1 year smoke free!!

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Nov 9, 2012
Well today marks not only my birthday but also my 1 year anniversary for being smoke free thanks the help of electronic cigarettes! Yep last Halloween 2012 I had my last puff of cigarette smoke. On November 1st 2012 I got my first ego c twist starter kit for a bday present and have been vaping ever since! I have since upgraded to a provari and have tried multiple tank set ups and juice vendors over the last year. I have also turned about a dozen of my close friends on to vaping and they are all approaching their 1 year as well. So here's to 1 year going strong and here's to all of you that have helped me. ECF has been a great place to learn about vaping and I've friended many members here over the past year who were more than happy to chime in on my inquiries and give me very helpful tips and advice in my Vaping journey. So as I like to say, "Take a toot and dont pollute"! lol Vape on brothers and sisters and thank you ECF!
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