1 year smoke free!

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2009
Queens, NY

First of all, I would like to thank everyone on this forum for all the great information and support! I really don’t know if I could’ve made it this far without this forum and the support from my loving wife :thumbs:! I also want to apologize for what will probably be a rather long post.

I wanted to post this in the new members forum because I remember how encouraging it was to me as a new member to see other people’s success stories and to know that the e-cig could work for me.

So now I’d like to share my story…

I don’t remember where I saw the first advertisement for an e-cig but when I did, I was very curious. I had been smoking since I was 16 and was 30 at the time. I had tried unsuccessfully to quit several times in the past and at the time I was trying to really cut back on how much I was smoking. I was tired of the smell and the morning cough. I was tired of going out in the heat, cold, rain or whatever to smoke, just to come back inside feeling gross and smelly. I just couldn’t get past a half pack a day:blush:.

I decided to do some research on the e-cig because my first impression was that it sounded too good to be true. I thought, “This must be a scam”. So I started looking around on the web for anything I could find. Unfortunately, this forum was not one of the first places I found. I did however find a site that had some reviews of e-cigs. After reading a bunch of reviews and looking at different prices I decided to go with the Red Dragon. So I dropped something like $120 for a starter kit, extra cartomizers and overnight shipping (I did this on a Saturday though, so I wasn’t actually going to get my kit until Tuesday :().

I wanted to know everything I could about e cigs before my starter kit arrived, so I continued to search the web for any information I could find. I finally stumbled onto the e-cigarette forum. I don’t know how it took me so long to find it. I read, read, read and then read some more. It didn’t take me long to figure out that I may have made a mistake ordering the Red Dragon. At that point I figured I’d at least try to make it work for me.

One year ago today I received my Red Dragon starter kit. I was really excited and after everything that I had read, I felt like I was going to quit for good. I took the half pack of cigarettes that I had left, Duck taped it shut and wrote the date 09-29-09 on the tape. I was very confident that I would be able to quit this time. I think that confidence was one of the main things that got me through the first week.

The Red Dragon was not a bad e-cig, just not the best. With a 3 second cut off on the automatic batteries, it made it tough to really get a satisfying drag. That was when I really realized that I didn’t care if my e cig looked like a real cigarette or not, as long as it performed well. Close to the end of the week, after even more reading, I decided to get a manual 510 starter kit and a PCC from Cignot. I can’t say enough good things about the ladies at Cignot. You really can’t go wrong ordering from them!

I received my 510 kit two days after I ordered. I was blown away! I couldn’t believe how fast the shipping was and the great quality of the product for so much less $ then my first kit. I was really glad that I had ordered the PCC because, as many of us know, the battery life for the 510 really sucks. After the second week of using an e cig, I felt like cigarettes didn’t have the same hold on me that they had before.

I used the 510 with various cart mods for the following 5 or 6 months with very little trouble, aside from the occasional atty or batt crisis. I tried liquid from a bunch of different places, in different nic strengths and decided that Tasty Vapor liquid at 24mg was the way to go. I bought a mod and a passthrough. Then the eGo came out. After seeing a bunch of great reviews for it, I decided to get one and shortly thereafter started direct dripping.

I’ve tried various atomizers from different vendors. I like the 510 atty. I like the LR 510’s too, but they seem a little harsh at times for me. I liked the 510 cartomizers for a while but didn’t really like the burnt filler. Over the past month I’ve really been enjoying the LR 306 atty. For those of you who don’t know, the 306 has the same threading as the 510, so there’s no need for any adaptor. It also has an exposed bridge and as far as I know, is really only good for those who drip. You’ll also need a 306 drip tip because a 510 cart or drip tip will NOT work because of the exposed bridge (basically the drip tip goes over top of the entire atty instead of going inside of the barrel of the atty).

Honestly, the eGo has been my main pv since I got it. I’ve been using the same batteries for the past 6 months and they’re still going strong. Now all I take to work with me is my 2 eGo batteries, 1 bottle of juice, and maybe a spare atty (less of a worry for me since I’ve been using the LR 306 because they don’t seem to want to die :blink:).

I’ve stepped down my nic level from 18-24mg to 12mg without even trying. More importantly, I haven’t smoked a single cigarette in 1 year! I don’t crave cigarettes and wouldn’t smoke one if you paid me! With cigarette prices now being $10-$13 a pack in NYC, I’m saving some money and feel soooo much healthier.

I wish everyone the best of luck and thank all of you!
Keep vaping! :vapor:



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2009
Queens, NY
Happy Birthday Stu! Thanks for sharing your story with us. You have me interested in the 306 atty. Where do you get yours?

I got mine from nHaler, but I'm gonna try some from vapor flow next. They have a special right now where you can get 2 LR 306's and a 306 drip tip for $20. The ones at vapor flow are Cisco designed and I've heard good things about them. I'm not sure what brand the one's from nhaler are, but they're good too.
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