0 Nicotine -- anyone vaping after reaching this goal?

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Mar 24, 2011
I'm just curious if I'm a rare breed here --

I'm not at 0 nic yet. I'm only one month in, so haven't even started to step down yet, as I'm still consuming my original eliquid purchases. (I was only about a 3 pack per week smoker anyway...)

Objectively I think it seems kinda silly -- Putting any amount of money into vaping just so I can boil off some pg/vg with flavor and inhale it sounds like something that would be ridiculous to do if not in the context of it being a step to quitting smoking, *or* if I had resigned myself to having a lifelong nicotine addiction and wanted to feed it as safely as possible.

BUT -- I would actually like to get down to 0 nic, and I also find that I *really* enjoy vaping at least as much as I did smoking (always loved smoking, addiction or no), and that it does a great job of being that thing that justifies stepping away from work to chat with coworkers or etc (which was a big part of why I smoked)

I saw a comment in another thread where someone said "why vape at all at 0 nic" and I can totally see where that would come from.

But I plan to unless it gets taxed into the stratosphere or otherwise becomes cigarette-like in cost.

Anyone already gotten to that point and decided they wanted to keep vaping anyway? I guess I'm just curious regarding what (if any) end-goal there is for other vapers, and whether it includes an intent to eventually quit altogether.
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Jul 22, 2010
Toronto, Canada
I did work my way down to 0 nic a couple months into vaping. At that time I found that some of my favourite juices were just not as satisfying from a flavour perspective. I stayed at 0 nic for almost a month without any cravings for either nic or analogs but I was missing my flavours so I've since bumped myself back up to around 8mg of nic at around 3 ml a day.

Do I intend to stop vaping? not at this time. Like you, I actually enjoyed smoking and so am now very happy vaping instead. :)


Senior Member
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May 27, 2010
Fresno Ca. USA
My intention was to get to o nic, and then stop. However, I can't seem to do that. I started out at 18 mg juice, and I've gotten down to 8mg, but every time I try to lower it, I get depressed. So, I'm going to keep trying, but not gonna hold my breath. I now really don't think I would stop vaping even if I get to o nic though, because I enjoy it way too much!


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Nov 27, 2008
I had my last analog 10 Jan 2009. Two to three packs red Marlboro per day. I stepped down from 24 to 0 nic in three months but I continued vaping for an additional 4 months, it was harder to quit blowing smoke than to quit the nic. I still have a 5v passthru and sometimes vape just pure VG with some menthol crystals, lots of smoke and the menthol gives a throat hit.
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