplating opening up a brick & mortar shop but that is still just a pipe dream. Anyway, what I learned through trial and error, is that a “new to the technology” e-cig adopter seems to accept and ramp up quickly on the Ego+Boge LR Carto combination. Just before Thanksgiving one of my co-workers bought my suggested starter configuration of a standard Ego kit (2 pcs), (15) Boge 2.0Ω cartos(CCV), (2) Delrin DTs & (3) 10ml assorted tobacco or menthol juices for ~$69. This price-point seems to be the sweet spot between the more expensive elegant mods like the REOs and the lesser “chasing the vape” cigarette-like options. I think the key to my success has been the price. You can get almost any smoker to realize this is less than two cartons of smokes and likely worth a shot. I even had a 76 year-old Great Aunt of my wife’s make the switch after 58 years of smoking. Now not to let the REOnauti down, I do recommend the REO Mods as a next step once they decide that vaping is the way to go and I provide them with every pertinent link to steer them towards a successful REO transition. I really wanted to say I am a dyed-in-the-wool REO evangelist but $180 - $250 for an initial outlay to TRY vaping was not getting the masses to take the bait so to speak. So if anyone wants my write-up after reading this long-winded explanation then PM me and I’ll try to polish it up for someone to use without adult supervision. I’m a fairly busy hardware guy and this document is a brain dump that I’ve added to through 7 revisions. I’ve been meaning to clean it up for some time and perhaps someone here will motivate me to “fix the documentation” to reference the world I work in. I currently still talk to almost everyone I give this cookbook to unless it’s being handed off to one of my converts. My manager has been awesome about letting me vape and evangelize as I choose as long as I don't annoy anyone with it. I almost always have my Grand sitting beside my monitor in my office and everybody on the same hallway as mine knows I vape. I'm fully expecting one day to be asked by the HR department to do an E-cig presentation as my company is self-insured and they’ve had a push going for years to get us all to quit. Sorry to be so verbose but I wanted to answer all of the requests and comments. I just hope you won’t hate me for being a pragmatist. :oops: Brew

p.s.- I hope Robert will forgive me for mentioning these non-REO components. I will make every effort to not do it again.

Tell your wife from me, that she is not alone. :laugh:

There should be a vaping widow/widower's support group :lol:

And mentioning other things in this forum is fine as long as it's not spamming ....we are all reasonable here and understand that an initial investment of this magnitude is spooky for so many. Oh how I envy those brave few who chose the REO as their first foray into vaping :rolleyes:


Ultra Member
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Feb 16, 2011
Noblesville, IN
Tell me about it. I had a very nice young man working at the local Lowe's walk up after spotting me using my Grand. He heard about e-cigs and was wanting to get a setup for his gradfather who wants to quit but can't handle going cold turkey. I showed him the Grand and explained the technology. I then wrote him a very quick ingrediant list for the EGO+Boge setup. He only lives a couple miles from the Indy Vapor Shop and was headed over there tomorrow morning. I thought he was going to hug me on the spot. Makes my day to see somebody so excited about the possibilities. Not something I see much these days with the whole world in a seemingly general state of funk. I like the idea of having some cards printed up to supplement the hand written notes. Brew

It's not an issue on ECF, it happens when I am out and about. :)


Vaping Master
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Dec 19, 2010
Tyler, Texas
Tell me about it. I had a very nice young man working at the local Lowe's walk up after spotting me using my Grand. He heard about e-cigs and was wanting to get a setup for his gradfather who wants to quit but can't handle going cold turkey. I showed him the Grand and explained the technology. I then wrote him a very quick ingrediant list for the EGO+Boge setup. He only lives a couple miles from the Indy Vapor Shop and was headed over there tomorrow morning. I thought he was going to hug me on the spot. Makes my day to see somebody so excited about the possibilities. Not something I see much these days with the whole world in a seemingly general state of funk. I like the idea of having some cards printed up to supplement the hand written notes. Brew

Hey! Haven't you heard? Vaping is not allowed at Lowe's! :D

Vape on, Brew. :thumb:


ECF Guru
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Nov 22, 2010
Tell me about it. I had a very nice young man working at the local Lowe's walk up after spotting me using my Grand. He heard about e-cigs and was wanting to get a setup for his gradfather who wants to quit but can't handle going cold turkey. I showed him the Grand and explained the technology. I then wrote him a very quick ingrediant list for the EGO+Boge setup. He only lives a couple miles from the Indy Vapor Shop and was headed over there tomorrow morning. I thought he was going to hug me on the spot. Makes my day to see somebody so excited about the possibilities. Not something I see much these days with the whole world in a seemingly general state of funk. I like the idea of having some cards printed up to supplement the hand written notes. Brew

Yep, that's my story too. It's really thrilling when someone gets so excited by the idea. I'm lucky my friends are so thrilled that I stopped smoking because they often end up standing around when I'm explaining things and writing stuff on a napkin. :lol:
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