You're telling customers what?! TKO Knockout Vapor

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Chihuahua Queen
ECF Veteran
Mar 4, 2013
Ocelot: Do you know I still sing the Winston song to myself in the shower? BRAINWASHED!!!

huck hound.jpg

The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Ocelot: Do you know I still sing the Winston song to myself in the shower? BRAINWASHED!!!

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Those toys are amazing! I had "Petite Princess" doll furniture and one of the accessories for a coffee table set-up was a tiny ashtray with a cigarette in it.


Vaping Master
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Apr 14, 2013
Not at all - I said nothing about rape victims. I was responding ONLY to this quote, "do you think that smokers are *STUPID* and willingly do something that they know is causing them harm?".

To say that we did not know smoking caused us harm was to infer that we are stupid (cause I'm pretty sure we all knew that smoking was bad for us in some way or another.) Rape and smoking - not even close to comparable. Let's not go THERE please.

First off you did not distinguish in any way between one victim sort or another. You pretty much said Victims are stupid, ie all victims are stupid from a logic standpoint.

2nd earlier in this thread what this company is doing to people trying to quit was already called rape by someone else earlier in this thread. Go look it up if you care to.

What I see is you are feeling defensive because your perception of the situation is not being well received and are trying frantically to sort the matter and really only making things worse. In any case I can agree that we will not agree on this one.

I do not see how a non internet using 75 year old who has been told quit or die and sees ecig commercials on tv is supposed to KNOW this company is a ripoff. How is it possible for them to make an informed choice? They are indeed a victim and if they buy from this company a victim of financial rape.

Now I am out of here. This thread is like a train wreck you don't want to look but you do anyways. SO I am shutting down my browser. Maybe by morning my red headed temper will have cooled.

Night everyone.
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